
Chapter 288 Meet

As I said before, for Lin Feng and others from the Magic City Finals team, no matter what kind of opponents they encounter next, they will not put too much pressure on them, so they don’t care too much about the group draw. Condition.

Lin Feng's only worries and concerns are only from the perspective of the Xiacheng decisive team - because for this team of his former teammates, the game has entered the top 32 stage, and the situation is actually extremely serious, and Full of difficult challenges.

Of course, their Magic City decisive team doesn't care about the opponents assigned to them in the next round.

But not the Xiacheng decisive team.

Being able to reach the top 32 almost depends on Mu Qiu doing his best to carry the entire team.

Going forward, every step is bound to be extremely difficult.

If the opponent assigned to the Xiacheng decisive team is the bottom ranked team among the top 32 teams, perhaps the chance of winning can be slightly greater - for example, this round is currently played on the big screen, Magic City Final The team's new opponent.

"Heavenly Team".

Ranked 33rd in the national competition rankings.

With a certain amount of luck, they made it to the top 32, but there is no doubt that they are the bottom group among the 32 remaining teams.

Opponents like this, if they fall to Lin Feng and the others from the Magic City decisive team, they can beat them casually without any suspense.

If the Xiacheng decisive team can be assigned an opponent like Tiantian Team, the chance of advancing to the top 16 will be much greater.

But... the team Mu Qiu and the others encountered this round was Team Xuanhuang.

Ranked 14th on the national competition strength list.

The No. 1 seed in the Guizhou Division.

It is a veteran semi-professional team with rich experience. Several players in the team have been playing side by side for two or three years. They have a tacit understanding and familiarity with each other and have a mature and steady style.

"The Xuanhuang team's main focus is the upper midfield."

"Three positions have all been on the national server or the European server king - oh, it seems that their jungler is the king of the Korean server?"

"Tsk tsk... That's a bit of a surprise."

"Encountering this kind of opponent is simply the nemesis that your old enemy's team least wants to encounter."

Overlord, who was sitting next to Lin Feng, commented loudly.

He also knew a lot about this Xuanhuang team, and the judgment he made at this moment was extremely accurate.


For the Xiacheng decisive team, the strong opponent may be just one aspect, but the type of team like Xuanhuang team is the natural enemy they least expect to encounter.

Because of the lineup composition of the Xiacheng decisive team, the ace core lies in Mu Qiu’s ADC position, and the other top, middle and jungle assistants cannot take advantage of it and cannot be on the stage. If the opponent belongs to the same type of team with the bottom lane as the core, then Mu Qiu Here, you can rely on your own personal ability to suppress the opponent's strongest point, and members of other positions in your own team will not bear too much pressure.

But now, the Xuanhuang team they encountered mainly played in the upper midfield, which means they were just different from the Xiacheng decisive team.

You, Mu Qiu, can kill so many people in the bottom lane by yourself.

But the Xuanhuang team’s upper midfielder can also take off quickly in the early stage.

The more important point is that the Xuanhuang team has always focused on the upper midfielder. The bottom lane has long been accustomed to all kinds of pressure resistance development, and has already had a very mature response system for teams that encounter strong bottom lanes.

In this way, it means that the Xiacheng decisive team's biggest reliance will be restricted.

At the same time, the team's shortcomings and disadvantages will also be exposed in an infinitely magnified manner.

"The Xuanhuang team's bottom lane... is not bad at all."

Zeng Rui looked solemn and spoke in a low voice.

Of course, to be able to be a member of such a top semi-professional team, no matter how weak the level is, it will not be much weaker. The ADC and support are both masters of electricity, and they have also played in other regions of the national server. In addition, there are rich Experience under pressure, even if you meet Mu Qiu, as long as you are determined to be wretched and slow, you may not be able to do it.

"Thirty percent."

Overlord raised three fingers: "The chance of winning is no more than 30%."

Then he looked at Lin Feng: "It seems that your old enemy may not be able to meet you as expected."

The same thing was said to Lin Feng once by the Overlord when they were in the imperial capital.

And again this time.

The current situation... seems to make these words more convincing.

Lin Feng was silent for a moment and shook his head: "We will meet him."

He believed this, and although he was worried, he never doubted it.

Even though - from his perspective, he also came to the same conclusion as Overlord: the chance of winning is no more than 30%.

...After the drawing of lots, players from each of the top 32 teams stood up and prepared to leave.

The competition starts tomorrow morning. From now on, each team still has half a day to prepare before the game.

There are basically no surprises in the results of this round of grouping - Jiutian, TO, Junlin, Hydralisk, Ghost Night... Including the Magic City decisive team, these are among the top ten in the national competition power list and ranked in the first echelon. The teams have not yet met in advance in this round.

The opponents assigned to each are not enough to pose a threat to them.

When leaving the e-sports hall, he came outside the gate and was about to eat, but Li Shiyi suddenly stopped and said to Lin Feng: "Fengzi, you go to eat first."

"I'll leave for a moment, I have something to do. I'll meet you again in the afternoon."

Lin Feng turned to look at his fellow jungler: "Is something important?"

Li Shiyi smiled, with a calm and natural expression: "It's a small matter."

"Don't worry."

Lin Feng didn't doubt his presence and nodded: "Okay, see you in the afternoon."

So the four members of the team took a taxi and left first, leaving Li Shiyi standing there watching the taxi go away. Then he reached out to stop another car on the roadside, got in, and gave the driver the address of the destination. He took out his mobile phone again and seemed to send a voice message to someone: "I'm over."

Twenty minutes later.

Hongkou District, a small restaurant along the street.

The business in the restaurant was average. Although it was already lunch time, there were not many customers in the store. Li Shiyi was the first to walk in, found a table in the corner and sat down, and then seemed to be waiting for something, with a look on his face. A distracted and uneasy look.

After a while.

Another figure walked into the restaurant.

It was Tian Tian who came.

It seems a bit surprising and confusing that when two old teammates from the former decisive team met in a restaurant, why did they not call Lin Feng together?

Li Shixi, who was sitting at the corner table, waved to Tian Tian: "This way."

Tian Tian walked over quickly, pulled out a chair and sat down, then couldn't help but look around: "Are you the only one who arrived first?"

The meaning in the words seemed that the meal at noon today was more than just the two of them.

Li nodded at eleven, then looked up at the time on the wall clock on the wall of the store: "Yeah."

"It should be soon."

Update sent, the meeting still ends at ten o'clock in the evening, why are there so many meetings to be held.



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