
Chapter 314 The war has begun

After finishing their meal in the small restaurant, Lin Feng and others from the Magic City Victory Team continued to sit at the table for a while.

There was no specific topic. Chen Ting, Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui chatted away the time. Tang Bingyao, who ate slowly, continued to hold the bowl and chopsticks and take small bites of the remaining dishes on the plate in front of the table. , Lin Feng sat quietly listening to the conversation of several companions.

The time came to five forty-five.

Lin Feng received a WeChat message from Su Xue on his mobile phone:

"The third group is finished."

"Gui Ye defeated the Ashes 3 to 2."

The result was not unexpected. After all, the overall strength of Team Ghost Night was indeed stronger than Ashes.

But this score was somewhat beyond people's original expectations, 3 to 2, five games played, which indeed shows that the core ace Seo of Oniye Team in today's round is not in good condition.

After sending these two pieces of information, Su Xue sent another message to add:

"Your last group starts at half past six."

"Tidy up, you can come back."

Lin Feng looked at this message, then put away his phone and looked up at his teammates at the table:

"It's done."

"Let's go back."

The other members of the team looked at each other, and Tang Bingyao also put down her bowls and chopsticks.

Then he stood up from the table tacitly:


At 6:15, the five members of the Magic City decisive team returned to the competition venue.

Walking into the venue hall, you can see that there are not many people in the venue. They probably left after watching the previous set of games, or went to have a quick dinner and have not yet returned.

Of course, there were still many fans from the support group from Su Xue's live broadcast room who were already sitting in the auditorium waiting. They were chatting warmly and familiarly with each other. When they saw Lin Feng and the others coming back, their eyes suddenly opened. Lights up suddenly:


"Fengfeng is back!!"

"Our decisive victory is coming! Come on, come on!!"

A large number of people just swarmed up,

He enthusiastically chatted with Lin Feng and others, sending encouragement and cheers. Many of them were old water friends. They had been chatting enthusiastically all day long in the live broadcast room and in the fan group. Lin Feng could name many people by their ID names. .

So when they met like this, they were all strangers, and each of their faces seemed quite friendly.

A group of fans and water friends are very enthusiastic and concerned:

"Is it okay tonight?"

"I heard that the decisive victory in Xiacheng is also a matter of time. Fengfeng, you guys have to be careful!"

"But it's okay. There are several great masters in our second fan group who have done analysis and deduction. As long as we play steadily and suppress the development of their ADC, our chance of winning is at least 80%!"

"Fengfeng, are you sure of yourself?"

In response to such concerned inquiries, Lin Feng just smiled:


“Just give it your all.”

Just this sentence is enough to make the surrounding fans immediately feel relieved:

"That's stable!"

"If Fengfeng goes all out, there will definitely be no problem!"

One after another, other players and spectators came back after dinner, so the number of people in the venue gradually increased, and the seats in the auditorium were filled bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Knowing that the game was about to begin, the fans from the support group who had just come up to chat did not want to disturb the state of Lin Feng and others, so they thoughtfully excused themselves and went back to their seats.

Looking at the backs of a group of fans wearing support uniforms and holding light signs as they returned to the auditorium, Chen Ting sighed with emotion:

"It's such a blessing to have so many fans..."

"We have to fight hard, but we can't let them down."

Zeng Rui's eyes swept across the audience:

"But it's not just these fans, there are many people who are looking forward to this competition..."

In addition to the increasing number of fans in the front row of the auditorium wearing support uniforms for the decisive team, you can see some sneaky figures wearing masks in the corners of the back row.

Those are the players and players of God-Hand of God, Hayami and KG.

These include Dawn Morning Star, Wild Snow Night Song, Shi Hang, Tian Tian, ​​Shadow Puppet...

They all took leave today or skipped training and came here specifically to watch the game.

That is to say, the ordinary players and spectators in the stadium did not pay much attention at this moment. Otherwise, if the identities of these LPL professional players and celebrities were really recognized, it is estimated that the entire competition venue would cause a huge sensation——

The battle in the audience is already comparable to the semi-finals or even the finals of the LPL regular season.

Just one of the top 16 in the LSPL selection...

Where can you deserve the attention of so many top professional players?


This is just the scene.

In addition to those who are present, there are still many pairs of eyes far away from the competition venue that are also paying attention to this set of duels that are about to begin.

Suddenly, Lin Feng turned his head and looked somewhere:


Not loud.

But it was enough for several other teammates in the team beside him to hear clearly.

Several people subconsciously turned around and followed someone's line of sight.

Then I saw several figures walking in from the entrance of the competition venue.

The young man leading the group was slender and had a calm expression.

Many spectators in the auditorium also paid attention and couldn't help but make a commotion:

"I'm coming!"

"The other team wins..."

"The one taking the lead is their ace AD!"

In the back corner of the auditorium, players from the three LPL clubs immediately noticed the figure headed by the Xiacheng decisive team who entered the competition venue. Huangxue Yege, who was sitting in his seat, couldn't help but He subconsciously wanted to get up, but was pulled by Dawn Morning Star next to him, and shook his head at the former.

Huangxue Yege took a deep breath and sat down again.

Shi Hang murmured:

"Depend on--"

"After all these years, this guy...hasn't changed at all."

Tian Tian subconsciously grasped the armrest beside him, and sweat began to form on his palms.

Several members of the Xiacheng decisive team walked in from the entrance of the venue and were at the end of the aisle between the auditoriums.

The five members of Lin Feng from the Magic City Finals team were currently in the front row of the auditorium, standing at the other end of the aisle.

The two teams faced each other across a long aisle.

There were countless pairs of eyes on both sides, looking at the players of the two teams with excitement, anticipation and curiosity.

Fans from the support group of the Magic City Victory Team have already begun waving light signs and support sticks, shouting slogans with great momentum:

"Decisive victory! Must win!"

"Decisive victory! Must win!"

But before the support uniforms and cheering slogans were formulated, no one thought that there would be another decisive team with the same name as the Magic City Finals, so it was unclear which team the slogan was shouting at this moment.

But the momentum is already strong enough.

The atmosphere of the entire competition venue was suddenly ignited at this moment.

Under the eager gaze of countless eyes, the members of the Xiacheng decisive team slowly walked through the aisles under the leadership of Mu Qiu and came to the five members of the Magic City decisive team.

No more than two meters apart.

Mu Qiu's eyes fell on Li Shiyi and nodded slightly:

"see you later."

Then, he led several other members of the team and headed towards the backstage waiting area.

It's just that these words that were put down in an understatement were not so much said to Li Shiyi as they were meant for someone.

War letter——

Already under!

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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