
Chapter 425 Drink!

I thought that all the turmoil had been eliminated and disappeared.

The five members of the old battle team at the table were eating barbecue and drinking beer. It seemed that the atmosphere was finally relaxing a little bit.


As Mu Qiu spoke these words, the air on the table suddenly seemed to tense up again.

Under other circumstances, such a sentence would be more like a joke at the wine table and not a big deal.

However, when it came out of Mu Qiu's mouth at this moment, the other four people present could not detect the slightest hint of a joke in it.

Just like the cold expression on Mu Qiu's face without any hint of a smile.

Li Shiyi and Tian Tian's eyelids couldn't help but twitch, realizing that the atmosphere had become wrong again. They wanted to speak out to smooth things over, but they didn't dare to speak easily, for fear that the good atmosphere would be made worse again.

Zhou Mo also frowned slightly, his eyes falling on his former auxiliary partner, with reproach:


In his opinion, they had already finished talking when they were talking on the roadside.

It is inappropriate to cause such incidents or even find fault at this time.

At this moment, Mu Qiu did not look at Zhou Mo. Instead, her eyes fell on Lin Feng and sneered:


"I couldn't drink back then, but my drinking capacity hasn't improved yet?"

One sentence seemed to bring back memories.

When we were still in the S1 season, the members of the Battle team were not very old, and Lin Feng was the youngest among them, even underage.

At that time, whenever there was an important victory in a game, the team would have a celebration banquet at a roadside supper stall, and they would always order a few bottles of beer. As the captain, someone was always the one with the highest interest, but his drinking capacity was indeed No, one or two glasses of it will make you feel dizzy.

Then it would naturally lead to Mu Qiu's unscrupulous and loud ridicule.

After many years.

It seems the scene is happening again.

However, the same "ridicule" then and now seems to have changed from the good-natured joking to something more aggressive.

Lin Feng lowered his eyes and didn't reply. Instead, he put down the plastic cup in his hand and picked up the wine bottle. He then looked up at Mu Qiu and glanced at the other three former friends at the table:

"Then I'll do it first as a courtesy."


Under Mu Qiu's sneer and even the surprised looks of Tian Tian, ​​Li Shiyi and Zhou Mo, someone directly raised the bottle to his mouth and drank it in one gulp.

The movement here also attracted the attention of everyone at the other two tables not far away.

The members of Xiacheng Jusheng and Magic City Jusheng couldn't help but make a low commotion.

Here, it probably took a full twenty seconds.

After finally finishing the entire bottle of beer in one breath, Lin Feng put the empty bottle back on the table and couldn't help but belch. His face quickly turned red, and his eyes were slightly drunk.


Li Shiyi and Tian Tian quickly cheered, trying to make the atmosphere relaxed and cheerful again:

"Fengzi can drink well now."

"Much better than before!"

"Okay, okay,

Then let’s follow him and have a drink with him. Why don’t we just let him drink alone..."

However, things did not turn out as expected.

Because Mu Qiu's voice sounded again, he still looked at Lin Feng when he spoke, the mocking look on his face not diminishing at all:

"That's it?"

Zhou Mo frowned more and more, and his voice became higher:


This time, there was already a touch of annoyance.

Lin Feng still didn't speak.

Just continued to pick up the second bottle of beer.

After taking a deep breath, he raised the bottle and drank it in one gulp.

This time it took longer and was obviously more difficult. By the time the second bottle of wine was all gone and the empty bottle was put back on the table with a clang, Lin Feng's face had turned from flushed to pale, and his figure couldn't help but After shaking twice, Tian Tian next to him quickly caught it with quick eyes and hands, so that the former would not fall.

Not far away, at the table of the decisive team in the Magic City, Tang Bingyao's expression changed when she saw this scene, and she couldn't help but stand up and walk over——

But Zeng Rui grabbed him.

The girl stared at Zeng Rui with confusion and anger on her face.

Zeng Rui shook his head at Tang Bingyao with a solemn expression and said in a low voice:

"do not go."

"This kind of thing...let them handle it themselves."

Chen Ting also nodded slowly:


"If it's a problem that can be solved with wine...it's not a big problem."

Lin Feng here had already drank two bottles of beer in succession.

Originally, his drinking capacity was not very good. Although he had improved a bit after a few years, blowing bottles one after another like this was definitely beyond his capabilities.

But he still waved his hand, pushed away Tian Tian's support beside him, raised his head again, and looked at Mu Qiu with his bloodshot eyes.

It was like a silent inquiry.

The expression on Mu Qiu's face remained calm, but at this time he finally picked up the wine bottle and raised it to Lin Feng as a signal:

"Come again?"

But this time, before Lin Feng nodded in agreement, Tian Tian and Li Shiyi finally couldn't stand it anymore. Li Shiyi looked at Mu Qiu and said in a deep voice:

"Aqiu, don't do this."

"If you want to drink, I'll drink with you."

As he said that, he also picked up a bottle of beer, and without any explanation, he directly bumped it against Mu Qiu's bottle, making a loud pinging sound when the bottle collided.

But Mu Qiu still didn't look at Li Shiyi, her eyes were always fixed on Lin Feng's face, and asked again:

"Come again?"

Lin Feng picked up his third bottle of wine.

No clinking glasses.

Again, drink it all in one gulp.


Finally this time, it was Mu Qiu who drank like this, and then he also blew the bottle in his hand to his mouth and drank it all in one breath. He put the empty bottle down hard, looked up and looked at the face with almost no blood, and the figure was shaky. Lin Feng, who seemed to be about to fall down at any moment, said coldly:

"With these three bottles of wine, I'll tell you the truth."

Lin Feng tried his best to hold down the tabletop to maintain his body's balance, and met Mu Qiu's gaze:

"You speak and I listen."

Mu Qiu looked directly at Lin Feng's face:

"He decides on Ah Mo's matters by himself. He said he would forgive you, so I accept that and I have nothing to do with it."

"But here I-"

"This matter will never get over."

Every word is like a sledgehammer, trying to hit people's hearts hard.

Zhou Mo's expression became complicated and he hesitated to speak.

Lin Feng's eyes dropped:

"I know."

Then, he picked up the fourth bottle of beer from the side and looked up at his former auxiliary partner in front of him again:

"Still drinking?"

Just a calm and ordinary tone.

But it seemed like a brazen counterattack.

Unexpectedly, the whole table fell silent at such a word.

Even Mu Qiu paused for a moment.


He laughed, with eyes like burning flames, and spoke word by word:

"Of course, drink!"

The update is here, and I will try to update another chapter later this evening. Go away and continue coding.

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