
Chapter 302 It won’t end easily

The draw group for the top 16 did not experience any more unexpected disturbances.

After the match list was arranged, each team received their own game order number and corresponding game time, and the players were ready to leave.

When leaving, the overlord from the Junlin team passed by a few people from the Magic City Finals team, reached out and patted someone hard on the shoulder:

"What a pity-"

"Originally I wanted to cut off the beard."

"Now...it seems it's up to you."

His tone was as close and familiar as that of good brothers who have been good friends for many years, and even seemed to regret that he could not help the Magic City Finals team to stop the troublesome opponent in advance——

A troublesome opponent indeed.

One thing to say, after seeing such a grouping result, especially after seeing that the Xiacheng decisive team was placed on the Magic City decisive team, the remaining teams in the top 16 were at least a little relieved:

At least, it wasn't like they were fighting against this dark horse team that was full of uncertainty.

As for the outcome of the two decisive encounters...

That's not something they need to worry about for the time being.

Lin Feng just smiled at Overlord's pat on the shoulder to encourage him:

"Well, thank you."

As he spoke, he looked past the Overlord and behind him.

In that direction, you can see that several members of the Xiacheng decisive team have turned away under the leadership of Mu Qiu, leaving only their backs behind.

Lin Feng was slightly silent.

Walking out of the competition venue, the night was already dark, the moon was hidden behind the clouds, and only a few stars shone faintly.

Several members of the Magic City Victory Team walked to the side of the road and were about to stop the car and leave. Lin Feng looked at his teammates:

"Let's do this for tonight."

"Continue training tomorrow."

Several people were slightly startled when they heard this.

Because according to the original plan, I just came over to see the results of the lottery in the evening, and there was still a lot of time to continue training, but now someone who is the captain seemed to have suddenly changed his mind.

But the team members quickly reacted, looked at each other, and nodded:


"See you tomorrow morning then."

"Tonight...let's all go to bed early."

In fact, they already have enough tacit understanding with each other. It can be seen that although someone's face seems to be calm and calm, the result of such a grouping and the opponent he finally met must have affected the former's mood.

But even if they saw it, Zeng Rui, Chen Ting and Li Shiyi knew that there was nothing they could do to persuade or enlighten.

Rather than doing more clumsy comfort and enlightenment, it is better to leave space and time for someone to themselves.

Of course, before leaving, Zeng Rui quietly gave Tang Bingyao a hint.

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips and nodded lightly.

Because they were going home, the girl was still going with someone. There was no conversation while sitting in the taxi. Lin Feng just leaned on the back of the passenger seat and quietly closed his eyes to rest. Tang Bingyao in the back seat passed by the front of the car. He secretly looked at someone in his rearview mirror, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Check out and get off.

It’s still the last short night’s journey home.

The street lights are soft and dim, and the mottled shadows of the trees on both sides of the street are reflected on the ground, swaying gently in the cool night breeze.

Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao walked one behind the other. The latter silently lowered his head and stepped on the floor tiles in small steps. The person walking in front also seemed to naturally slow down.

The distance between the two never widened, nor did it get closer.

It's just that this scene is as warm and familiar as it was back then, except for a cup of red bean milk tea and a deliciously fragrant chicken steak.

Lin Feng, who was walking in front, suddenly heard a voice coming from behind:


Lin Feng stopped and turned around to look.

What he saw was the girl standing not far behind him, biting her lip, as if she mustered up the courage to look at him:

"There are some things I won't say—"

"I can't enlighten you either."

"But the buns are fine."

Someone was slightly stunned when he heard this, but the girl's big eyes looked at the former without blinking, shining with seriousness:

"If you don't know what to do... give Baozi a call and talk to her."

That night.

Lin Feng, who was lying on the bed, took out his mobile phone. After hesitating for a moment, he dialed the voice call of the girl on the other side of the ocean.

Soon the call was connected, and An Xin's voice came from the receiver:

"Still not asleep?"

Three simple words, just like the familiar and pleasant tone of voice, made someone feel suddenly and inexplicably relaxed:


The person on the other end of the phone paused:

"Did lots be drawn for the top 16 tonight?"

Lin Feng was startled: "The news spread so quickly..."

An Xin smiled: "Even abroad, I have always paid attention to the progress of the competition - Tangtang and Azeng also often chat with me."

Lin Feng nodded and said "Oh" without continuing to speak.

So the phone was quiet for a long time, and then An Xin's soft voice came again:


Lin Feng took a breath:


"That's what you expected, isn't it?"


"Then don't think too much, just fight hard and show your full ability. This is also a sign of respect for Aqiu."


"Worried about losing?"

"do not worry."

"I'm pretty confident~"

Lin Feng on the other end of the phone shook his head: "The overall strength of the team is too different. Just talking about winning or losing, the matchup between Aqiu and I can't decide anything."

"Well, Tangtang and Azeng are growing up very fast, which is something to be happy about. So what are you thinking about now?"

"I'm thinking... what to do when this round of competition is over."

The conversation on the phone was quiet again.


Even though he did not know the complete truth of the matter, Lin Feng still thought about this question more than once. Regardless of winning or losing, even if he won the game and this duel with his former partner, what could he gain?

Has he proved that he is indeed qualified to carry the banner of "Battle" again?

Do you want to gain Aqiu's approval again?

Compared with the former, the latter is what he really cares about more, but he also knows clearly that the current conflict between the two people will never be easily resolved just because of a victory or defeat.

After winning, he can move forward with the Magic City Finals team and continue the original plan and journey.

But what about Aqiu?

And what about the relationship between him and Aqiu?

It seems that it is still destined to not get any improvement.

Every time he thought about this problem, Lin Feng finally felt confused, because even if he racked his brains, he really couldn't think of any other way or way out.

After a while, An Xin's voice came again from the other end of the phone:

"Okay, don't think too much about it yet."

"What to do, etc., let's wait until the fight is over."

"The boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge. Maybe... there will be a solution by then?"

The girl's tone was trying to be light, as if she was encouraging someone to cheer up again.

However, such words did seem a bit weak and did not have much of a comforting effect. Lin Feng could only smile bitterly and shake his head:

"Well, I hope..."

"Anyway, let's talk about it after we finish."

Here's an update, I'm a bit busy today, I'll try to update twice tomorrow, good night, friends, see you tomorrow.

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