
Chapter 286 Only that big mountain

Professional e-sports should always belong to young people.

This was a sigh uttered by an official commentator of the national server. At that time, he happened to be commentating on a game between old and new professional teams, and witnessed with his own eyes a veteran top professional player who was eventually defeated by a newcomer in the confrontation. The scene of the younger generation being beheaded.

Such views and remarks are often recognized by most people in the e-sports circle.

The feelings of ordinary players and fans may not be obvious yet, but only if you are in this industry field will you have a more intuitive and real experience.

Talent, potential, hard work, diligence, humility, perseverance——

The advantages that top professional e-sports players should have can be listed one after another, but they almost all have the same premise.

That is "young".

In e-sports, the most basic and core abilities lie in operation and consciousness.

Operation depends on reaction speed and hand speed.

Consciousness is thinking.

Young professional e-sports players are at the peak physical condition in terms of operation, and their active and sensitive thinking is also at the peak. Even if they lack experience or other aspects, they can still perform amazingly.

Every professional e-sports player comes from a young age.

As time goes by and they compete in the professional arena for a long time, although they become more and more experienced and their playing style becomes more and more stable, almost every player will deeply feel that their condition is also declining a little bit.

It is difficult to maintain high concentration of energy for a long time.

What was once a smooth operation has now become difficult and may even be unsustainable.

This is an inevitable and cruel reality.

Perhaps some professional players who are diligent and hardworking enough can try to maintain their condition and slow down the decline through a lot of practice every day, or they can make up for the decline in operational level through rich experience and mature playing style——

But the vast majority of players will quickly fall from their golden peak as they get older.

No longer able to amaze the arena.

Under the regretful gazes of fans, audiences and commentators,

He was defeated by the newcomers who were behind him and fell down from the altar.

This situation is by no means uncommon, and most professional e-sports players who have entered this circle have actually been mentally prepared for it, knowing that one day they will be outclassed by younger newcomers.

How do you define "young"?

In the field of professional e-sports, the truly golden peak age for professional players should be between 15 and 18 years old. This stage should even be called "teenage", but it is at this stage that both the operation and the activity and sensitivity of conscious thinking are... Most impeccable.

Of course, after another one to two years of training from this stage, a professional player will reach the most mature peak of comprehensive strength——

At this time, not only were they still at their golden peak, but they also had enough practical experience to form their own style system, making it difficult for anyone to find any flaws.

This stage should be between 18 and 20 years old.

And after passing the peak, it naturally starts to go downhill——

In other words, for a professional e-sports player, starting around the age of 21 or 22 may no longer be considered young.

For example, Dawn Morning Star and Huang Xue Yege of God-God's Hand team. One of them is the number one mid laner in the national server, and the other is the strongest ADC in the national server. However, their real personal peak was only a year or two ago.

Now, one of them is 23 years old and the other is 22 years old.

We are about to reach the point where we go from the top to the downhill road.

It is precisely because of this that even though God-God's Hand is still firmly seated as the strongest player in the national server, there is still a sense of crisis at all times, which is why they spend so much energy cultivating the youth training system.

Because they know very well that their team's two biggest aces, mid laner and ADC, may not be able to support them for much longer.

And once the state of Dawn Morning Star and Wild Snow Night Song slips——

It almost means that the overall combat strength of the God team will quickly drop by at least one step.

even more.

Not only God-God's Hand, but also the old top teams in other major competition areas are facing similar situations. Although as an old giant, it has a more mature operating system and player training system than the rookie team club, but in the end What intuitively determines the difference between the two is that the former has the top ace players.

What will happen to the Season team if Autumn's strength declines?

Or Phoenix to Team Legend.

Spoon is to the MLG team.

Thinking of Thirteen for the Assassin Team.

It's all the same reason, and it's all the same worry.

But this kind of thing is unavoidable. Perhaps it is inevitable that the old will be replaced by the new and the old team will be overthrown by the new team.

The only exception——

There is only one team.

“As for the LCK division, there’s actually nothing much to say.”

The South Korean competition, which should have received the most attention and deserves analysis and study, seemed to have no intention of going into details at this moment, and Lin Feng directly gave such a concise and clear conclusion.

When the comments in the live broadcast room were full of confusion and question marks, someone patiently explained:

"Because the overall pattern has not changed."

“Last year, this year, or next year or the year before — it’s the same.”

It’s not that there aren’t outstanding newcomers emerging in the Korean LCK division.

On the contrary, including the LPL competition area, plus the European and American LCS competition areas, in comparison, the new professional players emerging in South Korea are definitely of the highest quality and the best——

For example, The-Sword.

Or that Fly.

A newcomer of this quality is almost at the peak of his debut and is directly qualified to be included in the level of the Yonko.

But even so——

In the Korean LCK division, the endless new players and teams are emerging, but they are destined to be unable to truly overturn the original LCK power structure in the next year or two or even longer.

Perhaps they are qualified to challenge and even replace top established teams like Fate in the near future.

But at the top of them all, there is still that team.

Always sit high on the throne of God.

No matter how wind blows or waves blow, no matter how new people challenge us, we are destined to be unshakable.

"Compared to those new Korean teams, for the current or future national server LPL division, there is always only one big mountain that needs to be faced."

At the end of the analysis, Lin Feng said this to the fans in the live broadcast room.

It seemed as if he was telling himself:

"Just keep an eye on SSK."

"Think of every possible means..."

"Climb the mountain."

"As long as this is enough."

The time came the next day.

In the morning, the top 32 teams in the LSPL trials began to draw lots.

An update is here. The business trip has been extended and the journey home is far away. Good night, friends.

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