
Chapter 361 I have an idea

In fact, it is by no means just the level of development of last-hitting and economic equipment.

Even in the fourteen to five minutes since the start of this game, the operations and performance of the ADC players on both sides have definitely reached the top level of the world championship.

Therefore, the sighs and sighs expressed by He Tu and Lao Hei on the commentary stage were even considered a bit too "conservative".

Most of the players and spectators in the audience had similar feelings.

For them, the group of BO5 that they came to watch today, especially the third game that is going on at the moment, the excitement and intensity of the battle in the bottom lane made them thoroughly addicted to watching it, and even subconsciously gave birth to a few points. The thought and feeling of "I haven't seen such a fierce and exciting showdown in a long time".

Even though the finals only ended more than a month ago.

But it seems...

Such a battle in the bottom lane, such a collision of operations between a group of Night Hunters and Glory Executioners, brought excitement and visual enjoyment to the audience. Compared with the S Series World Finals that they watched live, It's still a bit stronger.

It's just that this idea only passed through the minds of most players and viewers, and they did not think about it further.

Because in their common sense, the LSPL trials currently underway are still far from being comparable to the S-League, the top competition in the entire League of Legends.

The two ADC players on the field at the moment, no matter how strong and impressive they are, are not qualified to be on an equal footing with those truly top star professional players.

As everyone knows——

They were really lucky to be there at this moment, and what they were admiring was a set of peak matchups in the bottom lane that even "top all-stars" could not easily describe.

Even the top star players who are truly famous in the world's e-sports circles in their eyes.

Even those Seven Kings and Four Emperors.

There are quite a few who are currently standing in front of the computers or monitor screens in the training rooms of their respective club bases, watching and studying the ongoing match more intently than they do.

Peak level operation.

Awareness of top careers.

more important,

They are two equal opponents, former partners who know the ins and outs of each other.

The combination of all the conditions and factors was enough to create such a battle that even aroused the attention of almost half of the professional e-sports circle.

And so far——

The war may have just begun.

"Azen did the vision."

"Scan the blue buff here to see if there is an eye position on the opposite side."

"Tangtang, be careful. Don't let the opponent get the upper hand. You can stand further back - you are standing too far forward. If the opponent opens directly, we won't be able to counterattack."

"The distance between the formations is widened."

"Old Chen hides his position and doesn't show his head. Look for opportunities to see if he can get around."

"The middle line of troops can be dealt with again. If Xiaolong is dragging it, try to see if you can turn around and press the opposite middle tower."

Lin Feng's voice kept ringing out from the side of the Purple Cube Magic City decisive team on the stage with a methodical and calm tone.

Instructions were issued one after another.

Clear and thorough analysis of the entire current war situation in detail.

Everyone in the team is assigned their own tasks, and with the deep understanding developed by several people working side by side in the past period, they are able to handle their respective tasks with ease and in coordination with their teammates.

This is also the result of previous training sessions with the three LPL teams.

Even if we don’t mention the players’ personal operations, the players in the Magic City Finals are already very good at operating at this tactical and strategic level.

Lin Feng was not the only one giving orders.

The other four members of the team are also constantly giving various detailed feedback:

"The river grass has been cleared."

"There should be two real eyes on the opposite side."

"I can lead a wave of lanes in the middle, but it's hard to press forward. The Japanese girl on the opposite side should be behind the wall of the F6 jungle area."

"The prince has no place. The prince has no place. He can't be seen for the time being. Move back a little -"

"I'm on the bottom triangular grass. I'm on the bottom triangular grass. They have no vision here. You guys stay back and I'll look for an opportunity to get around their red buff."

In contrast, for the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side, there was only one voice on the team's voice channel from beginning to end.

That was Mu Qiu's voice.

Moreover, there are not many specific instructions and arrangements for each person, just a few simple sentences:

"Let the fight go. Anyone who finds an opportunity can just fight."

"I have both summonses, so there is no need to protect me."

"In seconds opposite to the back row."

Such a tactical concept seems to be too simple.

But also pure enough.

Because even as the core DPS AD of the team, Mu Qiu still chooses to shoulder most of the pressure by herself, without making any more demands on other teammates and companions. They only need them to do what they are best at.

In addition, there is no sophisticated enough design. There is only one goal. When you see someone killing someone, it is best to kill the opponent's back row first.

But in fact, if you take into account the blue team’s lineup, it can indeed be simpler and more violent in terms of tactical execution——

After all, they have the ability of the Japanese girl and the prince to start a group first.

Another knife girl forced her way in.

And Rambo’s ultimate move.

The strength of the lineup is enough to make up for the personal operations of a large part of the players during this period.

As for the key player who determines the outcome, Mu Qiu's personal performance only needs to make up for all the damage and the final harvest.

The mouse and keyboard in her hands moved and tapped rhythmically, making crisp sounds. Mu Qiu's eyes always fell on the opponent's purple square ADC Vayne not far from the screen.

The laning period has passed, and the outcome has not yet been decided.


It is already a new battleground.

It has been about twenty seconds since the earth dragon was refreshed.

On the field, the ten heroes of the blue and purple armies were all close to the Xiaolong Gorge, a river in the lower half.

At this time, there was no time to take care of the military lines in the middle and bottom lanes. After a period of stalemate, both sides obviously began to lose their patience. Small-scale test collisions continued to occur in front of the river, and the splashes made people's hearts unbearable. Live a jump of sparks.

"The pressure on the purple side is greater."

Lao Hei on the commentary desk commented:

"After all, they lack the means to start a team, but when it comes to backhanding - if the blue side starts the attack too smoothly, it is very likely that the purple side will lose one or two members as soon as the team battle breaks out."

"The blue side is different. The Japanese girl and the prince find opportunities to start team battles too easily."

"If Rambo is stuck in a blind spot and throws his ultimate move first, he can still have an explosive effect."

Hetu answered:

"So actually the safest choice for the purple side is to put a second earth dragon."

"But if you insist on accepting this group, you will naturally have to bear the corresponding risks."

Su Xue's eyes were always fixed on the small map, and then she suddenly said:

"It's not like there's no chance——"

"Pay attention to Kenan's position. This wave... the purple party has an idea!"

The update is here, and the fourth update is coming soon. I have just completed two chapters and still have to go out to do some errands. .

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