
Chapter 432 Don’t think about it

What do you plan to do next?

Questions like this, even when the five members of the Battle team gathered together, the other partners never asked Zhou Mo easily.

Because I don't want to touch his scars anymore.

But at this moment, the question came from No. 1, so it didn't make people feel anything strange or excessive.

The tone was calm and gentle, just out of concern for the younger generation as an elder in the past.

Zhou Mo was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously said:

"I don't have any plans. I just want to go home and continue taking care of the convenience store..."

After saying this, he paused for a moment, then looked at his right hand and smiled helplessly:

"after all."

"There's nothing else you can do."

There was no heavy negative self-pity in his tone, but more like a kind of calm acceptance of fate.

If he could, if conditions allowed, he would never give up his old e-sports dream easily, but again, for a professional e-sports player, especially a professional e-sports ADC player, what he said a few years ago The accident he suffered had ruined almost his entire future.

Even if there were two top legendary seniors in the past e-sports circle standing in front of him, they could not give him any help or change the outcome in the slightest in the face of this reality.

The atmosphere seemed to become a bit heavy and depressing at this moment.

Then Zhou Mo seemed to notice the depressed mood in the air. He shook his head, thought about changing the topic, and spoke again with a smile:

"However, recently I have met some children who are also die-hard League of Legends players."

"Perhaps we can consider taking them to participate in some small competitions in the future - as a coach or something like that."

"For this LSPL selection, I also played with them..."

Just when Zhou Mo regained his energy and wanted to explain the matter in detail to the two seniors in front of him, No. 1 nodded slightly and took over the words:


"I know."

So Zhou Mo was stunned again, and then quickly realized that he had taken the top team to participate in the competition, and perhaps had been noticed by Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu early.

Or maybe——

Just when he thought he had completely cut off contact with his past life for so many years, in fact, he had never truly escaped the attention of his seniors.

Several seniors have always had an unending concern and concern for him.

My mood was inexplicably touched at this moment, giving rise to a complex and unspeakable emotion.

Zhou Mo lowered his head slightly:

"Senior, I'm sorry."

It seemed like an apology for no reason.

But the three people present could all understand its meaning.


The decisive victory of the past - Battle was so dazzling, and the tacit voice as the team's ADC was so amazing. The seniors who were the legends of the previous generation of the national server were once gratified and rewarded with huge expectations that they could take over and serve for the new generation. The national server e-sports takes up the important task.

But in the end, both the decisive battle and the silent team that stood almost at the top of the ADC position in the past quietly retired after the S1 season and ceased to exist.

How great is the hope, how great is the disappointment.

The team was disbanded back then. As members of the former team, they were just in their own emotions, angry or depressed, but they did not really spend time to think about it. Several seniors who also poured countless efforts into them, What a feeling.

This apology, too, is too late.

However, after hearing Zhou Mo's words, No. 5 on the side raised his eyebrows:

"How is this your fault, Xiao Mo?"

"You don't owe anyone, not even us, no need to apologize."

A gentle reproach.

But with unquestionable determination.

Zhou Mo couldn't help but feel warm again in his heart after hearing this. Sister Xiaowu in front of him was still the same as before, as if no matter what happened or what situation he was in, he would always be so considerate to them.

But the more this happens, the more guilty, even annoyed and regretful he feels now.

The number one next to me also shook his head:

"What you said, Miss Wu, is right."

"It's true that you don't owe anyone anything. In the final analysis, we, the seniors, did not consider many things carefully and neglected to take care of you."


Speaking of this, No. 1 paused for a moment, with a somewhat ashamed and apologetic look on his face, but then he raised his head and looked straight at Zhou Mo's face:

"Perhaps, there will be something coming next, and I will have to owe you more."

Zhou Mo was stunned.

Then he came to his senses and vaguely guessed some of the meaning of No. 1's words in front of him.

But the more this happened, the doubts in his mind became more and more intense:


No. 1 reached out and rubbed the temples on his forehead:

"Your high-speed train should start checking tickets in a while, right?"

"Hurry up and take some time."

"I should be able to tell you the general situation."

Because I didn’t want to delay Zhou Mo’s time to enter the station to take the high-speed train, No. 1’s narrative was deliberately summarized, direct and to the point.

From beginning to end, No. 1's narrative tone is calm and steady, without too many emotional ups and downs.

But with the simple analysis of each incident, the story goes deeper step by step.

As the only audience member, the expression on Zhou Mo's face kept changing drastically, from surprise to shock, and then from shock to solemnity and even heaviness.

A few minutes later.

All narration is finished.

As the narrator, No. 1 breathed a sigh of relief: "Basically, this is the situation."

Zhou Mo was silent for a long time before slowly speaking:

"So...that's it."

There was unconcealable shock and complex emotions in his tone.

Although in the past six months, he finally started to pay attention to professional e-sports again in the small town of Xiacheng, but after all, they were too far apart, and there were too many insider truths and complicated secrets that have now become a circle. He cannot know what outsiders know.



He finally got a rough idea of ​​the current situation in the e-sports circle - or the national server e-sports - through No. 1's narration.

Even if the understanding is not detailed enough, it is not deep enough.

But this is just a rough outline.

That's enough to scare people.

"So, it's very difficult to handle."

Number 1 sighed softly: "Your sister Xiao Wu and I, as well as your seniors number 2, 3 and 4, must go all out to participate, but even so, there is still no guarantee of success."

"The main key is that we must not lose this time."

"Can't lose at any point."


"Even if it's a bargaining chip that can increase your chances of winning a little bit, you should try your best to fight for it."

At this point, the meaning was actually clear enough, but No. 1 looked at Zhou Mo with a rare expression of solemnity:


"Everything is your own choice, I won't force you."

"Actually, it would be too much to force you to help at this time, so I just hope you can think about it after you go back..."

The words have not yet finished.

But it had been interrupted without hesitation.

"Don't think about it."

Zhou Mo raised his head and met the gaze of No. 1, who was equally solemn and firm:

"Anywhere I can be of use——"

"I will definitely do it."

I'm sending you an update. I'm on a business trip the day after my birthday. I'm exhausted. I'll try to update a few more chapters when I get back in two days.

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