
Chapter 395 Chronic Death

Even though the ADC Wheel Mom on the purple side just killed Dao Mei and got another kill, the vast majority of the audience still didn't think that the Xiacheng decisive team had much hope of a comeback and victory in this game.

In fact, if we use the situation of the previous game as a reference and comparison, many problems will be clear at a glance.

In the last round, the purple side's Magic City decisive team was also suppressed by their opponents. Because they could not find a suitable opportunity, they could only passively defend and give up their own defense towers and even wild area resources.

This suppressed state lasted until the Baron team battle.

There is almost no hope, and the dragon will be taken down by the opponent at any time.

It wasn't until the end that someone's ADC Vayne finally managed to perform a divine single-cut around the back. He brought his personal skills to the extreme, killing and taking away the opponent's ADC Draven, and then got a wave of four kills. , the unexpected comeback was completed.

But this round——

The situation faced by the purple Fangxia City decisive team was even worse and more severe than the previous one in the Magic City.

On the one hand, the Magic City decisive victory team, which has a strong lineup and an active advantage, is obviously more mature and rigorous in terms of snowballing and advantage suppression than the Xiacheng decisive victory team.

The snowball rolls faster and leaves no room for the opponent.

on the other hand--

In the previous game, someone's Vayne had several other teammates who could help provide assistance, creating an opportunity for herself. Coupled with Vayne's own flexible operation characteristics, she was able to achieve such a dramatic comeback. operate.

But the wheel mother is different.

Wheel Mom is not as maneuverable as Vayne, nor is it as flexible as Vayne.

More importantly, in this purple team's lineup system with four guarantees and one guarantee, the top, middle and jungle auxiliary heroes can basically only move around the wheel mother, and more of them only provide buffs and protection——

In other words, the top player Vayne is not the only core after all, and other teammates can help share the pressure.

And the mother of the wheel in this game...

But he was almost really fighting alone.

“Wheel mom can’t die.


"Not even once."

In the back corner of the auditorium, Konjac made a firm judgment.

As an active first-line professional ADC player in the LPL, he is very aware of the situation faced by the current goddess of war. The current goddess of war seems to be developing smoothly, but there are many hidden dangers behind it.

Most of your development comes from the resource contributions of your teammates.

And as the core of four guarantees and one, it is natural to have such development.

Even with such good development, you may not be able to have a good continuous output environment if you want to fight head-on - not to mention, if you are accidentally caught to death, not only your own rhythm will be interrupted, but your teammates will also follow. Collapse all together.

"too difficult."

Old C next to him sighed.

It's like Vayne's situation last time.

But the two "difficulties" are different. The difficulty with Vayne in the last game was not the living environment, but the difficulty in finding an opportunity to play her role.

The biggest problem for this wheel mom at the moment is to do her best to guard against all attacks from her opponents before her equipment is fully formed. Dancing on a high-altitude wire rope, there is no room for error.

On this basis, we even need to add a little more:

Not only can you not die.

And while being careful not to leave any flaws, you must build your own equipment as quickly as possible.

"This is... so contradictory."

Shi Hang scratched the hair on his head and messed it up.

Indeed, as a squishy ADC, if you want to be careful not to give your opponent a chance, the easiest way is to hide under the tower and close the line. If there is any sign of risk, you will never go out to take advantage of the enemy. You would rather delay yourself. development rhythm, we cannot risk our lives.

But this wheel mom can't let her rhythm be slowed down.

Must speed up.

That means Sivir can't just cower under the tower, but has to take the initiative to clear the enemy line and kill monsters, and even try to find opportunities to get one or two assists or kills...

"It wouldn't be possible for me to kill him."

Konjac shook his head firmly:

"If I were a wheel mother, if I knew the opponent was staring me in the face and wanted to cause trouble for me, I would definitely not be able to get out of the tower if I was beaten to death. Just slow down the pace, which is better than losing someone's life."

The shadow puppet next to him also shook his head:

"In that case...it would be a slow death."

The slow development of the core C position in the four-guarantee-one system means that the formation of this entire lineup is also slow - in the face of constant pressure from opponents, it may not be able to survive at all.

Dawn Morning Star's eyes fell on the OB screen on the big screen:

"The guy on the stage——"

"Obviously, I don't intend to wait to die."

The game time came to the seventeenth minute.

The situation remains deadlocked.

The blue side's Magic City decisive team seemed to be taking their time, but in fact, they were still using their troops to divide the troops step by step to put pressure on the opponent's purple side's army.

At the same time, the encroachment work on visual field is also carried out in an orderly manner.

The view of the mini map on the purple side can only illuminate one-third of the area close to the second tower.

The rest was all shrouded in mist and shadow.

On the road, nearly two waves of blue square soldiers were stuck in a position near the ruins of the purple square tower.

The ADC Wheel Mama on the purple side quickly rushed to the road with his assistant Karma to prepare to close the line. As the core of the team's four-guarantee-one system, the economy of such a large wave of lines is extremely important to Sivir.

In seventeen minutes, Luan Ma's last hit count had reached an astonishing one hundred and nineteen.

Even surpassing the opposing Arrow of Punishment Varus.

And even so.

It’s still not enough for wheel moms.

The third fire dragon still has four or five minutes to refresh. If the purple side wants to try to compete for that fire dragon, their development must be accelerated, otherwise, the third fire dragon will also have to be surrendered. Give way.

The purple side's two-man lane combination quickly rushed to the top to reach the ruins of their own outer tower.

A large wave of troops were cleared directly.

It is actually a visual enjoyment to watch Wheel Mom activate the skill to clear troops and close the line. The boomerang of the Q skill and the constant bounce back and forth of the W skill. You can see a large wave of troops in almost the blink of an eye. It was quickly cleared away.


At this moment, almost all the audience in the audience, and even all the water friends watching the game in the live broadcast room, were not interested in this.

Everyone stared at the OB screen with their hearts high.

Under the OB screen from a God's perspective, what they can see is not just the finishing moves of Wheel Mom and Fan Mom.

You can also see——

Not far in front of where the two purple bot lane heroes are standing, in the first section of grass at the front.

Surprisingly, the blue team's jungler prince, ADC Verus and support Japanese girl are lurking in ambush!

This large wave of troops...

From the beginning, it was bait!

The purpose is to lure the wheel mother to take the bait.

And as long as this wave allows the blue side to successfully ambush and kill the goddess of war, they will not only get the head, but also be able to completely break the development rhythm of the wheel mother in one fell swoop.


"Come closer."

"This wave, there is no purple square vision in the grass. Neither Wheel Mom nor Karma have discovered it yet-"

The three commentators on the commentary stage were almost more nervous than the audience. Su Xue, Lao Hei and He Tu all stared at the grass in the grass with their eyes wide open, barely daring to take a breath. The movements of the three heroes on the blue side and the two heroes on the purple side outside the grass:

"Can you squat down?"

"If we get there this time, something big will happen!"

On one side, they couldn't help but murmured subconsciously. On the other side, based on the professional stance and perspective of the three commentators, they had vaguely come to the conclusion that in the face of such a meticulous ambush, they were unprepared. , the purple square duo...especially the wheel mom——

There is almost no chance of survival!

Under the stage, in the corners of the back row of the auditorium, the players and team members of the three LPL companies also subconsciously sat up straight, and their expressions became solemn and serious.

They know it too.

This wave of squatting may directly affect or even determine the direction of the next game.

Time is still passing second by second.

In the OB screen from a God's perspective, the ADC wheel mother on the purple side has quickly cleared the line of troops in front of the ruins of the outer tower.

But it happened at this time.

Not far away, a new wave of blue soldiers slowly walked up.

It can be clearly seen that the wheel mother on the purple side paused and seemed to be hesitant.

Perhaps the wheel mother also realized that there may be hidden risks in the lack of vision in this position on the road.

Everyone's hearts were clenched once again.


Seeing this, Wheel Mother slowly took two more steps forward and continued walking towards the next wave of soldiers.

(It’s over.)

This thought flashed through almost everyone's mind at this moment.

And it was precisely at this moment that the wheel mother was walking forward.

In the grass at the front.

The three heroes on the blue side who were hiding in the ambush moved.

The update is delivered, the third update is done, ah, the website activity is finally over. . . Take a little rest tomorrow.

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