
Chapter 400 Not just for victory or defeat

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The safe passage outside the iron gate is quiet and peaceful.

The atmosphere in the competition venue inside the iron gate continues to be hot, and it continues to rush to a bigger and hot peak time and time again.

On and off the stage, both the commentators and the audience were almost completely aroused by this fierce battle and were completely excited!


"The blue side is coming up!"

"The prince once again enters the stage with two beautiful EQs!"

"Catch the opponent's mid laner Lulu!"

"Lulu was killed!"

"Wait a minute - the wheel mother has entered the field! The damage is full!! The prince is killed! The blue side can't chase this wave and must retreat!"

"Wait a minute! Pig Girl rushed too far forward! She underestimated the damage on Varus' side!"

"My God, Verus, this Q! It's amazing!"

"The purple square pig girl is down! Verus' sheep sword is also stacked and the attack speed is very fast! Gnar can't hold it back, retreat! Retreat immediately!"


"The wheel mother took away the knife girl again with a Q!"

"We can't fight this wave. We can't fight on both sides. We both have to withdraw!!"

Such an extremely fierce competition, with the ups and downs of the plot almost all the time, is almost an extremely difficult test for professional commentators.

Lao Hei, He Tu and Su Xue on the commentary desk also felt that their physical strength and energy were completely drained. They were all analyzing the broadcasts in real time until their mouths were dry and smoking, and they tried their best to keep up with both sides on the field. The rhythm of the team's battle, but it is still impossible to point out all the details of the entire battle.

The audience in the audience didn't care about this at this time.

To them, the high-pitched shouts of the three commentators on the stage had almost become meaningless noise buzzing in their ears.

Everyone just tried their best to stare at the OB picture on the big screen on the stage with their eyes wide open, hoping to capture all the details with their own eyes.

But they are also doomed to "fail."


It's so confusing.

It was too intense.

In the 5V5 melee, there are countless skills and A in almost an instant, accompanied by the ten heroes of the blue and purple sides interacting on the battlefield, making it impossible to distinguish them one by one.

But fortunately, more people have worked hard to focus their attention on only a very small number of target heroes from the beginning.

Such as wheel mom.

Such as Varus.

Fortunately, they found the right person.

Because even in such a chaotic and fierce battle circle, the figures of the ADC heroes on both sides still shine so brightly that no other hero or any skill special effect can cover up their light.

It seems that the direction of the war situation has only revolved around the goddess of war and the arrow of punishment from beginning to end.

The more they focused on carefully observing the team battle operations of the ADC heroes on both sides, the more it brought a huge shock to the audience——

"What the hell..."

"Is it cheating?"

Finally, an audience member could not suppress the shock in his heart and murmured like this.

It also revealed what almost half of the audience in the entire competition venue was thinking.


At this point, the game time has reached just over thirty minutes.

In the past nearly ten minutes, there have been no less than five or six clashes between the blue and purple armies on the field, as well as large-scale contact team battles.

Every time there is danger, and every time it is extremely chaotic and intense.

As the core output positions of both sides, both Varus and Wheel Mom are almost always the priority targets for their opponents to focus their fire on.

Under normal circumstances, in such a dangerous situation, it would be extremely difficult for an ADC to just barely maintain its own living space.

But these two ADs on the court at this moment——

But it's not just about saving lives.

You can't even see the slightest hint of caution.

Completely, with a more fierce and proactive attitude, almost leading the team into the battle circle.

However, he was able to find the smallest and most seemingly impossible output environment in the almost extremely dangerous chaotic situation, and pour out all the damage.

Not long ago, when the audience was just amazed at the personal abilities of the two ADC players on the field, most of them just thought that this level was "close" or "comparable" to professional levels.

but now.

This concept has quietly changed.



On the Internet, on a certain live broadcast platform, in the live OB live broadcast room of the LSPL top 16 selection event, a barrage appeared with a big exclamation mark:

"Fuck! This is so fucking overwhelming 99% of professional ADs, okay!!"

Europe, Legend club training base.

Phoenix, who was in front of the computer screen, took a bottle of water and poured it into his mouth. Then he looked at the live broadcast on the computer screen in front of him and couldn't help but shake his head:

A duel of this magnitude...

Indeed, it is enough to make the entire European division and even the vast majority of professional ADC players in the world's e-sports circle feel ashamed.

North America, Season Club Base.

In the training room, Autumn, who was also sitting in front of the computer screen, squinted her eyes.

He began to think about whether he should train his AD to death again later.

Also in North America.

In a plain and simple residence, the thin North American legend of the previous generation lit a cigarette for himself again and took a deep breath.

He suddenly felt that maybe he should settle the trivial matters here as soon as possible, and then return to China to continue training his beloved disciple.

after all.

Watching the two young men of the new generation engage in such a level of confrontation on the field, his desire to win could not help but be rekindled——

If he increases his efforts in teaching, then he will use the talents and potential of his beloved disciple.

In the near future, that girl will also be able to show such a grace that will shock the world.

Competition venue, live.

In the back corner of the auditorium, players from the three LPL companies were equally dazzled.

KG’s ADC player Konjac suddenly felt frustrated:

"Depend on."

"An ADC battle of this level——"

"It just so happens that the two protagonists are not their own ADs."

"This is ridiculous..."


The more you know the truth, the more it will hurt your mood.

Obviously what we are witnessing is a peak-level ADC duel, but in such a feast, the two protagonists are not professional ADs in the true sense, which makes those who are truly professional ADCs feel even more aggrieved.

Shi Hang sighed:

"What can be done?"

"Those two cheaters on the stage are so awesome..."

Tian Tian pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

His eyes always fell on the OB screen on the big screen on the stage, and the ADC heroes of both blue and purple sides were reflected in his pupils.

The mood is complicated and ups and downs.

As a member of the former Battle.

He was the one who truly understood the purpose behind the actions of these two former teammates.

The game is still going on.

The tense atmosphere became more and more diffuse in the Summoner's Rift.

It was as if the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Lin Feng sat upright like a javelin.

The gaze in Mu Qiu's eyes became sharper and as sharp as a knife.

Each other's eyes seemed to have transcended the entire chaotic battlefield, and they were only firmly locked on each other.

A professional mid laner.

A professional assistant.

But they all chose the ADC position to start such a battle.

They both know each other's thoughts and intentions too well.

It’s not just about winning or losing.

It’s more to prove.

But it can only be proven through victory and defeat.

(I won't lose.)

(You won't win.)

The two took a deep breath almost simultaneously:

So, keep fighting!

The update is here, and the business trip will be over in two days. It is still an extremely tiring day.

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