
Chapter 363 AD attacks at the same time

The situation on the scene was clearly seen by all the spectators in the entire competition venue through the OB picture from God's perspective.

The game time came to nearly sixteen minutes.

On the river, in front of Xiaolong Gorge, the blue and purple armies were in a stalemate.

On the frontal battlefield, the two sides are constantly competing for line control vision. The purple side relies on mid laner Jess's remote poke ability to constantly try to lower the health of the opponent's front row heroes. At the same time, the blue side's Japanese and female The prince was in the front row, constantly looking for opportunities to use his phone.

But in the lower half of the blue jungle area, there is insufficient vision.

Kennen, the top laner on the purple side, invaded quietly and made a big detour, but his whereabouts were not discovered by the opponent's blue side army.

The Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side was still aware of the disappearance of the opponent's top lane hero and became vigilant.

However, at this time, the blue army was already unable to dismount.

If you give in.

What is given up is the ownership of this earth dragon.

So at the critical moment, the blue side took the most decisive action and directly took the initiative to force the earth dragon away!

The mountain dragon was pulled out of the Xiaolong Fjord. Several heroes from the blue side approached the left side of the fjord mouth. While pulling the hatred of the earth dragon, they quickly began to focus their fire output, thus handing over the right to choose. The opponent's purple square army is in the hands.

I have started to fight the earth dragon, do you want to stop me or not?

The blue side has made up its mind.

It was the purple side's turn to make a decision, and this earth dragon could not give up easily. So soon, on the right side of the river fjord, several heroes from the purple side quickly moved forward again, trying to prevent the opponent from forcing the attack. Earth dragon's movements.

And this was in line with the wishes of the Blue Fangxia City decisive team.

It seems to be forcing the earth dragon to open.

In fact, the earth dragon is used as bait to force the opponent to step forward to take over.

So as soon as several heroes from the purple side approached, the jungler prince from the blue side was the first to turn his head. EQ 2nd Company suddenly took action and rushed towards the formation of the opponent's purple side!

More than one prince, Jiawen, took action.

At the same time that his jungler teammate EQ handed over for the second consecutive time, several other members of the blue Fangxia City decisive team also responded almost at the same moment.

Top laner Rambo's ultimate move "Constant Temperature Burn" suddenly turned on.

A row of bombs was fired with a bang, accompanied by a loud bang in the sky, and the roaring firepower ammunition detonated and exploded in the river and fjord, plowing a flaming death trail in the back row of the purple square formation.

Block the escape route!

It's still the same moment.

The long sword in the hand of the auxiliary Japanese girl suddenly raised up and pointed directly at the sky, and the ultimate move "Sun Flare" was summoned. The golden dazzling spots bloomed in the middle of the purple square formation almost together with Rambo's ultimate move.

Everything happens in an instant.

And this is the powerful teamfighting ability of the Blue Army's lineup.

An extremely tough first mover.

Group control and AOE that can almost cover the entire opponent's formation!

A fierce and unstoppable approach.

Combined together, it is almost enough to defeat an opponent who has no time to respond in the blink of an eye.


Good thing.

This wave of fighting broke out, and the purple side's Magic City decisive team was not unprepared.

If the time goes back five seconds.

When the blue side of Fangxia City made up its mind to force the earth dragon in the decisive victory, in the small map from the God's perspective, it can be seen that the top laner of the purple side, Kennen, is continuing to go deep around the red buff monster in the opponent's lower half jungle area.

Two seconds later.

When the five men on the blue side started fighting the earth dragon and the health bar on the top of the mountain dragon's head dropped by one-third, Kennen's figure passed silently in front of the opponent's F6 jungle area.

When the earth dragon's health bar dropped by nearly half, the four purple square troops on the front battlefield chose to step forward to block it. Kenan had almost touched the back of the opponent's blue square army's formation.


At the same moment when the opponent's blue army took the lead on the frontal battlefield——

On the purple side, Chen Ting's back-circling Kenan finally reached the most suitable angle.

On and off stage.

It was the players and players from the three LPL companies in the last row of the auditorium who first discovered this detail.

Tian Tian's eyes suddenly lit up:


Shi Hang was almost moved all of a sudden, slapped the back of his chair and shouted loudly:

"Good angle!"

The same moment the words fell.

Kennen's E skill "Mysterious Thunder Armor" was activated like lightning, and the mini body suddenly turned into a bright electric ball and rushed forward at high speed.

The ultimate move "Secret Art·Ten Thousand Thunder Heavenly Lao Yin" is launched almost instantly.

The raging thunder storm centered on Furious Heart's body and spread out a thunder field with a radius of several hundred yards. At the moment when several heroes of the opponent's blue army had no time to react and recover, Kai, who was carrying his ultimate move, The figure from the south was already approaching at an extremely fast speed.

Accompanied by a burst of bright golden light.


Kennen moves and cuts into the battlefield!

Go straight to the back row of the opponent's formation!

In an instant, the entire competition venue shook!

Exclamations from the audience in the audience broke out one after another, and the live analysis broadcasts of the three commentators in front of the commentary suddenly became intense and urgent:

"The blue side takes the initiative!"

"The prince cuts right up! Rambo's big move! Cut off the purple side's retreat! The big move is very effective!!"

"Is the purple side going to be defeated?"


"Oh my god! Kennen is coming!"

"Ultra flash!"

"This wave... Ten Thousand Thunder Prison, almost full damage!! Kennen's god-level circling back to enter the field!"

"Is the purple team going to turn over!?"

The chaos and intensity of the battle on the field was enough to even overshadow the exclamations and shocks on and off the stage.

At the moment when the team battle broke out, the blue and purple legions almost unanimously locked the primary killing target on the opponent's ADC hero.

The Prince's EQ two-combo directly pointed at Vayne!

Displacement and rush, the ultimate skill "Heaven Collapse" fell like lightning!

The mid-lane Irelia also killed the target Night Hunter at the first time, and came to the target Vayne after a period of displacement and rush with the Q skill.

Compared with Vayne's situation.

The ADC Draven on the blue side was also in a bad situation.

Because at the moment when he circled back and flashed into the field, the purple side's top laner Kennen also stared at the position of the Glory Executioner.

The Furious Heart, with the violent momentum of wind and thunder, rushed straight to Draven!

At the same time, in response to his teammate Kennen, the purple team's jungler excavator also dug holes in the ground at the first time, bypassed the battlefield and approached Draven head-on.

The ADC players of both sides.

Almost at the moment when the team battle broke out.

They each fell into the most dangerous situation of being targeted by concentrated fire!


It was also at this moment.

In front of the ADC seats on both sides of the stage.

The controllers of the two ADC heroes sat up almost at the same time.

The operation in their hands.

Suddenly exploded!

Updates are sent, and four more chapters will continue today. The next chapter should be before 9 o'clock, and the revisions will be rolled out.

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