
Chapter 294 Continue the Miracle

There are a total of sixteen groups of matches in the top thirty-two rounds.

The schedule is divided into two days, with eight groups played every day, four groups in the morning and afternoon, and each two groups of BO3 are played at the same time.

In fact, it stands to reason that the adjustment can be made more relaxed, but it seems that as time goes by, neither the Electrical Association nor the organizer has any intention to relax the schedule. Instead, it seems that the schedule is becoming more intensive and accelerating——

It's as if I can't wait to finalize all the schedules in one go and determine the final LSPL promotion quota.

Most people are still a little confused.

But a few people who vaguely understood some of the truth felt the atmosphere of approaching storm from the increasingly urgent atmosphere of the schedule.


No matter how grand the scale of this LSPL selection tournament is.

But all this...

They are just the beginning of the upcoming new season.

The real war——

It is carrying thunderclouds, wind and rain, slowly approaching from a distance on the horizon.

The morning after the draw, the top 32 matches officially started.

There were four BO3 matches this morning, with a total of eight teams, including the Xuanhuang team and the Xiacheng decisive team.

When he learned about the group battle schedule the night before, the mid laner of the King's Landing team excitedly sent someone a WeChat message asking:

"Hey, your old enemy is going to do it tomorrow morning -"

"Would you like to come and see?"

What she got was a negative answer from Lin Feng:

"Need not."

It is said that it is not needed, or it actually means "it is not needed".

The overlord on the other end of WeChat didn't hesitate too much. He replied carelessly, "If you don't want to see me, I'll tell you first-hand on-site information when the time comes." and stopped talking any more.

Lin Feng, who was left on the WeChat end, put away his phone.

Next to him were several other teammates from the Magic City Victory Team, their eyes falling on the former:

"You really don't want to go?"

Zeng Rui asked tentatively.

Lin Feng smiled and looked calm:

"It doesn't make any difference whether you go or not."

"We will win when we should win."

Li Shiyi next to him nodded slowly:

"It will win."

There seemed to be a bit more certainty in his tone.

Lin Feng turned to look at his jungle partner and raised his eyebrows slightly. He seemed to be inquiring about the former's attitude, but he didn't ask any more questions. He just nodded:

"Yeah, of course."

The next morning, the two groups of BO3 in the first round started at 8:30.

At around ten o'clock, the competition of the first two groups ended, and the two top 16 spots were decided first.

Follow again...

It was the turn of the last two groups.

The BO3 decisive battle between Xuanhuang and Xiacheng is ranked in this category.

The auditorium is still full of spectators. More than half are ordinary players, and the other half are other top 32 teams. At this point in the schedule, most people have noticed this team from the Xiacheng Division. ——

No matter how weak the original strength on paper is, if it can reach the top 32, there must be something that cannot be underestimated.

Of course, having said that...

The Xiacheng decisive team was really unlucky. It happened to encounter the most difficult and difficult idea in this round. It would be difficult to go further.

"After all, the opponent is Xuanhuang——"

"I feel like they have the strength to enter the quarterfinals."

"The team's attributes and playing style are just right, right?"

"One side is strong in the middle and jungle, and the other side relies on the bottom lane to lead the flight... No matter how you look at it, the former is more stable."

There was such talk among the crowd.

Also sitting in the audience, several members of the King's Landing team were also discussing.

Yu Ping glanced at his mid laner beside him:

"What do you think?"

The Overlord waved his hand carelessly: "No matter what his paper strength is, I think this Xiacheng victory is promising!"

Yu Ping frowned: "Reason?"

Based on his analysis, if the two teams met in this match, Xiacheng's chances of winning the decisive game would be less than 20%.

The Overlord laughed: "There is no reason! If you really want to say it... Oh, it will definitely take a few more moments to be qualified to be Lin Feng's enemy!"

Yu Ping was stunned for a moment, smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"That's what I said..."


It's not even a "good" reason at all.

At the same time, on the field, the two teams that were about to face each other had already arrived in front of the arena and were preparing to take their seats.

The captain of Team Xuanhuang’s eyes fell on the Xiacheng decisive team, looked at Mu Qiu, and said with a confident and calm smile:

"I've seen all your previous games."

"Your bottom lane is indeed very strong - to be precise, your ADC is indeed very strong."

Mu Qiu nodded calmly:


The captain of Team Xuanhuang changed the subject:


"You are indeed not very lucky. If you meet a team that is not like our Xuanhuang team, you may be able to make further progress."

The words were straightforward, but polite enough, because this view was actually shared by most of the spectators at the moment.

Mu Qiu had a noncommittal look on her face:

"Just give it a try."

"Maybe there will be a miracle."

Unexpectedly, Captain Xuanhuang was stunned for such a response, and then laughed again:


"It's no coincidence that miracles don't usually happen in our Xuanhuang games."

Then, a miracle happened.

It is destined to shock the entire competition venue again.

BO3, play three games.

In the end, the blue side's "Victory" emblem appeared on the large LCD screen on the stage.

In the last round, the Xiacheng winning team was on the blue side.

2 to 1.

Defeated the No. 1 seed in the Guizhou Division and won the top 16 spot.

There were three games, with an average game time of 35 minutes. The last game reached the 38th minute in the late stages, and almost everyone was in full glory.

It was still three games, and the Xiacheng winning team’s ADC position changed heroes three times in a row——


Wheel mom.

Holy Lance Ranger.

The three players averaged 13 kills per game.

In the last sentence, the performance data of the Paladin Ranger reached 15/7/8.

Just looking at the KDA data is shocking, as if I can catch a glimpse of Lucian's graceful figure with two guns in his hands and covered in blood.

The weak defeated the strong and unexpectedly made a comeback.

As the loser, the No. 1 seed in Guizhou did not expect such an ending. The captain of the Xuanhuang team, who had just confidently declared that "there will be no miracles," looked as dull as stone.

The audience in the audience was shocked and shocked beyond belief, and the sound became more and more boiling like a tide.

The dominant mid laner from the King's Landing team almost jumped out of his seat:

"Depend on!"


The next second he suddenly turned his head to look at his jungler teammate Yu Ping, his eyes shining:

"Hey, we really can't find a way to get over this guy?"

"Come and do AD for us..."

"I feel like we can advance directly to the World Championships!"

Here's an update, the weather seems to be getting colder again recently. . . Fortunately, we brought down jackets, and everyone paid attention to keeping warm.

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