
Chapter 270 The situation is reversed

The afternoon passed quickly in training.

In the evening, Lin Feng and others from the Magic City Finals team walked out of the Internet cafe. They simply settled the dinner problem in the small restaurant before returning to the competition venue.

Tonight is their turn to compete in Zone C.

In the afternoon, there were a total of eight groups of games in Area B, which also ended successfully. I heard that the TO team was in Area B. In the afternoon, the group of BO3 also easily won two consecutive victories and was firmly advanced to the next round. powerful.

The remaining Jiutian team is in Zone E and should be assigned to tomorrow afternoon's schedule.

When they returned to the e-sports hall that night, Yu Ping, Bawang and others from the Reign team in the morning did not appear again.

The Junlin team's game was originally going to start tomorrow morning in Area D. The entire day today had nothing to do with them. Originally, they had planned to stay and watch the game between Lin Feng and others tonight, but——

It seems that after watching the match between the Xiacheng decisive team and the Iron Armored Xiaobao team this morning, Bawang, who is the absolute core of the team, suddenly came up with a new idea and urgently announced that his team would start a new round tonight. Enhanced training:

"Look at where they are going!"

"That's called ADC!"

"Comparing our bottom lane with others, it's just like playing house, there's no way we can do anything!"

"Must train!"

"Do intensive training for the bottom lane!"

This was also the content of the conversation that Bawang shared with Lin Feng on WeChat - yes, the two of them had added each other as WeChat friends early on because they hit it off...

According to Bawang, before seeing the Xiacheng decisive team's live game, he barely thought that his Junlin team's bottom lane combination was acceptable, but now he found that this was not the case at all:

"What a shame!"

"Even if I can't reach the level of your old enemy, I still have to at least raise it to another level!"

"Otherwise, if we bump into your old enemy first, if we don't prepare in advance, even if we want to win, we will have to put in a lot of effort!"

"I can't stand this!"

Regarding this statement,

Someone’s reply on WeChat seemed very straightforward:

"If you met him first, you would definitely be disappointed."

"No matter how hard we train on the bottom lane, it won't work."

In his words, he almost had absolute unconditional confidence in the Xiacheng decisive team, or in his former partners and teammates, even if the opponent was a top team like Junlin.

Overlord wasn't angry at all. He chuckled in the voice message he sent:

"That's impossible to say."

"Hey, if we encounter each other first, I will help you deal with your old enemy. Do you need to thank me?"

In this regard, Lin Feng's response seemed quite calm:

"We'll talk about it after you really get it done."

Then the conversation between the two ended.

After learning about the conversation between Lin Feng and Overlord, the other members of the decisive team had different reactions. Zeng Rui frowned slightly:

"If we meet Junlin... the Xiacheng team really doesn't have much chance of winning."

Even though he had witnessed Mu Qiu's astonishing ADC skills with his own eyes, if his opponent was the Junlin team that currently ranked first in the national competition power list, the strength gap between the two would still be too huge.

Li Shiyi also nodded slowly:

"With an opponent of that level, it's really hard for Aqiu to stand a chance alone."

Lin Feng touched his nose:

"Well...that's right."

He could still see the gap that existed objectively, so in comparison, another solution would be more reliable.

Someone puts his hands together:

"Anyway, the Imperial Capital won't be able to catch up in these two rounds of schedule."

"When it comes to the next stage of the race, let's just crash and stop Jun's Landing!"

The tone was full of "problem solved" pleasure and elation.

Only a few other teammates in the team looked at each other and smiled bitterly:


"It wouldn't be that easy for us, right?"

The lottery number drawn by Lin Feng and others from the Magic City Finals Team was C6.

According to the schedule, tonight's Group C match of Group 8 will place their group in the first round.

The identity of the opponent was also known in advance——

Team Mantis.

The third seed in the Xi'an Division ranks 89th among the top 128 players in this national competition.

A proper lower echelon team.

The game was about to start. Players from the C5 and C6 teams sat in the competition room on the stage. When they looked at each other, it was obvious that the depressed expressions on the faces of the "Mantis" players on the Mantis team could be seen.

The final victory of the Magic City Division...

The top team ranked sixth in this national competition.

They just happened to run into it.

Unknowingly, Lin Feng and others have already made their own reputation among the 128 teams in the entire national competition. They have become the terrifying strong force that other middle and lower echelon teams hope from the bottom of their hearts to never encounter. enemy.

There are also many players from other teams who have not had their turn to watch the game sitting in the surrounding spectator seats. Of course, they are all here for Lin Feng and others. Even if they hope not to encounter them, they also want to at least collect more. Some information.

There is also a viewing area, where sixty or seventy spectators are neatly seated, wearing uniform support T-shirts, which is very eye-catching.

There was almost no need for the other teams around to be confused, as their confusion was answered in the next second.


Among the fans in the unified support server, a leader took a deep breath and gave instructions.

Then the entire audience, numbering sixty or seventy, suddenly raised the cheering sticks and light signs in their hands, waving them while shouting slogans enthusiastically:

"Come on for the decisive victory! Come on Feng Feng!"

"Tangtang is invincible! A decisive victory!"

There was a lot of noise, a lot of momentum, and a lot of enthusiasm.

The movement caused shocked the participating teams and spectators in other areas, and they couldn't help but look over. After seeing clearly the logos and words on the support uniforms and light boards, they were even more astonished:

Isn't this... too professional and grand?

LPL-level competitions are almost at this level.

The ones who came were naturally the old fans and friends from Su Xue's live broadcast room. There were quite a few local fans in the Imperial City. They had contacted each other in advance tonight and came together, and it seemed that there were more than just the 60 or 70 people at the moment. More supporting fans are coming to gather one after another. It is estimated that by the time the game officially starts, the size of the supporting group will reach close to a hundred people.

Such a huge momentum almost made the competition area here become the home court of Lin Feng and others.

Correspondingly, the morale of the Mantis team members sitting in the opposite arena was depressed even lower. They were all so dejected that they almost lost the game before they even started.

It was at this time.

In the aisle of the venue not far away, a group of people came.

I found a seat in the corner of the auditorium in the area where the Magic City Finals and Mantis Team were competing and sat down.

In the middle of the field, someone in the arena felt something and subconsciously looked up.

What greeted him was Mu Qiu's eyes that were flat and emotionless.

In the morning, the Magic City decisive team watched the Xiacheng decisive team, and they came here specially.


The situation was reversed, the spectators became the ones being watched, and the people being watched sat in the audience.

Update sent, I spent a day lying comfortably at home. . . I also watched a pig-dog battle in the evening. The current state of EDG and RNG is too bad. .

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