
Brother Chapter 421 1 decline

It's a cool night in early winter.

The streets are quiet.

The lights are dim.

In front of the stone pier on the roadside, the former teammates raised their heads slightly, and their calm faces seemed to be illuminated by a layer of soft light.

His tone was as gentle as ever.

It seems that he just said such calm words in a very ordinary tone:

"I did blame you."


How can we not make people feel resentful?

How high your talent is, how brilliant your future should be, and how heavy and painful it must be when such a cruel reality unexpectedly befalls you.

You cannot blame God or the other party for their injustice.

But the simmering injustice and resentment always have to find an outlet.

"It was probably the most difficult period just after the injury."

Zhou Mo seemed to be lost in memories and spoke slowly, as if he remembered something funny, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly:


"It's no exaggeration. During those days, I had a really bad temper. I walked around the convenience store every day, irritable and anxious, and wanted to break a few things to vent my anger."

"But it's not okay to smash things. You'll have to pay for it."

"Then we can only find some people to scold."

"It's not okay to scold others, so I have to go out of my way to come out personally."

"For about a whole month, I had to scold your name in my head a dozen or twenty times every day. Even if it wasn't enough, I tried every means to find fault with you, to find problems with you, and to accuse you of all kinds of nonsense. Put it on your head."

Zhou Mo laughed when he said this:

"Really, I never thought that so many crimes could be found on you——"

"I was so angry at the time..."

"Thinking about it,

It's all your fault. "

"When we played SSK in the S1 finals, you were obviously the core mid laner and captain of the team, so why couldn't you lead us to the final victory?"

"Why did you lose to that guy Han Shihao by just a hair's breadth in the last sentence?"

"It's all your fault. If we had won the championship at that time, everyone in the team could happily continue to be together."

"Also, even if we lose the game, everyone still feels bad. Why are you the only one who can be so willful and so reckless as to disband the team that everyone has worked hard to build?"

"It's all your fault. If the team hadn't disbanded so early, we would have learned our lessons and started all over again. We lost to SSK in the first year, and in the second and third years, wouldn't we still have the opportunity to make up for our regrets?"


"If you hadn't disbanded the team, then maybe everyone's lives wouldn't have become messy, and my life... wouldn't have turned into what it did later."

"Perhaps, if I hadn't left the team and returned to my hometown, I wouldn't have encountered such an accident."

"So I have to blame you for my hand injury."


"Why did you have to cut off contact with everyone after the team was disbanded?"

"Obviously we had such a good relationship in the past, why do we seem to be strangers to each other in the future just because of a loss in a game?"

"Why didn't you show up even once when I was in such a difficult and painful time, and couldn't give me any encouragement or comfort--"

When he said every word, Zhou Mo's voice and intonation were always slow and steady, and he did not reveal the resentment and injustice from those days.

But every word comes out.

But it was like a huge stone hitting Lin Feng.

The impact made his face pale, and his figure seemed to be getting more and more shaky.

Because even through the plain, simple and almost unmodified narration of his partner in front of him, he could still clearly and thoroughly feel the huge grievance and pain that the former suffered during those years.

These "crimes" seemed to be mentioned in a joking manner.

But in fact.

Every one of them is indeed inseparable from him.

"It was my fault……"

Lin Feng murmured in a daze.

Over the past many years, things about several former partners and teammates have always lingered in his mind. It was a shadow brought about by huge guilt.

He knew very well how the reckless and hasty decision he had made out of impulse would have affected and harmed those closest friends in the past.


Even in his most terrifying nightmare, he had never imagined a scene like this.

It wasn't until he saw the hand injury of his former ADC teammate in front of him that he realized that the situation he was most worried about seemed so pale and lacking in imagination.

Hand injuries of eSports players.

It's no different than a track and field athlete losing his legs.

Especially for a professional ADC player whose talent was amazing enough to shock the entire world of e-sports, such a shocking scar on his right hand——

It was a direct and cruel death sentence to the end of his career.

There is no room for redemption.

Lin Feng originally thought that his fault was only that he ruined the glory of his former team.

But the reality told him coldly and cruelly that what he had ruined were all the dreams and futures of his former partners.

"Do not blame you."

After the "evidences" were listed one by one in a calm and unhurried manner, these three words at this moment inevitably seemed a bit abrupt.

But the tone of the speaker was still calm and gentle.

There is no sarcasm or sarcasm at all.

Lin Feng raised his head in confusion and looked at his former ADC companion in front of him.

Zhou Mo met Lin Feng's gaze with a slight smile:

"This sentence is not a lie."

"Just like what I just told you all is true, time is really a magical power. It can not only heal wounds, but also make people calm down and think about some issues."

"The grievances and injustices I had at the beginning were just because I couldn't find an outlet, so I unreasonably blamed them all on you."

"But actually-"

"Can't blame you."


Zhou Mo paused for a moment, as if he was thinking carefully about his words, then shook his head and laughed:

"I used to blame it, but now I can forgive it calmly."


Such words, in this situation at this moment, seem unable to give people enough relief and comfort.

Lin Feng spoke with difficulty:

"I do not deserve."

This sentence was originally spoken by Mu Qiu to him in the most sarcastic and mocking tone, but at this moment, it was a conclusion that he himself believed without a doubt and felt extremely depressed.


Ask yourself, change the place.

If he were put in Zhou Mo's situation, how could he be forgiven for such a thing.

An entire dream and future have been ruined. Could it be that just a light "I'm sorry" can equalize the situation?

"Maybe not in the past."

"But now, it's okay."

When Zhou Mo's voice sounded, Lin Feng's body trembled slightly, and he subconsciously raised his head, only to meet the former's gentle gaze in a daze:

"I told you, right?"

"Today, I watched your game."

"But I forgot to mention that in the past half year, I have watched all the game videos you can find."

"A downfall."

Here's an update, it's the weekend. You can go to bed early tonight and try to get up early tomorrow to write.

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