
Chapter 368 There is still a way

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Regarding the third refreshed water dragon, the purple side's Magic City decisive team released it very simply.

There was no hesitation or sloppiness.

So at the early 21st minute of the game, as the female voice from the system announced, the third water dragon fell into the hands of the blue Fangxia City decisive team without any suspense.

But for the Xiacheng decisive team, getting the third dragon in such a smooth and calm manner did not make them feel happy.

Of course, water dragons are also good.

After all, there is a poke hero like Jace on the opposite side, and there is a water dragon buff on his side, and he has more recovery and battery life, which is always better than nothing.


Originally they were hoping for more.

If the attribute of the third refreshed dragon is earth or fire, then even if the buff effect of the earth dragon or fire dragon itself is aside, more importantly, they could have used the third refreshed dragon as bait to force the opponent's purple Fang came to pick up the group.

But now...

All was calm.

The opponent took the initiative to release the dragon, and they took the dragon smoothly.

The teamfight couldn't continue as they hoped.

This makes it impossible for them to further expand their advantage with their strong teamfighting capabilities during this time period when they should be at their strongest.

Obtaining a water dragon will not have a decisive impact on the overall rhythm of the battle.

"The Magic City Finals team knows the opponent's strengths very well, and they also know their own strengths."

Lao Hei on the commentary desk commented like this:

"Taking over head-on is a thankless task for the purple side. It will give the opponent too many opportunities to perform, and it will also give the opponent Draven too much room to perform."

"But if we can avoid the battle head-on——"

"The Magic City Victory Team will have a lot of room to play. Through tactical operation and military line operation, they can avoid the opponent's strongest point and win this game in a more calm and bloodless way."

Su Xue's eyes fell on the Xiaolong Gorge in the OB scene.

Watch the emblem pattern on the inner wall of the fjord change:

"The last little dragon...is the wind dragon."

"This is another bad news for the Xiacheng decisive victory."


The first two brushes are fire dragons and earth dragons that are full of gunpowder.

But the last two are water dragons and wind dragons.

This almost means that even after six or seven minutes, when the next little dragon is refreshed, the blue side still cannot use the last wind dragon as a bait to force the opponent to take over. There is no suspense. If the purple side's Magic City decisive team If he has no other plans, he will continue to give up this wind dragon generously.

At this point in the game, the tactical ideas of both teams on the field have become obvious——

The Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side is bent on forcing the opponent to take over, using the strengths of their own lineup through fighting, so as to gain an advantage and establish a victory.

The purple side focused on avoiding battles during the decisive battle in Magic City, and tried not to have the chance of a head-on 5V5 team fight with the opponent. Through more sophisticated tactical operations and detail processing, it cannibalize the opponent bit by bit and win the game without losing any blood.

Both teams know their opponents' thoughts and calculations.

They also tried their best to break the opponent's plan and return the rhythm to their own side.

But at present, it seems that it is difficult for the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side to achieve their wish.

"The dragonet is no longer good enough as bait."

Hetu glanced at the OB screen on the viewing screen:

"The real key resource may be the dragon."

Lao Hei frowned:

"Does Dalong force a group?"

"For the Xiacheng decisive victory, it is still too risky to consider such a thing at this time."

Su Xue nodded in agreement:

"Yes, the blue team's lineup determines that their efficiency in opening the baron is not high, and it is definitely too early to use the baron at this time - if you force the baron, the risk you have to bear is very high."

After all, considering the lineup of the Purple Square Magic City Finals team, just one hand of Jace and one hand of Fan Mom are enough to consume countless pokes when the opponent opens the baron.

Not to mention there is also a top laner, Kennen.

As long as you find an opportunity to make a big entrance, this Furious Heart, which uses an AP equipment route, can single-handedly bring a devastating blow to the opponent's blue army.

"If we really want to open the dragon, it can't be now."

Hetu concluded with a summary:

"We have to wait at least six or seven minutes for the blue side's equipment to take shape again."

"When the time comes, their damage will be faster if they open the Baron, and they will be more confident and successful."

But that was six or seven minutes later.

before that--

Faced with this situation, what should the blue Xiacheng decisive team do?

The choice Xiacheng made for the decisive victory was to directly push in a group.

The game reached the early 20 minutes, and the three defensive towers of the blue and purple legions on the field had been broken one after another.

After taking down the third water dragon, the blue side's army went home to update and replenish their equipment. Then they went out and chose to form a group in the middle, leading their troops to press into the opponent's purple side's second defensive tower in the middle.

The audience in the auditorium was in high spirits and showed expressions of surprise:


This is... a rhythm that must be forced!

The big dragon dare not open for the time being, and the opponent of the small dragon does not take the bait.

Then simply group up in the middle and push the tower, which will force the purple side to defend.

The players from the top 16 teams in the front row of the auditorium also nodded slightly. There was nothing wrong with the decision made by the blue team. Now that they want to take the initiative to fight with the opponent, they should show such a strong posture.

In the corner of the back row, the players from the three LPL companies were whispering again:

"This is coming right up -"

"It's really fierce."

"However, it may not be effective, right?"


You will soon be able to see the effect of the Blue Army's group push.

A wave of soldiers was quickly pushed under the purple side's second tower in the middle, but on the side of the purple side's army defending under the tower, auxiliary Fan Shi made an RQ, connected to Jace's QE second battery electric energy cannon, and destroyed a wave of soldiers in the blink of an eye. The line is clean.

The few heroes on the blue side didn't even have time to click on the defense tower twice before the line of troops was gone and they could only retreat temporarily.

Stay in a stalemate for a while and wait until the next wave of troops enters the tower.

The purple heroes defending under the tower did the same thing again, and in the blink of an eye another wave of troops was cleared.

The blue army still couldn't find a chance to push the tower.

In fact, because our side can defend the line just by relying on the auxiliary mid laner, Kenan, the top laner on the purple side, ran to the top lane alone and performed a wave of single lane, and the line of troops slowly moved towards the opponent's blue side's top lane two. The tower pushed through.

If the Blue Fangxia City decisive team goes back to defend regardless of anyone, the second tower on the top lane will probably be pushed directly by the soldiers soon.

Even if there is a stalemate in the middle and finds an angle for the opponent Kenan to pass behind, the blue army as the offensive side may face greater risks.

"The purple side handles things really well..."

"This lineup is also great at guarding the tower."

"The decisive victory in Xiacheng is a bit difficult to achieve -"

There was such exclamation and emotion from the audience.

But facts have also proved that it seems that the Blue Army’s plan to forcefully promote the group has encountered serious resistance and is difficult to continue to advance effectively.

In the front row of the auditorium, when several members of the King's Landing team were also discussing and not optimistic about the blue team's advancement plan, the Overlord sitting beside him suddenly said:


Including Yu Ping, several Junlin players subconsciously looked at their mid laner.

The Overlord’s eyes are surprisingly bright:

"Blue Fang... there is still a way!"

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