
Chapter 332 Disadvantages

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It’s not just Huangxue Yege who is singing in the back row of the live auditorium.

Also included were Dawn Morning Star, Shi Hang, Shadow Puppet and Tian Tian who were sitting next to him.

They all felt similar doubts.

Compared with the other professional players from the three LPL companies who also came to the scene today to watch the game, they have a deeper and more intuitive understanding of someone's personal abilities and even their strength level at the ADC position. .

Similarly, with their own strength and vision, they can also more clearly see other objective information behind the combination of the bottom lane lineups of both sides in this game.

of course--

So far in this laning match, someone's blue side ADC Ezreal's performance and operation can be said to be flawless, even if he was targeted by gank in the first wave, and was even attacked by Obama over the tower in the second wave kill……

From beginning to end, there was absolutely no problem with someone's operation and response.

Indeed, it can be concluded that the problem in the two waves of bottom lane failures lies with Zeng Rui's auxiliary Niutou.


Another question arises.

In this level of bottom lane confrontation, the personal abilities of the ADC players on both sides have almost reached the top level of the profession. If they cannot catch opportunities from each other, they can only look for entry points from the other side's support.

Zeng Rui's auxiliary Niutou is certainly inferior to the ADCs on both sides. It is easy to fail to keep up with the rhythm and become the "short board" of the blue side's bottom lane.

But similarly, the auxiliary Japanese girl on the purple side also has similar problems.

Even if we simply talk about the personal strength of the support, Zeng Rui, who has been trained for many years in competitions, should definitely be more than a little stronger than Xia Ziyou, the support in the purple Fangxia City decisive victory.

So why, during this period of time in the bot lane matchup, the stronger Zeng Rui was caught making mistakes one after another?

Xia Ziyou's support Japanese girl, who is obviously inferior in strength, seems to be playing more steadily and solidly, and even helps her own ADC gain so many advantages?

There is only one reason.

The problem lies in the selection of ADC heroes on both sides.

“It’s not that Azeng’s support level is worse than that of the Japanese girl opposite.


The shadow puppet shook his head. As the main support of Team Hayami, he had enough credibility and persuasiveness to make such a judgment:

"Really, mainly as ADC, the combination of Obama and Japanese women is indeed more coordinated and suitable."

"As a hero who is extremely powerful in the early stage, Lucian can maximize the advantages of the player's personal abilities in the laning phase. He takes the initiative to set the pace, and the Japanese only need to keep up and cooperate."

"But on the blue side..."

"EZ plus bull head is not the case."

Shi Hang looked far away in the direction of the competition room on the stage, looking at the figure of someone sitting in the seat on the side of the blue army, with a puzzled look on his face:

"Maple, if you choose an EZ and a bull head, you are destined to be able to withstand pressure from the beginning."

Choose an EZ and face a Holy Spear Ranger of Mu Qiu's level.

Then it is indeed destined that it is impossible to take the initiative in the early stage.

Your EZ can only protect itself and develop under pressure as much as possible. In this case, you may be able to stabilize yourself, but your support partner may not have the same operation and awareness as you, and the chance of being caught by the opponent is even greater. easy.

"Change to a stronger AD, like Policewoman or Draven. I guess they can be more aggressive in the bottom lane and in the lane, right?"

KG’s ADC player Konjac couldn’t help but scratch his head:

"Why just choose EZ..."


From other people's perspective, it might be hard to say for the players of the three LPLs.

But if it is Lin Feng, with the depth of his hero pool, besides Ezreal, there are definitely a lot of heroes to choose from, and any other choice may be more suitable than the EZ presented in this round.

In other words——

If the ADC selected by someone this time is any other strong hero, then the early bot lane matchup... will definitely be more comfortable and have a better chance of winning.

"That guy... doesn't know this."

Huangxue Yege's brows were still furrowed:

"Why do you have to choose EZ?"

But the choice has been made.

This is the hero lineup of the blue and purple armies, and it cannot be changed.

The situation on the scene continues to become more intense as time goes by, and although this purple side does have a huge advantage in the bottom lane, it is not that the blue side army has lost a decisive battle in the magic city until now. Power.


It can be said.

Even if the opponent's ADC Holy Spear Ranger already has two heads in hand and Tianhu starts the game, looking at the overall situation, the initiative should still be in the hands of the Blue Cube Magic City decisive team.

Compared with the 2/1/0 record data of the purple side ADC Obama, it is the 2/0/0 record of the blue side mid laner Jayce.


In fact, because he is the mid laner, Jayce can have this kind of development in the early and mid-term, and the carrying role he can play and the threat and pressure he can put on his opponents are even stronger than Lucian.


Don’t forget about Rambo, the top laner on the blue side’s top lane.

After learning the ultimate move after level 6, Rambo's laning and group participation abilities have jumped to a whole new level.

Especially at present, the only most developed output core on the purple side is ADC Obama. This means that in the early and mid-term, if they fight in a group, Rambo's ultimate move can almost destroy the opponent as long as he targets Lucian and throws it at the opponent's feet. All output spaces.

That's not to mention the damage.

Moreover, if Rambo holds [Flash] in hand and finds good angles and cutting opportunities, just relying on his early development of 0/0/0 is enough to directly use a set of 2/1/0 holy spear. The Ranger won with a single kill.

This is the biggest "disadvantage" of the ADC position.

No matter how good your early development is.

In front of the opponent's top laner, jungler, and mid laner, you still have to keep your tail between your legs.

As long as Obama falls on the purple side, the heroes in other positions will basically have no capital to continue to challenge the blue side.

In addition, even though Lucian is currently developing smoothly and is full of momentum in the bottom lane, he only needs to be killed once to end most of his strong period.

"So the situation is still not optimistic for the purple side."

He Tu on the commentary table made a judgment:

"Especially Obama, he needs to be more cautious next time."

"On the one hand, you can't die, not even once."

"on the other hand……"

"He also needs to rely on the advantages achieved with the help of the current team to further snowball, and it must be fast!"

Lao Hei's eyes fell on the side of the blue army watching the big screen:

"The blue side can delay it a little longer."

"Don't worry, wait until Rambo's level increases and he learns the level 2 ultimate move; and EZ's output equipment is basically formed."

"The current situation..."

"It's hard to say."

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