
Chapter 324 Run

The situation seems to be still at a stalemate.

The junglers of both sides have not yet started the first wave of gank roaming, and the head count of the blue and purple legions on the field is still at 0-0.

In less than four minutes, no blood came out, which is actually quite normal.

However, viewers who are familiar with or have watched the performance of the two teams and know the playing styles of the two teams clearly remember that whether it is the decisive game in Magic City or the decisive game in Xiacheng, they all have the same aggressive and fierce playing style.

Don't say four minutes.

Often in the first three minutes of the game, a battle can almost break out, quickly snowballing in the lane.

And in this round... both sides seemed to have become cautious.

But the desire to attack has not been restrained, and the smell of gunpowder still permeates the third route. It is strong and lingering, making people feel more and more nervous and the atmosphere is solidified, as if a war is about to break out at any time, and a person's head will bleed the next second. Will explode and be born.

More eyes are still focused on the bottom lane.

In the back row of the audience, professional players from the three LPL companies couldn't help but whisper and talk while wearing masks. During the conversation, they couldn't hide their admiration and praise: "It's really scary..." "I care about such details. Pulling, it feels like you are playing with fire——" "You are so confident that you dare to do this kind of positioning."

"I'm really not afraid of being opened by the opponent's support..." "What the hell, do you believe that as long as the support dares to open, the ADCs on both sides can move and dodge at will?

Then he will fight back immediately and make you lose your temper. "

"So exaggerated?"

"Nonsense, if you don't believe me, go up and try it yourself, and you'll be beaten to the point of crying for your father and mother in a matter of minutes -" Dawn Morning Star slowly said, "We still have to wait and see when the junglers on both sides will come."

Huangxue Yege, who was sitting next to him, never looked away from the OB screen from beginning to end: "Yeah."

"The bottom lane is too evenly divided. If the jungler fails to come forward, the deadlock will not be broken for a while."

Tian Tian pursed his lips tightly and did not answer. At this moment, his mood was naturally the most complicated. There were his partners on both sides of the court, and it was impossible to choose to support only one of them.

Shi Hang touched his chin, his expression rarely serious: "It should be soon."

...Indeed, it was just as Huangxue Yege and Dawn Morning Star judged.

The current bot lane situation,

For the time being, it is difficult to break the stalemate solely by relying on the online combination of both sides.

Strictly speaking, in terms of strength or bursting ability of a set of damage, the combination of the Japanese girl and Obama on the purple side is stronger.

But on the blue side, EZ plus bull head, although the burst damage is slightly insufficient, but the advantage is that EZ is flexible enough to pull, and has the protection of bull head, so it will not easily give the opponent a chance.

One thing worth noting is that in this game, both sides' supports have [Ignite] instead of [Weakness].

It means that if you are determined to win, this bottom lane will definitely lead to bloodshed.

But for the time being, it seems that the summoner skill [Ignite] supported by both sides has not been put to use yet.

The three commentators on the commentary desk were also communicating and discussing at this time: "We can't fight..." "Everyone in the bottom lane should want to fight, but they are also cautious enough not to let the opponent easily seize the opportunity."

"But we still have to fight. I feel like the purple side should be more anxious."

Game time is 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

The bottom line of troops was slightly pushed towards the purple defense tower.

Just at this time, the accessory eye position originally placed at the river mouth on the blue side disappeared - it was inserted by Lin Feng's ADC Explorer - watching the line of soldiers push forward, Zeng Rui took advantage of the situation and controlled his auxiliary bull head to go Fill in the second jewelry eye.

The defensive eye position must not be broken to ensure the safety of the river view.

This approach can be called prudent and prudent, and it has always been a good habit of Zeng Rui. After all, he has been partnered with Tang Bingyao a lot. The girl is too aggressive and is used to unreasonably overpowering others. Naturally, as an auxiliary partner, she must do it immediately. Good defensive vision.


That is this moment.

Lin Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he moved and clicked the mouse almost like lightning to control his EZ to retreat, and at the same time shouted in a low voice: "Someone is coming!"

The opponent's jungler was nowhere to be seen for four minutes.

The opponent behind the military line not far away seemed to have made no move for the time being.

It is completely a subconscious and keen intuition that allows someone to smell danger and make a judgment in a flash of lightning.

But Zeng Rui couldn't react to the warning.

When he heard "Comer", he had already subconsciously controlled the bull's head to take a step forward, and inserted his jewelry eye into the grass at the mouth of the river.

The moment the eye position drops.

The vision lights up.

A figure in golden armor and a golden helmet suddenly came into view.


The audience was filled with commotion and exclamations. In front of the commentator, He Tu suddenly became energetic: "The prince's first wave of ganks!"

The same moment the words fell.

The purple team members on the field moved faster than the commentator's voice! The Japanese girl appears directly! The figure of the Dawn Goddess suddenly moved forward with a thin golden light, and the E skill "Zenith Blade" pointed directly towards the target blue ADC explorer.

The golden beam shot out by the throw hit Ezreal's back almost instantly.

same moment.

Someone moved and tapped the keyboard and mouse with lightning speed, and the E skill "Arcane Leap" was suddenly handed over.

Move and retreat to avoid the Japanese girl's E skill.

Prince EQ took action twice.

Halfway through, another golden light exploded.

EQ flashes! The speed was extremely fast, and the timing was almost exactly right. At the moment when EZ handed over his E skill and landed, the prince Jiawen with golden armor and golden helmet had already killed him with a steel spear! It's still the same moment - someone barely stops at all.

The next second after the E skill was handed over, the summoner skill key on the keyboard was also tapped and pressed hard like lightning! Snapped! The golden light shines again.

EZ flashed simultaneously, and once again controlled the prince's EQ flash to avoid it.

The two movements were completed in one go in an instant, and he escaped directly back to the tower! "pretty!"

Lao Hei on the commentary stage gave a loud praise.

The audience in the audience also cheered loudly for this wave of EZ's reaction operations.

The speed of this wave of ganks from the purple side was so fast that people were caught off guard, and EZ's reaction was even faster to an even more exaggerated level! Insights were captured almost the moment the crisis emerged.

React directly.

Escape a thousand miles in the blink of an eye! Even if there is just a moment of hesitation or a half-minute pause between two operations, something will happen this time.

Even the three LPL players in the back row of the auditorium gasped: "Fuck..." "Running so fast——" In contrast, Tian Tian sitting next to him , Shi Hang, Dawn Morning Star, and Huang Xue Ye Ge were relatively calm, which didn't seem surprising.

Shi Hang touched his chin: "Well, this flash of hand was delivered in time."

But Huangxue Yege shook his head: "It's a pity that the cow's head is gone."

I'm sending you an update. I can only do one update today. I'll see if I can get two updates tomorrow.

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