
Chapter 415 Actually, it’s nothing

The knockout rounds to select the top 16 of the LSPL have all concluded.

The live audiences who came to the competition venue have also left one after another, and the netizens who were originally standing in front of the computer live broadcast room have also closed the live broadcast page with lingering thoughts.

For them, today's BO5 showdown, especially the last group, is enough to feast their eyes.

They've seen great fights that are almost beyond the level of the average semi-professional game.

It was also enough to be used as a talking point for them to talk about for a long time.


Little did I know.

After all the irrelevant personnel had left, the scene that took place in front of the corridor of the competition venue seemed to be the real highlight of the day.

This was the moment when Tian Tian and Li Shiyi shouted "No" in an urgent voice at the same time, almost in no particular order.

The entire atmosphere in the venue suddenly became quiet for a moment.

The air seemed to become somewhat solid.

Then it gradually becomes more subtle.

In fact, as a core member of the Battle team, when the Xiacheng Battle team came over and Mu Qiu and Lin Feng started a conversation, neither Tian Tian nor Li Shiyi took the initiative to participate in the conversation. , but each chose to remain silent.

But I didn't expect it.

When Mu Qiu was about to give her "reasons" and explain her "reasons" as if she was just making an understatement.

The two Ueno players who had once won the Battle could no longer hold back.

For a time, even the players from the three nearby LPL companies, and even several other members of the Magic City Finals and the Xiacheng Finals, immediately noticed something amiss, and began to feel a sense of uneasiness rising in their hearts. .

Players from the three LPL teams couldn't help but commotion and whispering, but Shi Hang and Huang Xue Yege immediately stopped them with stern looks.

Even if they don't fully understand the situation yet, they realize that now is definitely not the time to interrupt and cause trouble.

But Dawn Morning Star took off the mask at this time,

His eyes fell on Mu Qiu, his expression was calm and calm, and he spoke in a gentle tone:

"This...Mu Qiu, right? I've been admiring your name for a long time. I just watched your four games below. You played really well. No matter you win or lose, it's definitely a very exciting and excellent game."

"I've heard about you from Lao Tian and Shi Yi before, and I'm very fascinated by you."

"It's an honor for me to see such a first-hand AD today."

"Although I may not have much say here, I think that everyone has the opportunity to meet each other because they love e-sports. Even if there are any conflicts, you might as well sit down and have a calm chat to resolve them. At least... there is no need to make it too complicated. It’s ugly, isn’t it?”

If these words were said by others, they might be a bit nosy.

However, when Dawn Star spoke, it seemed to naturally bring a comfort that made people feel good, and it was just a kind of tactful persuasion with the most friendly intentions.

Especially the members of the Xiacheng decisive team. At the beginning, they just saw a group of people gathered here. Everyone was wearing masks and it was impossible to identify their identities. They were so mysterious that they didn't know what they were doing. Well--

But as soon as Dawn Morning Star took off its mask, Sun Zheng, Xia Ziyou, Zhu Ming, Wu Tian and Zhou Yang suddenly widened their eyes with shock on their faces:

This...this is! ?

"Star, Star Emperor?"

Zhou Yang's eyes almost popped out of his eyes, and he couldn't help but speak with a trembling tone.

Needless to say, Zhu Ming and Wu Tian beside him, even Sun Zheng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, his head was slightly dizzy, and the scene in front of him felt a little unreal.

They came to play in the LSPL trials, and being able to reach the top 16 was something they had never thought of before.

But right now...

Standing just in front of them was the recognized number one mid laner in the Chinese LPL!

The idol in the minds of almost all Chinese mid laners!

None of the people who participated in the Xiacheng final had ever thought that in such an ordinary semi-professional competition today, such a top legendary player at the national all-star level could actually come to the scene.

And... we are only a few steps away from them at this moment!

However, it was precisely at this time that Xia Ziyou was the one who reacted the fastest. His eyes quickly swept over Dawn Morning Star, and then quickly looked at the other three LPL players behind Dawn Morning Star who were wearing masks——

Xia Ziyou's heart suddenly beat violently.

If this is the morning star.

Then it seems that the identities of other people wearing masks are about to be revealed.

And if her guess is indeed correct, then it seems that even the true identity of Mu Qiu beside her is far more shocking than they originally guessed.

If even the morning star can only be a bystander.

So at this moment, these protagonists are currently arguing and stalemate——

What kind of truth should it be?

The atmosphere in the venue became quiet again as Dawn Morning Star spoke.

Everyone's eyes turned towards Mu Qiu again, especially Tian Tian and Li Shiyi. The eyes they looked at their former partners and teammates were full of sincerity and even pleading.

However, only Mu Qiu's expression remained calm. After hearing Dawn Morning Star's gentle and kind persuasion, she just smiled:


"There are indeed sets of principles."

"But the first half of your sentence is correct. People who don't know the truth about this matter have no right to speak."

Even towards the now recognized No. 1 mid laner in the Chinese LPL, Mu Qiu's attitude still didn't seem to have changed at all and she didn't mean to be polite at all. She just looked at him calmly:

"Some conflicts cannot be resolved by sitting down and talking."

"This is a deadlock, you don't understand."

"You don't understand" completely blocked everything Dawn Morning Star had just said.

Dawn Morning Star was also stunned when he heard this, and finally shook his head with a wry smile, then took two steps back to show that he would no longer get involved.

Indeed, as a bystander, even with good intentions, he could not do more.

Mu Qiu turned to look at Lin Feng again, her face still half-smiling but her eyes cold:

"How about it?"

It seems like it's just a question, but you don't have to ask, you can actually guess the answer.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, not paying attention to the reactions and attitudes of other people around him, and fixedly met the eyes of his former partners and teammates in front of him:

"you say."

"I listen."

In fact, he could vaguely detect some unusual auras from the reactions of Li Shiyi and Tian Tian. It seemed that there was something he didn't know, and several former partners and teammates were trying their best to hide it from him, and maybe they had concealed it. It’s been a long, long time.

My mood is sinking a little bit.

But he still gritted his teeth firmly. No matter what, he needed to get the truth at this moment today.

Mu Qiu laughed and was about to speak, but was interrupted by a voice:


Unexpectedly, Tian Tian stood directly between Lin Feng and Mu Qiu. His round face, which was usually kind and honest, turned red at this moment. His chest rose and fell rapidly and trembled. He looked at Mu Qiu with red eyes:

"can not say!"

"Aqiu, don't say it! There's no need to be like this-"

There was a pleading tone in his tone, and even a hint of urgent and frightened crying.

The three LPL players next to them, including the members of the Magic City Finals and the Xiacheng Finals, couldn't help but look a little shocked on their faces. Although they still didn't know the situation clearly, looking at Tian Tian's reaction at this moment, it seemed that the problem was serious. Sex is more complicated and terrifying than they thought -

Even in the face of the pleading of her old friends, Mu Qiu's attitude seemed to remain firm, and she sneered:

"You only think about him."

"Then who can help me to put myself in Ah Mo's shoes!?"

"Everyone protects the culprits with great care."

"Where's Amo!?"

"Isn't he your teammate?"

"You are worried that this guy can't accept it, but why don't you think about it, who is suffering the most!?"

As if he was completely aroused, Mu Qiu's voice became louder and louder, almost echoing throughout the entire empty competition venue. As he asked questions, Tian Tian and Li Shiyi's His face became paler little by little.


It was at this time.

A gentle and calm voice came from the corner of the crowd.

Somewhat abrupt.

But it clearly fell into everyone's ears.


"it's nothing."

Here's an update. The next few posts are a bit difficult to write, so I'll think about it carefully.

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