
Chapter 382 Crazy!

The lineup of the Purple Cube Demon City Finals Team belongs to a very typical semi-poke system.

It is said to be semi-poke because it lacks the ADC position and cannot choose the first-hand explorer Ezreal as a supplement. Otherwise, it is a more complete and complete pure poke lineup.

But without EZ, there is still Jace in the mid lane and Fan Ma as the support.

It has remote consumption poke and flexible kite pulling ability.

And this kind of lineup, which is opposite to the strong lineup system of the opponent Blue Army, happens to take two completely different paths.

If a semi-poke lineup wants to be effective, it must be based on the characteristics of the lineup itself and try not to engage in head-on team battles with the opponent. When the time is right, always avoid close combat and rely on kites to pull. Let’s expand the results little by little, and eventually achieve a snowballing effect.


It doesn't mean that such a lineup cannot forcefully take the lead.

But the premise here is that Kenan or the excavator can go around and drive to the key crispy C position on the opposite side.

Otherwise, if you just drive to the opponent's front row, it will be of little use.

Everyone understands these principles, and as a member of the team who came up with this lineup, naturally they should know better.

It is precisely because of this——

At this moment, the scene that appeared on the big screen OB screen for watching the game made people feel even more stunned and unbelievable.

When Xingzang and his intentions are seen through by his opponent...

The jungle excavator on the purple side still chose to attack first without hesitation!

A rough-skinned jungle prince appeared on the opposite side!

Even the other heroes on the purple side did not hesitate at all and decisively chose to keep up. Assisting Fan Mama RE's second company, all members of the second company set up shields to accelerate, and top laner Kennen flashed into the field with his ultimate move!

In a situation that shocked everyone——

Caught off guard.

This wave of dragon team battles that no one expected,

The purple army, who was the last person to be the initiator of the team battle, was suddenly attacked head-on! !

"This is the purple side!"

"Everyone presses in!!"

"Fan Zi Ma RE accelerates, and Kennen's ultimate move flashes into the field!"

"Open until there are three people!!"

On the commentary table was Lao Hei's exclamation full of shock and disbelief.

The entire competition venue suddenly became agitated!


This is great!

Two rounds of stalemate in the Baron Zone, the deadlock would have been suddenly broken under such circumstances, and it turned out to be the purple side's Magic City decisive team who was the first to be unable to hold back.

more importantly--

As soon as this team battle started, the effect exploded!

The purple side army almost gave it a go, as if all its chips were ruthlessly placed on this wave of actions. It was so decisive that it didn't look like a hasty move, but a firm tactical execution after careful planning in advance!

Under the double acceleration of Kennen's E skill Lei Kai and Fan Ma's shield, even if he enters the field directly from the front, he is still extremely fast.

Another period of [flash] displacement.

The effect of this ultimate move "Thousands of Thunders"...

It seems to have been blown out like an explosion!

The raging thunder storm roared across the battlefield in front of the Dalong River, bringing with it a large amount of astonishing magic damage. Even if it fell on a few purple heroes in the front row, it still caused a considerable amount of damage!

In the audience, fans of the supporting group for the Magic City Finals were so excited that they almost jumped up:


"Kenan is awesome!!"

Indeed, the visual impact of this scene is too strong.

For a moment, the same thought subconsciously emerged in the minds of almost most of the audience;

This wave...

It seems that the purple side really has a chance?

Could it be that everyone had thought too much and been too cautious before? In fact, Kenan did not need to do everything possible to find an opportunity to enter the game from behind, and the purple side did not just have to play the see-saw.

Everyone with a fan speeded up.

The purple side army took the initiative to launch a wave of attacks, and AP Kennen flashed into the field. Even if it was a head-on team fight, it could still produce astonishing and impressive effects in the first place.

However, such thoughts only flashed through my mind.

Immediately, many members of the top 16 teams in the front row of the audience looked serious:


"not like this."

On the commentary stage, Lao Hei's passionate commentary voice continued to come quickly:

"Okay! Kenan enters the field and controls three of them this time!"

"It's a lot of damage!!"



"The damage is not enough!"

The tone changed almost in an instant, and at the same time, you could see that Lao Hei's face and expression also suddenly changed. He Tu, who was sitting beside him, quickly answered the words and said in a deep voice:

"The follow-up damage is not enough."

"Kenan did all the damage in the front row and didn't drop anyone in seconds——"

"The blue side is going to fight back!"

If nothing else is mentioned, just watching the purple army's strong attack with this wave of cooperation is indeed very shocking.

After all, Fan Zi Ma’s RE full shield acceleration, and Kennen’s ultimate move flashing into the field to control three people, have indeed brought the purple side’s lineup’s originally weak frontal force opening ability to a limited range. The ultimate.


The problem also occurred very quickly the second the team battle broke out.

Kennen's ultimate move comes into play.

The thunderstorm set off by "Thousands of Thunder Heavenly Lao Yin" ragingly enveloped the three heroes in the front row of the opponent's blue army.

Of course, it dealt a considerable amount of magic damage.

On the blue side, the blood volume of the jungle prince and auxiliary Japanese girl's head plummeted almost in an instant, sliding down nearly half of the pipe. Even the prince's blood line had almost dropped to the dangerous line of about one-third. .


A wave of skills burst into damage, but they did not complete any concentrated fire instant kill in the first place.

Even though the ultimate move controlled three of them, the blue side's mid laner Dao Mei was just on the edge of Kennen's ultimate move. She retreated immediately and was not controlled by the dizziness. She quickly got out and avoided the follow-up. The damage was done, but his health status was not affected much.

As the team that takes the lead, the Magic City Victory Team has actually achieved everything that their semi-poke lineup can do.

However, even this is an almost perfect coordination and entry.

It seems that the effect that can be achieved is limited to this.

And the team battle has started.

Just such a beginning is far from enough to determine the final outcome.

This is also the biggest shortcoming of the Purple Army's lineup. It lacks the ability to explode in seconds. For this reason, this lineup is not suitable for directly taking the lead, but should be more gradual and slow to pull the kite.

But since the Magic City Finals team has made such a reckless choice.


It seems that he has to pay the price for this recklessness.

After being caught off guard at first, the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side almost recovered quickly.

Just now, I didn't expect that the opponent would dare to take the initiative so boldly, so I was a little confused for a moment.

And after coming back to his senses——

Several members of the Xiacheng decisive team could not help but be ecstatic:

"The other side is crazy!"

"Fight back! Fight back directly!!"

The opponent's burst damage in the first round was perfectly sufficient, but it only fell on their front-row hero, who was firmly held back.

But their blue team’s strong opening lineup is different from their opponents——

Just one set.

An instant burst is enough to directly kill the opponent on the spot!

Under the control of Wu Tian, ​​the half-blooded prince Jiawen didn't even consider the idea of ​​retreating one after another to save his life. He immediately EQed two consecutive moves without retreating and then rushed towards the opponent's mid laner Jace, with the big move "Heaven and Earth Shatter" It also fell with a bang at the first time!

Rambo, the top laner controlled by Sun Zheng, kept up almost simultaneously.

After using his ultimate move "Constant Temperature Burn", a row of guns roared down from the sky, plowing a flaming death trail in the opponent's purple square formation!

The Japanese girl's E skill "Zenith Blade" points forward!

Hit Kenan!

Protruding face!

The Q skill "Shield of Dawn" was shot down hard!

The team battle went from the purple side's strong attack to the blue side's fierce counterattack. All changes occurred in only three or four seconds, and the initiative of the situation seemed to be suddenly reversed in this flash of lightning!

Compared to the purple side's first move, which seems to be a gorgeous and perfect combo.

The counterattack launched by the Blue Fangxia City decisive team was more simple and direct, but it was also full of heart-stopping terrifying murderous intent!

For a moment.

The health bar on Jace's head fell halfway down the pipe!

Kennan was attacked by the Japanese girl and the sword girl at the same time. He was stunned and controlled one after another, almost unable to move in place, and his blood volume dropped wildly!

Rambo's ultimate move also hit the three purple heroes perfectly, and the blazing flame trail continued to cause astonishing damage, even worse than Kennen's ultimate move just now!


At this moment, Draven, the real core output of the blue side, has not yet entered the field.

When Draven's rotating flying ax swings up and throws it with a shrill whistle, any hero on the purple side with remaining health will be as fragile as paper.

While such thoughts passed through everyone’s minds——

The ADC Draven on the blue side of the field moved.

Falling in the last row of his own formation, the first move of the Glory Executioner was to hold up two giant axes in his hands, charge them up, and throw them forward!

Big move.

"Cold-blooded pursuit of life"!

The update is here. The next chapter will be after 9 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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