
Chapter 306 It’s me

It's Thursday.

The countdown to the official start of the top 16 matches is the last day.

On this day, the members of the Magic City decisive team did not choose to go to the God Club base. Instead, they found a box in the Internet cafe for daily training and battles.

Started in the morning and continued until evening.

Apart from a break for lunch, the rest of the time is spent arranging and arranging again.

For the new round of competition, the team's lineup has been adjusted and changed. Even if a few people have already developed enough cooperation and tacit understanding, it still requires a lot of actual combat to adapt to the new lineup combination style.

At the end of the day, it is inevitable that you will feel a little tired.

But no matter Chen Ting, Li Shiyi, Zeng Rui or Tang Bingyao, they didn't complain at all.

Several of them are originally diligent and hard-working, otherwise they would not be able to reach their current level of strength purely by relying on their talents; on the other hand, they also understand how crucial the next round of competition is -

Especially, for someone.

Just like Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng and others from the Xiacheng decisive team were unwilling to hold back Mu Qiu.

For Tang Bingyao and others, although they know that this duel is mainly about the competition and conflicts between someone and that former partner, they also hope to do their part to help.

During the evening break, several people in the Internet cafe's private room were sitting separately. Lin Feng was alone in the corner, leaning on the back of a chair with his eyes closed to meditate.

Chen Ting and Li Shiyi communicated in low voices about the various tactical ideas of their top and jungle combinations.

Zeng Rui pulled Tang Bingyao and asked the girl to help him analyze and review his gains and losses as an assistant in today's training battle.

After all, the current bottom lane combination has replaced Tangtang in the ADC position with someone, and his style has also changed. More importantly, someone's playing style and offensive rhythm are even faster and more aggressive than Tang Bingyao. .

This requires Zeng Rui, as an assistant, to work harder to adapt and keep up.

The peak showdown between two top ADCs in the bottom lane, but what affects the situation is by no means limited to the personal level of both ADCs.

Support is also a very important part.

"The ADC operations and positioning of both sides are adequate, and there probably won't be many flaws in each other."

"At this time, the respective support will most likely become the target of being breached."

"Even if the ADC can still maintain his rhythm, once the support is caught, his own AD will be implicated and lose his rhythm."

"The bottom lane...it's basically a combination."

"AD and support complement each other. They are each other's strength, but they may also become each other's shortcomings and weaknesses."

This was the opinion expressed by Huang Xue Yege while chatting at the God Club base yesterday.

Zeng Rui thought so.

He knew very well that with Lin Feng's personal ability, he would not be inferior to Mu Qiu, but as for his support, could he withstand the pressure of Mu Qiu's violent attack without being caught, and even take the initiative to find opportunities to help Lin Feng develop? Counterattack——

At this point, Zeng Rui doesn't have much certainty or confidence today.

"It's a lot of pressure..."

Zeng Rui said this to Tang Bingyao with a wry smile.

Tang Bingyao nodded in agreement: "After all, he is Fengzi's former teammate."

Two days ago, she had a voice call with her master, Bullet, who had returned to North America. On the phone, she talked about the Xiacheng decisive team and Mu Qiu. Surprisingly, her master already knew about this.

Even the previous generation North American legend gave this evaluation to Mu Qiu of the Xiacheng decisive team:

"It's a pity that he didn't choose the AD path from the beginning."

"Otherwise, the height he can reach in this position may not be worse than mine."

"But even so, that kid's level is enough to make most professional AD players in this new generation bow their heads in shame."

The Xiacheng decisive team is also training.

The training atmosphere in the Internet cafe box these days has changed from the previous heavy and depressing atmosphere. Headed by Xia Ziyou, including Sun Zheng, Wu Tian, ​​Zhou Yang and Zhu Ming, they seemed to be in a better state of mind after entering the top 16. Zi has changed a lot.

Everyone became more motivated.

During the training process, all kinds of chickens were full of blood, howling and screaming, and their respective operations and cooperation with each other seemed to be superb.

If you are a bystander who has watched the Xiacheng decisive team’s game before, you will probably be surprised to see the performance of this team now——

This speed of strength improvement and progress...

It’s really remarkable!

Originally, the four positions of this team's top, middle and field assistants could only be described as unsatisfactory, but now that I look at it again, it seems that it actually has the style of a strong team.

At least, it is no longer the young and immature team of passers-by.

All the cooperation that needs to be done can be done.

The style of play has also become more systematic, more mature and solid.

The improvement and progress in this area is enough to make up for a large amount of the shortcomings in the personal abilities of the team members.


If this is just such an improvement, if you want to face an opponent like Magic City Decisive Victory, you still don’t have much chance of winning. After all, in terms of teamwork and tactical execution, the latter has also done an excellent job, even better than what they have just recently. The promoted former is a step ahead.


For the Xiacheng decisive team, the key to victory or defeat still lies only in their core ace AD.

In the past few days, not only the other members of the team have become more diligent and diligent, but Mu Qiu, as the team's ADC, is still the most dedicated one in the entire team.

This kind of thing is difficult to describe or give examples in detail.

However, several members of the team can clearly feel that in every actual training session, Mu Qiu's personal performance seems to be hitting his personal limits. Each game is more fierce than the other, and each game is more powerful than the other. A faster paced game.

Sometimes, even before the opponent's bottom lane combination could survive the first five or six minutes of the laning, they were killed two or three times by direct confrontation, and their blood collapsed in an instant.

Xia Ziyou and others were also shocked to find that even though they had worked hard and each had made significant progress, they seemed to be becoming increasingly unable to keep up with Mu Qiu's rhythm and pace.

It's like...

The only ace of their team is still improving his strength at an even more alarming rate, constantly breaking through his own limits.

This also made several people couldn't help but have thoughts in their minds——

Where is the limit of their ace...?

This road continues to improve, and when it reaches the top, what level will it be?

This night.

In a quiet town next to Xiamen City, soft lights are on in roadside convenience stores.

The young boss in front of the counter was checking the account book under the light, but after checking it for only a moment, he closed the account book and pushed it aside.

The boss had a somewhat distracted look on his face.

Although this was his job to make a living, his thoughts had already flown to the magical city hundreds or thousands of kilometers away in the past few days.

What worries me is what happens on the colorful e-sports field.

as well as--

His two partners were about to finally meet in the ring.

A look of struggle flashed across Zhou Mo's face. He wanted to make some determination and do something, but because of some unspeakable hardships and the cowardice deep in his heart, it was difficult for him to make a real decision. .

Otherwise, so be it.

Zhou Mo lowered his head with a sad expression.

Unconsciously, he took out his phone and clicked on WeChat. Suddenly, he found that a small system prompt number symbol popped up at the bottom of the WeChat interface.

Zhou Mo was slightly stunned, then clicked to switch the interface and saw a friend request.

And the moment I saw the specific information of this friend application.

His whole body suddenly shook.

On the left side of the friend application entry is a small photo of the applicant's profile picture, with a vaguely familiar and friendly face visible.

In the application remarks column, there are only a few words:

"it's me."

"Long time no see, can we chat?"

Here comes the update. I was busy with some things yesterday, so I will try to update twice tomorrow. Good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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