
Chapter 402 Decide the outcome

"I can't do it."

In the high-rise hotel suite, in front of the laptop screen, looking at the live OB screen, No. 5 shook his head slightly.

Number 1 next to him nodded slightly and agreed with his fiancée’s opinion:

"Well, you're really not very good at this kind of situation."

Even in the previous generation, the ID name No. 005 represented a legendary glory that could be directly linked to "impeccable" and "integrated and unbreakable". But if it is placed in the current situation on the court, it falls on Regarding the situation of the purple square ADC wheel mother, even for No. 5, it is indeed difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

Perhaps, if No. 5 were to operate the war goddess Sivir on the field, he could play more calmly and cautiously, leaving no loopholes for the opponent's blue army -

But this just gives the blue side a bigger problem and makes it more difficult to find a chance to win the game in one fell swoop.

But if you want to fight back.

To talk about leading the purple army to a Jedi comeback.

This kind of field that focuses more on bold adventures, proactive offensive carries, and creating miracle teams is not what No. 5 is good at.

"If it were you, there should be a chance."

Number 5 glanced at his fiancé.

No. 1 touched his chin thoughtfully: "Well... it's more difficult, but there's probably a chance of giving it a try."

It still sounds like a very cautious and euphemistic statement.

But in fact, this answer is already amazing enough.

Because of the current situation, for the purple army on the field, very few people with real eyesight can see that this is actually a dead end with no solution.

As for such a dead situation, perhaps only the legendary number one person from the past generation could be somewhat sure of breaking through the situation and creating a miracle.

But the person on the court now is not the No. 001.

It's another ID called Qiu.

"Aqiu's condition today is better than I expected.


No. 5 did not hesitate to praise the juniors whom he admired so much in the past, but he shook his head as he said:

"Unfortunately, it is really difficult for him to win out of this situation by himself."

No matter how much he admires this junior, No. 5 clearly knows the objective strength gap between the former and his fiancé, and if even No. 1 can only say that he has some confidence to give it a try, then if it were someone else, , which means almost impossible.

"If he can give him a little more help from his teammates, his chances will be much greater."

No. 1 nodded and made the same comment.

The four-guaranteed-one lineup system seems to be completely centered around the ADC Luan Ma as the core, and the four functional teammates completely support their own AD.

But in fact, if one or two players can play more roles in the four positions of upper, middle and jungle, the power of this lineup and even the operating space of the wheel will be improved to a higher level.


The four top midfielders who won the decisive victory in Purple Fangxia City were not strong enough.

So although it seems to be a four-guarantee-one lineup with four teammates spinning around one person, in fact, it can also be said that this war goddess has no teammates.

It's just one person's battle.

No. 5's thoughts were slightly dazed for a moment:

"At the earliest days of the year, Ah Qiu was probably like this too."


Back then, before the decisive battle team was formed, before he got acquainted with the partners who later fought side by side, Mu Qiu had always been a lonely person at that time. His lone ranger temperament and habit of only believing in himself are extremely obvious.

It was not until later, when he joined Battle, and spent time with other teammates fighting side by side, that the core assistant of Battle gradually learned to trust his teammates and was willing to trust his teammates.

Of course, it was limited to the other four members of the team that year.

However, when the team named Battle disbanded and fell apart, everything seemed to have returned to its original point.

Until this moment today, for the support of the team back then, it was finally the first time to reunite with the partners he truly recognized in the past.

However, this reunion was not the same as before.

Two of them are now sitting opposite him on the field.

The other one was sitting in the audience.

As for the last one——

No. 1 and No. 5 couldn't help but shook their heads slightly. Thinking of it many times, they still felt heavy.


Just at this moment.

No. 1's phone suddenly vibrated, which was a message notification.

So No. 1 picked up the phone and glanced at the display screen. The pop-up window of the message push could see the specific text content in the message. But at this glance, the legendary number one of the previous generation was shocked. The person couldn't help but trembled.

Very slightly.

But it was enough for No. 5 next to him to be keenly aware of it, and his eyes subconsciously looked towards his fiancé:


Number 1 took a deep breath, as if digesting the content of the message he received. Then he raised his head and looked at Number 5, with a smile full of relief and emotion on his face:

"There is a girl who makes people worry-free and worry-"

"We did something that none of us can do."

The game continues.

At the scene, at the commentary desk, He Tu’s passionate voice still echoed throughout the venue:

"This game has provided the most powerful proof for both teams and the two ADC players!"

"To be honest, the final outcome may not even matter anymore."

"But after all, this is the last group of BO5 knockout matches for our LSPL top 16 selection. For the two teams on the stage, and for us off the stage, we all need to see a final result."

"Who wins and who loses?"

"After all, it is a lineup system with four guarantees and one that can win the final comeback victory under the leadership of Wheel Mom."

“It’s still a strong opening lineup like Varus, Prince, and Sword Girl. We can use the active characteristics of the strong opening lineup to be the first to seal the victory!”

"The current situation on the scene... is close to a 50-50 split!"

"Even as a commentator, we can't make a conclusion now."

"We can only continue to look forward to the performance of both players."

"But I thought-"

"The next decisive point should be coming soon!"

The game time has reached 36 minutes.

In the river, Dalong Fjord, the second Baron Dalong emerged.

On the middle road, the Blue Square Magic City decisive victory team advanced in a group, quickly pressing the troops to the opponent's high ground, and immediately turned to the upper half of the purple square, clearing out all the wild monster resources, and then turned to the upper half of the river. .

Dalong's vision quickly spread out one by one.

At the same time, the five members of the purple Fangxia City decisive team also quickly cleared the line of troops in the middle and rushed towards the river Dalong Gorge.

This will be the second Baron fight of the game.


It will also be the most critical time that determines the outcome.

Here's an update. I was so busy yesterday that I didn't have time to type. I just got home from a business trip. .

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