
Chapter 296 Maybe it’s too late

The atmosphere of the LSPL trials, which is in full swing, seems destined to be limited to the enthusiastic carnival of the participants.

At this moment, the coastal town far away from Xiacheng in Fujian Province is as peaceful and peaceful as ever.

The residents of the small town work from 9 to 5 day after day, and are busy managing the daily livelihood of the family, which consumes almost all their thoughts and energy. When they are exhausted, they just open the newspaper after dinner or take out their mobile phones to read. When it comes to major news events, you can sigh with emotion - or you can make an appointment with one or two colleagues and friends, and go to a small restaurant in the evening to drink two glasses of wine and have a late-night snack, which is considered entertainment.

It seems to be divided into two worlds with the emerging story of the e-sports professional arena, which has nothing to do with it.

Probably only in school, some young students and older children from junior high school to high school are still enthusiastic and interested in this emerging e-sports. During their after-school breaks, they secretly take out the mobile phones that the teacher does not allow and hide in the classroom. A group of people gathered together in the corner, excitedly discussing related topics: "How is it going?"

"Have we reached the top 32 now?"

"We have been fighting for the past two days. By the end of today, we will be able to determine the top 16."

"In two more rounds, three LSPL professional spots will be available!"

When someone talked about this game, the half-grown children around him couldn't help but make sincere sounds of admiration and admiration.

It's as if this is their dream too.

Shining in the professional arena and becoming a star idol that is sought after and admired by everyone.

"Do we still have a team left in Xiacheng?"

Some people couldn't help but ask expectantly, which also attracted more echoes and attention.

Then I got the answer immediately: "Yes!"

"The winning team comes from our Xiacheng Division!"

"We have already reached the top sixteen!"

Someone thought of something: "I know, I know! In the previous competition in the division, we also eliminated the Tian'a team, right! That team is super strong, maybe there will be a chance to play professionally!"

But this view was quickly refuted: "It's not that easy, please don't talk nonsense."

"The top 16 is already an exaggeration. The remaining teams are all among the best in the country."

"The decisive team we have here,

Those who are not ranked in the top 50 in the national competition power list have a lot of luck in reaching the top 16. If they encounter any powerful team in the next round, they will probably be eliminated. "

"I can be satisfied with the results I have now."

This statement also attracted a lot of voices of agreement.

These children, who are still in junior high school, are extremely enthusiastic about the recent LSPL trials. They have also searched a lot of relevant information on the Internet. Naturally, they all think that their vision is sharp enough and objective enough. It’s fair—even though it’s a team from home, it’s true that you want to support it.

But we also need to see the objective strength gap.

It's a pity...but it's really unrealistic to expect the winning team to go further.

However, while a group of young boys were gathered together and discussing, a small group of three or five people gathered in the corner on the other side of the classroom, seemingly disdainful to participate in such a discussion.

The small group was headed by Zhang Xin, who had previously roped in convenience store owner Zhou Mo and several members of the peak team who also participated in the Xiacheng division selection.

The previous top teams had reached the last few rounds of the Xiacheng Division, and even had a chance to advance to the national competition. Such achievements, especially when it fell on a few junior high school boys, were even more rare.

At first, several team members, including Zhang Xin, wanted to use their performance resume to brag and show off to other classmates in school.

But after that match with Team Tian'a...the little guys seemed to have grown up all of a sudden.

Become more calm and sensible.

Not only did they not brag about their previous experience and achievements in the school class, they even deliberately kept a low profile. Sometimes they did not actively participate in discussions on related topics, and just a few people stayed in the corner and watched quietly.

For them, they feel that they have become different from other students in the class.

They have experienced more and understood more.

Heated discussions like this now made them a little dismissive: "What do these guys know-" "They just know that they believe in online rankings. Those are all false."

"If they knew the true strength of the decisive team, they would definitely be shocked!"

"Humph, I didn't even bother to tell them that we had a midnight snack with Brother Mu."

Several friends from the top teams were talking in whispers, with a hint of pride in their words. Then they looked at Zhang Xin: "Axin, what do you think?"

"Brother Mu and his team can definitely continue to win!"

Looking at the hopeful looks of several friends on him, Zhang Xin nodded calmly: "Of course."

"Brother Mu said -" "He will bring us and Brother Mo to work hard together!"

His tone was full of unreasonable confidence.

...On the roadside not far from the school, the business of the convenience store was as light as usual.

This gave Zhou Mo, a convenience store owner, more free time to be alone. In the past, he might have just stayed in front of the counter with his eyes closed, or casually carried out daily inventory work on the shelves. Come and kill time.

But recently, he seems to have finally begun to pay attention to the LSPL trials that are being hotly discussed on the Internet.

I was driving my old laptop, and on the screen was the web page of the live broadcast platform, which was playing the OB footage of the event that had now reached the top 32.

On the right side of the OB screen, there is also an official schedule record chart.

Listed are the teams that have advanced to the top 16 and the teams that have been eliminated.

On the list, there are two "decisive" teams with the same name - both ranked in the promotion column.

Zhou Mo's eyes drooped slightly, and he couldn't tell whether the expression on his face was worry or joy.

It stands to reason that seeing his former partners and teammates winning consecutive battles on the field should naturally feel sincere joy, but because he knew some of the truth hidden behind it, what emerged in his heart at this moment was more of a deep feeling of joy. Worry and embarrassment.



He didn't blame Lin Feng.

But regarding Mu Qiu's "help", he didn't know where to start.

To put it bluntly, all of this is actually a messy ball of thread, making it impossible to sort out the train of thought and to trace the source.

Or in other words - it should actually be his own problem.

Zhou Mo lowered his head, feeling complicated and heavy. In fact, he knew that if he wanted to solve all this, he had to stand up in person, so that his two closest partners would not have to fight on the field. Fight to the death.

But the problem is that now he himself is not willing to face all that.

I don't want to uncover the scars with my own hands.

That way, the most embarrassing side of him that he least wants people to see will be displayed in front of everyone without reservation.

He is not mentally prepared for this yet.

However - it may be too late to make a decision now.

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