
Chapter 276 Round 2

This afternoon, the eight groups of BO3 in Area H ended.

At this point, the first round elimination of the top 128 of the entire national competition has come to an end, and 64 teams have successfully advanced from the first round of BO3.

Just two and a half days.

The entire knockout competition was astonishingly efficient and streamlined with unprecedented efficiency, and half of the teams were quickly eliminated in the blink of an eye.

People who care about it can't help but sigh with emotion - you know, the teams that can reach the national competition are the best teams in their respective divisions. They were the protagonists of their respective divisions before, but they didn't expect to come to the national competition. , all of a sudden it was swept away by the autumn wind like fallen leaves.

This is also a reflection of the cruelty and competition of e-sports.

The strong have their own strong hands. In the process of constantly climbing towards the top of the pyramid, people are destined to continue to fall along the way, leaving only the truly strong to continue to move up.

One hundred and twenty-eight teams instantly shrunk to sixty-four. Although the number was reduced by half, the overall quality of combat power was significantly improved again.


The remaining sixty-four teams are the truly unquestionable top teams in each major division.

In some divisions, only the original top seeds are left, shouldering the final glory and responsibility of their own divisions.

Of course, this is only talking about those sub-divisions that are not outstanding in terms of strength. However, established regions such as Magic City and Imperial City, even after passing the first round of elimination rounds, still managed to break out of the siege, but they themselves seemed Unscathed - King's Landing of the Imperial City, Hydralisk.

Jiutian, TO and the final victory in Magic City.

All ranked among the top sixty-four.

People won't even have any doubts that even if it comes to the top 32, top 16 or even the top eight...the above-mentioned teams will still stand proudly on the list.

Unless these top teams unexpectedly meet in advance, one of the two tigers will be injured in the competition, and someone may be eliminated early.

But - this kind of thing is impossible to happen for the time being.

The captains of these top teams, and even many players in the team, know clearly that based on the confidentiality agreement they signed privately with the ECA officials, the schedule for at least the next one or two rounds will be Inside, they still don't need to worry about such things.

Sixty-four in the next round goes to thirty-two,

For top teams like them, there is basically no pressure at all.

... As the time approached the evening, the first round of competitions in the competition venue had ended, and all the teams that had advanced to the top sixty-four were arriving one after another, sitting in the audience seats, ready to wait for the new round. grouping results.

Overlord, Yu Ping and others from the Junlin team were already very familiar with sitting together with Lin Feng and others from the Magic City decisive team.

Lin Feng looked around the stadium and could see the figures of the Xiacheng decisive team in the auditorium not far away.

The other party didn't seem to notice this.

Or, don't care.

The second round of knockout matches was not as troublesome as the first round. There was no need for each team to send captains to draw lots and get numbers. An official staff member came out with a loudspeaker and announced to everyone: "The divisions will still be based on Arrangements for the previous round.”

"The specific battle list for the next round of competition will be randomly drawn directly by the system and printed on the large LCD screen."

It's also easy to understand.

It is the second round of the top 64. If you were originally in Zone A, then your opponent in this round will still be selected from Zone A. Who you are will depend on the random allocation results of the system.

It is very transparent and open, and the players and members of the various teams in the audience will naturally have no objections.

On the large LCD screen in the venue, the list of the 64 qualifying teams and the lottery numbers of each team were displayed, neatly arranged in eight areas from A to H.


Under everyone's gaze, the team roster on the big screen began to flash randomly.

In the audience, most of the team members had nervous and expectant looks on their faces. Naturally, they hoped to be assigned a less troublesome opponent in the next round.

As for the members of Jiutian, TO, King's Landing, Hydralisk, and the Magic City Victory Team, they were obviously much calmer and calmer - for them, as long as they know that they will not meet each other for the time being, no matter what opponent they are left, they will have nothing to lose. It doesn't matter.

Soon, the lottery on the big screen ended.

A brand new list of the top sixty-four battles was clearly displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

A low commotion quickly filled the auditorium in the stadium.

There are surprises.

There are also those who lament.

Some are happy, some are sad. They are naturally surprised to find that they have drawn a weaker opponent, while those who are sad are that they are unlucky to encounter a difficult and hard idea.

On the side of the Magic City decisive team, Chen Ting craned his neck to look at the match list and quickly found his team's C6 lottery number. The corresponding lottery number for the opponent in the next round was C13, a team called "Houtu" .

Several people in the team looked at Zeng Rui.

Zeng Rui lived up to expectations and gave a quick answer: "Team Houtu, the second seed in the Yunnan Division, ranked 43rd in the national competition rankings."

"The main midfielder is the top jungler, and the bottom lane is weak."

"The playing style is more proactive and offensive."

Just hearing the first sentence, Chen Ting's face already showed a look of disappointment: "Forty-three?

That’s not even a battle-" Li Shiyi laughed: "According to your standards, as long as it’s not Jiutian, TO or Junlin, it’s not up to the level of a battle. "

Zeng Rui nodded and answered: "However, he has an offensive style, so the fight shouldn't be too boring. It's still good."

Tang Bingyao showed a look of approval. Indeed, if the opponent is weak and very cautious in playing, the game experience will be bad. But if the opponent dares to fight and fight, then even if the opponent is weaker, you can still give them something. A good game experience.

No matter what, with the current strength level of the Magic City decisive team, it is indeed possible to judge the next opponent in such a condescending and relaxed manner.

Lin Feng didn't care at all about his opponent in the next round.

His eyes fell on the large LCD screen in the court, and he searched hard, and soon found the lottery team he was looking for in Zone A - A12, the Xiacheng decisive team.


A16, Golden Sword Team.

Lin Feng squinted his eyes. Zeng Rui on the side noticed the direction of someone's gaze and followed it, with a somewhat awe-inspiring look on his face: "The golden sword?"

"Not so lucky..." "If I remember correctly, this should be the second seed in the Henan Division."

"The national competition ranking is 27th."

Here's an update. I'm going on a business trip tomorrow. I'll pack my bags tonight and try to update normally tomorrow. Good night, friends.

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