
Chapter 309 After Tomorrow

As a result, Lin Feng did nothing else for the rest of the night but helped evaluate Su Xue's clothing.

This dark green one doesn't work, it's too plain.

The bright red one doesn't work either, it's too bright.

This low-cut evening dress... no, this is what I wore when I was a host. Wearing it like this when going to the commentary desk is too unserious and can easily distract people.

That pure black suit was too serious, it felt like sitting down for a focus interview——

It took a lot of effort to finally settle on one outfit. A full hour had passed. During this period, Su Xue, who had changed nearly twenty sets of clothes one after another, was still in high spirits and did not feel tired at all. She was even eager to try two more outfits. set.

One person was as tired as if he had played three consecutive rounds of BO5 with SSK. He was lying on Su Xue's bed and refused to get up to give any advice.

This is probably the first time someone has an intuitive understanding of Su Xue’s current income level:

I really made a fortune...

It's amazing that I can easily pick out so many sets of clothes that don't have the same color. In terms of color types, I can make up several rainbows.

"Hey, okay, that's it."

In the end, Su Xue made her decision with a pure black dress. She was still a little unfinished, but considering that someone was already dying on the bed next to her and pretending to be dead, she finally did not continue, and then started waving her hands to shoo away the flies:

"Okay, it's none of your business. Go back to the house and sleep."

"Really, listless... There is a game tomorrow, so we can't look like this then!"

As if he had received an amnesty, someone jumped up from the bed and ran out of Su Xue's room. Before closing the door with a bang, he said:

"Good night, Sister Xue!"

Looking at someone's back as if fleeing for their lives, Su Xue shook her head in a funny way:

"Damn brat..."

Then he looked down at the black dress he selected in his hand, and frowned slightly:

"It doesn't seem to be suitable either. I'll try two more -"

Finally returned to my room,

He immediately closed and locked the door without hesitation, eliminating any chance of Su Xue next door knocking on the door again to ask for help. When someone returned to the bed, his whole body sank into the soft Simmons and let out a long and comfortable sigh.

I have saved my life...

Women are terrible.

However, the heavy and uneasy mood that was originally due to the upcoming duel tomorrow was diluted a lot by what happened just now.

That's a good thing.

Before turning off the lights and getting ready to go to sleep, Lin Feng seemed to remember something. He turned to look at the cell phone placed on his pillow and hesitated for a moment.

Tomorrow was the game, and he was thinking about whether he should call his childhood sweetheart on the other side of the ocean to say something, or just have a casual chat.

But after hesitating for a moment, he shook his head and gave up the idea.


Let’s wait until after tomorrow.

Turn off the lights.

The room fell into silent darkness.

It's just that the even breathing after sleeping peacefully has not been heard from the bed.

This night, several members of the Xiacheng decisive team were still fighting hard in the box of the Internet cafe.

It was almost past twelve o'clock, almost early in the morning.

It stands to reason that tomorrow is the game. You should at least rest early tonight and recuperate your energy so that you can be in a strong enough state to face tomorrow's fierce battle; but fortunately, the BO5 match between Xiacheng and Magic City is in ten. The last group of the top six will officially start tomorrow night.

So even if everyone stays up a little late tonight, they will still have enough time to get a full sleep tomorrow morning.

in addition……

Several people, including Sun Zheng and Xia Ziyou, were not in the mood to go to sleep early tonight.

The war is coming.

Although they had communicated privately in advance and made up their minds, after all, knowing how strong tomorrow's opponent is, nervousness is always unavoidable.

As for this tension, they have no other better way to deal with it.

The only thing that can be done——

That is to put all their mind and energy into one training match after another, so that they have no time to think about tomorrow, only focus on the present, play every training match well, and try their best in every training. Try to find out the shortcomings and weaknesses that still exist in them, and then try to make up for them.


Counting from the morning, even if there was time for meals and lunch breaks, until late at night, everyone in the Xiacheng decisive team had been training and fighting for a full ten hours.

Although everyone is still gritting their teeth and persisting, it is obvious that their mental and physical strength have begun to fail.

The operating feel and training status began to decline slightly.

Seeing all this, after another five-row training session, Mu Qiu stood up from his seat and said to the other members of the team:

"That's it for today."

"about there."

This is also a reasonable arrangement.

But several other members of the team opposed it together for the first time:

"Practice more!"

"The game won't be until tomorrow night anyway. It'll be fine if we practice more tonight."

Mu Qiu paused for a moment, then saw the exhausted but persistent expressions of Sun Zheng, Xia Ziyou, Zhu Ming, Zhou Yang and Wu Tian in front of him, and finally nodded:


"Then practice again."

Just saying that, he changed the subject again:

"But let's all rest for a while. I'm going to smoke a cigarette. We'll start again in ten minutes."

Leaving several members of the team to rest for a while in the Internet cafe box, Mu Qiu walked outside the Internet cafe door alone.

When I went out, I was greeted by a cool night breeze.

Mu Qiu lowered her head and tightened her tight coat, then took out a cigarette case from her pocket, took out a cigarette and put it in her mouth, then took out a lighter, lit it, and took a deep breath.

The white smoke soon spiraled up in the breeze until it dispersed.

Mu Qiu remained silent.


It's just competition.

It was also a battle that he had been waiting for a long time.

It stands to reason that at this moment, he should have already ignited the same passion and fighting spirit as before, because the original game was just for winning, but this time... it was for more important goals and responsibilities, and he had to win even more. reasons.

But at this moment, his mood was surprisingly dull.


There was a slight emptiness and confusion.

In the process of preparing for recent games and training, he had many moments when a thought flashed through his mind——

Is winning enough?

If you win, so what.

For him, defeating someone is something he must do, but ask himself, that is not the goal.

His purpose was to help his former partner and friend take a breath, but for his old partner and friend, was this all what the other person really needed?

Or maybe——

Nowadays, no matter what you do, nothing can be restored.

So, does it still make sense to do this?

A rare look of confusion flashed across Mu Qiu's eyes, and he subconsciously took out his mobile phone from his pocket. Anyway, since tomorrow is the game, maybe he should talk to his old partner.

But in the end, after hesitation, he put away the phone again because he had not thought about what to say during the call.

After taking another deep drag on the cigarette and extinguishing the burned cigarette butt in front of the stone platform, Mu Qiu finally made a decision.


Wait until after tomorrow.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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