
Chapter 392 Continue to put pressure

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When the level of strength reaches the level of Huang Xue Ye Ge, as a top professional ADC player, he rarely has any shortcomings in ability.

Even though his playing style puts more emphasis on offense and aggression, in matters such as pressure resistance and development, it is basically the specialty of a professional ADC player - after all, after so many tournament versions, there is no one version that is the best. The update is truly friendly to ADC players.

But when he said these words at this moment, he was not speaking modestly.

Because indeed, if he is in an ordinary professional league and is asked to choose a development-oriented late-stage big C hero, he must withstand pressure and develop in the early stage. Of course, he can be as stable and pressure-proof as possible, but——

The opponents encountered in the professional arena may not be as troublesome as the decisive team in the Magic City on the blue side at the moment.

That’s not to say that the current Magic City Finals can completely overwhelm other LPL professional teams.


In terms of offensiveness and suppression, this team led by someone has always been able to achieve the ultimate level, enough to make real professional teams feel numb.

What's more, in the LPL professional league under normal circumstances, the old ADC opponents of other teams may not be able to have the operational level of someone who selected an ADC Verus at this moment.

Therefore, at this moment, Huangxue Yege confessed that he was "not good at it", which was the truth.

He was just trying to think about what it would be like if he were put in the situation of the purple ADC wheel mother on the field at this moment.

Just thinking about it made him shake his head.


Too difficult.

This is indeed the situation faced by the purple Fangxia City decisive team in the early stages of this round.

After the lineup was changed in the fourth game, the blue team's Magic City decisive team almost suddenly became the masters. From the passive disadvantaged side in the previous game, they turned into the active pressure team in this game.

Moreover, after also getting a strong start, the early tactical operations and operational coordination and execution of the Magic City decisive team were far better than the performance of the previous Xiacheng decisive team.

The start lasted just eight minutes.

The outer tower of the lower purple road is broken, and the first wind dragon is lost.

On the scene, the overall economic gap between the blue and purple teams has widened to nearly 1,500, heading towards the 2,000 level.

With such a rapid snowball, it’s no wonder that people can’t help but worry about the Xiacheng decisive team on the purple side——

The blue team's pace is too fast.

It comes across as a strong and domineering attitude that is unreasonable and unforgiving.

On the purple side, just expecting an ADC wheel mother to delay the development of the late or even late stages is very confusing no matter how you look at it.

But for the purple Fangxia City decisive team on the field, although the situation was getting worse and worse at a speed visible to the naked eye, several players seemed to still be able to keep their composure.

Continue to resist pressure and maintain a steady rhythm as much as possible.

Protect your own jungle vision.

At the same time, we will resolutely and unswervingly continue to implement our own tactical system of four guarantees and one.

Wheel Mom's development has not been affected, and is even improving at a speed that is not inferior to the opponent's C-position hero.

It’s not just lines of troops.

Even the second refreshed blue buff and the toad monster in the lower half of the wild area were directly given up by the purple side's wild boar girl to her own ADC wheel mother to eat alone.

"Very determined——"

Lao Hei on the commentary desk exclaimed:

"This means that even if we sacrifice other people's development resources, we must ensure that the wheel mother is fully equipped as soon as possible."

"The stakes...are really all on Wheel Mother alone."

Hetu nodded slowly:


"Doing so does indeed reflect the determination of ensuring four things and one, but it also has pros and cons."

On the one hand, it is naturally because through the resources contributed by teammates, the "one" of the ADC wheel mother in the four-guarantee-one system can be developed faster without being affected by targeting, so as to start to show their performance in the shortest possible time. The effect of this lineup system is powerful.

But the disadvantages are equally obvious -

When your purple side puts all the resources and betting chips on Wheel Mom, if something goes wrong with Wheel Mom, then it is not just Wheel Mom who will lose, but all the chips that the original team put down will also be lost. All will be reduced to nothing in an instant.

This is a kind of trust.

But it is also a kind of gamble.

"The pressure on the wheel of this one will be greater than the previous three."

Su Xue's eyes fell on the purple ADC War Goddess on the big screen. She couldn't explain why, but she subconsciously felt a little sweat for Mu Qiu:

"Next, the operation of the wheel mother... must not make any mistakes."

The game time continues to pass.

The ADC Wheel Mom on the purple side continued to clear troops and close the line in front of the second tower in the bottom lane under the protection of auxiliary teammate Karma.

But pushing the line is just as easy as ruining one of your own towers.

Therefore, the blue side's Magic City Finals always found it difficult to find the opportunity to gank the wheel mother again, so they gathered together to prepare a wave of mid-lane advances to press the tower.

The two purple side bottom laners quickly returned to defend the middle lane to support.

Although the equipment of Wheel Mom at this time has not yet been formed, its ability to clear lanes and defend towers is sufficient.

Plus Kalma’s cooperation.

A wave of soldiers were cleared and taken away the moment they entered the tower.

As a result, the Blue Cube's push to win the decisive victory was temporarily stopped.

"At this time, there is no way to cross the tower and open by force."

"The level is too low and it cannot withstand the damage from the defense tower."

In the front row of the audience, players from the top 16 teams were also talking among themselves.

Of course, the current damage of the blue team's lineup is already considerable. If you are really determined to jump over the tower and force a wave of attacks, even if you pay some price, you may not be unable to win.

But the Magic City Finals team did not choose this way.

"Because that would be too risky."

The river map on the commentary desk gives an analysis and explanation:

"At this time, swapping heads between the two sides is definitely not what the Magic City Finals team wants to see."

"Especially, when they can't guarantee that their side will be able to beat the opponent's ADC in seconds——"


If a team battle results in a 2 for 3 or something like that, the blue cube demon will win decisively. Even if it seems like a small profit, or even if the tower can be pushed down like this, as long as the opposite wheel mother is not dead, even if Let the opponent pick up one or two more heads in the melee——

That's all quite troublesome.

"You can't do it forcefully."

"Then we can only continue to use a bloodless approach, continue to put pressure on the opponent, and compress and limit the development space of the opponent's opponent."

Lao Hei came to a conclusion.

This is indeed what the Magic City Finals did.

At present, their lineup has gradually entered a period of strength, and this advantage has been quickly taken advantage of by the Blue Army.

The operation of the three-line military line was advanced.

Then quickly invade the upper and lower wild areas of the opponent's purple side.

The resources in the wild area that can be countered should be countered directly, not to target the purple side's wild boar girl, but to eliminate the possibility of the opponent continuing to give up resources to the development of the wheel mother.

On the small map, you can see that the field of vision belonging to the purple side army is being eroded little by little by the opponent's blue side.

Although the middle outer tower of the purple side is still strong and strong, the upper and lower wild areas are gradually showing signs of being lost.

The 11th minute of the game.

The outer tower on the purple side's top lane was broken. It was the jungle prince on the blue side who roamed the top lane and ganked. In conjunction with his top laner Dao Girl, he was preparing to catch people, while on the purple side's Xiacheng decisive team's side, Dannar was extremely vigilant and advanced. Withdrew, but the defense tower was also surrendered in this way.

The financial gap between the blue and purple teams on the field has further widened, reaching over two thousand.

The director timely made a list of the economic data of the ten heroes on both sides at the moment, and presented it clearly to all the viewers in the entire competition venue.

It can be seen that the economy of Blue Cube Demon City has defeated several heroes and almost firmly occupied the top of the list.

The highest one is the ADC Varus on the blue side.

The third, fourth and fifth are respectively the mid laner, top laner and jungler on the blue side.

But at the same time--

Number two on the list.

But it is still firmly occupied by the ADC wheel mother on the purple side.

Compared to the most economical Punishment Arrow, it is only a hair's breadth away, and it seems that it can catch up and overtake it at any time.

On the stage, in the competitive room of the Blue Cube Demon City decisive team.

Pressing the Tab key to bring up the equipment data panel of both heroes, Zeng Rui frowned subconsciously as he looked at the equipment column and CS count of his opponent's ADC, Wheel Mom, and made some quick calculations in his mind:


"The wheel mother is not pinned down."

Although they have tried their best to target the bottom lane in the early stage to compress and limit the opponent's development space, but currently it seems... such tactics have not had a significant enough effect.

Li Shiyi shook his head:

"no chance."

His jungle prince always has his eyes fixed on his former partner's ADC wheel mother.

But so far.

He was unable to catch any of the other party's flaws.

Lin Feng controlled his ADC Punishment Arrow from the spring water and rushed to the line again, the expression on his face did not change:

"Not urgent."

"Take your time and keep applying pressure."

Here are the updates, there are two updates today, and I will strive for three updates tomorrow. Good night, friends.

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