
Chapter 342 The powerful dragon group

Everyone can see that time has reached this stage, especially after the blue army is so powerful that it has successively taken down the opponent's upper and middle defensive towers, while the opponent's purple army has no way to deal with it - —

The situation on the scene has inevitably tilted towards the blue side's decisive victory in the magic city.


It can't be powered by just one ADC.

This is especially true when your opponent is strong enough and the lineup is more reasonable.

The ADC Obama on the purple side performed almost impeccably in this game. In fact, as early as the team battle with the second fire dragon, most people thought that the purple side was no longer their opponent when taking over head-on.

But it happened that under such circumstances, the Holy Lance Ranger on the purple side still carried by himself, leading the team to play a wave of 3 for 3, adding a double kill and an assist, and also helped the team win the second fire dragon.

But it is.

From now on, as the power of the lineup of the blue side's decisive victory team becomes more and more obvious, the situation of ADC Obama, who is the core output position on the purple side, becomes more and more difficult.

The lineup is not a four-guarantee one.

Lucian really had to rely on himself.

On his own, he had to face the full firepower of almost five of his opponents.

Not to mention this kind of LSPL trials, even in professional competitions, professional ADC players, even top star professional ADCs, can hardly achieve anything.

Therefore, when this wave of blue army is about to move to the baron fjord in the upper half of the wild area and prepare to fight the baron, people have already determined the outcome of this game.

If the baron wins, the game is basically over.


He Tu on the commentary desk noticed something, and his eyes fell on the small map screen on the big screen:


"This wave, the purple side seems to be coming out to pick it up."

The five people on the blue side took the lead in taking position in front of the Dalong Gorge in the river.

But it can also be seen that the heroes who won the decisive victory in Purple Fangxia City are also heading towards the upper half of the jungle in a group.

It's also expected.

After all, even if you know that it is difficult to fight head-on in the current situation, after all, if you want to watch the opponent get the baron, it is equivalent to giving up the game early.

Even if you don't play in a group, you should at least try to harass, or try your luck to get the upper hand by fighting in the jungle and punishing.

"The Magic City Finals won't give you such a chance."

In the front row of the audience, there were players from the top 16 teams who couldn't help but shake their heads and gave their opinions in a mature and solemn way:

"Having a big advantage, there is no need to take risks and forcefully open the baron."

"This wave attracted the purple party on the opposite side, just to fight another wave on the Dalong Gorge side of the river."

"Anyway, we have secured the field of view in advance, so we should ambush first——"

This kind of analysis has not yet been finished.

But he was interrupted by other people on the side exclaiming:


The previous analysis stopped abruptly.

The exclamations in the audience were already rising one after another!

It's really open!

It does seem that it can be opened, because the purple side of this wave of opponents does not arrive very fast, and the blue side's lineup is also very efficient in opening the baron during this period.

In a few seconds, the health bar on the dragon's head had dropped by a quarter!

And the five heroes of the Purple Army are still on their way!

"Is there any chance to take it away directly?"

At this time, Lao Hei, He Tu and Su Xue on the commentary table could not sit still.

This is faster than they expected. If they can seize the time and quickly rush to win the baron, they can even directly seal the victory without losing any blood - the opponent purple army will lose even the last chance to fight.

The dragon's blood volume continues to decline!

one third.

Half blood!

At this moment, the five heroes of the purple side can barely pass their F6 jungle position.

Two-fifths of the blood volume!

One third of the blood volume!

"That's too late."

He Tu on the commentary desk made a direct conclusion with a firm tone.

As an experienced professional commentator, his vision and judgment in this area are extremely sharp.


At this time, the purple square army could not catch up.

The blue side was too decisive in opening the dragon and fought too fast. According to the current rhythm, basically before the purple side reaches the Great Dragon Fjord, the blue side's Magic City Finals five players should be able to take down the great dragon just right.

The time difference before and after will not exceed one or two seconds.

Then, as long as someone on the purple side legion can make the same correct judgment, at this time, they should actually choose to stop.

If they could arrive faster and earlier, if there was even one fifth of the dragon's health remaining, it might be worth taking a chance and trying to fight for the ownership of the dragon baron.

But if it is already determined that it is too late, there is no need to force it.

Because when the opponent wins the Baron, they will have their hands free again, and if the two sides have a head-on battle at the Dalong Fjord in the river, the purple side still has no chance of winning - it is better to accept their fate and retreat to the high ground, maybe still There is a slight chance that it will continue to take some time.

The blood volume of the big dragon's health bar has quickly reached its bottom.


Unexpectedly, the five people from the Purple Legion quickly rushed towards the fjord without slowing down.

The attack signals on the mini-map were quickly marked one by one!

Accompanied by the clear and sweet sound of "ding ding ding", it is like the beating of war drums and the sound of trumpets.

The river picture is moving:


"Is this... a forced fight!?"

In the front row and even the back row of the audience, the players from the top 16 teams and the players from the three LPL companies suddenly realized something, and they could hardly help but stand up from their seats amid the commotion——

Do you really want to fight?

The health bar on Baron Baron's head was almost down to its last sliver.

Not far away, the figures of five members of the purple army had already appeared less than two thousand yards away.

The blue side jungler Spider's [Punishment] strikes decisively and calmly.


Baron Nash's health bar was cleared and returned to zero.

Following the prompt announcement from the female voice of the system, the big dragon buff fell into the possession of the blue army.


Almost at the same moment.

There was a clear "ping" sound, and a military flag suddenly fell from mid-air into the formation of the blue army in Dalong Fjord.

The purple side jungler Prince Jiawen's E skill "Debon Flag" is followed by the Q skill "Dragon Crash" in seconds.

EQ Erlian.

There was no hesitation or hesitation.

Cut right into the scene!

Even if the dragon is lost, even if the battle seems to be decided.

This wave of team battles...

Still being forced to open by the purple army!

An update is coming. There should be another chapter before 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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