
Chapter 267 A sudden promotion

There is no reason for several monsters to appear in the same team one after another.

There was no reason that a once top professional player could still maintain his golden peak level when he returned to the competition after many years.

With only one ADC position, facing an opponent whose comprehensive strength is even better than that of his own team, it makes no sense that he can carry all the way through the game and seal the victory with just his own strength.

But the above-mentioned things “make no sense”——

When it fell on the ADC players of the Xiacheng decisive team on the field, it seemed that their routine was broken.

Everything that happens makes no sense.

It all seemed to happen and take place in Mu Qiu's body naturally.

At this moment, in the box on the second floor of the e-sports hall, both Feiniao and Mohe were finally able to understand and approve the words that No. 1 Qingpiao said before:

Even Bullet, the top legend of the previous generation in Europe, had made such unexpected persuasion and promise to the young man in the e-sports stadium below.

It’s not just the seniors’ encouragement to the juniors.

But the latter's talent and strength are indeed enough to make even the top legends of previous generations swoon.

Not only Mo He and Feiniao, but also No. 5 standing aside could not help but show a look of relief and nostalgia on his face:


"It's been a long time... I haven't seen Aqiu live."

And he was still playing in the ADC position.

You know, after having another ADC partner, Mu Qiu stayed at his support position with peace of mind, and it was difficult to see his ADC skills easily.


The amazing ADC operation of the year was repeated on Mu Qiu, which made people feel emotional and nostalgic, but they could not help but think of other things and more people.

If not for some reason.

Perhaps today's Mu Qiu will still not be able to reach the position of ADC easily.

only because……

The only AD he ever recognized,

It's hard to come back.

Thinking of this, No. 5 felt slightly sad. Next to him, No. 1 felt his fiancee's thoughts and feelings, and held her fiancée's hand lightly and tightly, as if to comfort her.

A match that lasted for just over thirty minutes made the players and members of various teams in the audience feel excited and shocked.

They really didn't expect that a match between more than 40 people and more than 60 people could produce such a shocking effect.


Or the weak will defeat the strong!

They have more or less heard about the Xiacheng decisive team's previous match results. They know that they can defeat the top-seeded Tian'a team in the Xiacheng sub-division competition because of the ADC's trump card. Finale.

But no matter how much mental prediction and preparation I had made before, when I saw it with my own eyes, it was still so horrifying and shocking.

This AD...

It was simply more than three to five times more powerful than imagined!

Even several other members of the Junlin team were gasping, and the auxiliary player of Junlin's eyes widened:

"Holy shit... Is this a human? How can he be so fierce?"


The opponent was beaten two-for-four in the bottom lane.

Not only did he not run away, he also turned around and fought back.

The sudden 2V4 beat the hell out of the opponent, allowing ADC's skate shoes to kill four of them.

It wasn't luck or the opponent's deliberate failure. It was completely controlled by the skateboard alone. Even the supporting teammate Thresh seemed to have become Kalista's operating tool. From beginning to end... it was almost a revenge. Spear a person's Tianxiu!

The ADC players of King's Landing murmured:

"Never let me face this guy... Never, ever..."

Even though he is the ADC of the King's Landing team and has enough confidence in his own strength, he can still draw a firm conclusion based on objective analysis:

If his teammates didn't come to help, and it was just a duel in the bottom lane, I probably wouldn't be able to last fifteen minutes in the hands of that guy on the court.

Damn it, where did this pervert come from! ?

Even Yu Ping couldn't help but move closer to Zeng Rui and asked in a low voice:

"Have you ever fought against this guy before?"

He has seen the strength of the bottom lane combination of Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao, but if he compares it with the bottom lane combination of the Xiacheng decisive team on the court at the moment, especially with the opponent's ADC... it seems to be very rare. Come to an optimistic conclusion.

Zeng Rui smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"We never fought."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at Tang Bingyao aside, and secretly evaluated and analyzed in his heart——

If the current me and Tangtang were to face Fengzi, a former partner and teammate... how confident and successful would he be?

Zeng Rui thought and hesitated.

He found that some things seemed to be unable to withstand careful consideration. The more he thought about it, the more helpless he felt.

In the entire King's Landing team, probably only the mid laner's core ace, Overlord, has his eyes getting brighter and brighter as he watches. After watching a game, his eyes are as bright as light bulbs:


"Hey, you really didn't lie! This looks much better than I thought!"

"The ADC has to play like this to be effective! It's infinitely better than our AD!"

He doesn't care at all about the mood of his ADC teammates around him and is full of praise.

Lin Feng's eyes sparkled as he looked at the figure of his former partner on the field:

"not yet."

"This is just the beginning."

Then, it was the second game of BO3.

They were caught off guard in the first game, and finally realized that the strength of their opponent's ADC was even more terrifying than they expected. In the ban selection stage of the second game, the Tiejia Xiaobao team was completely prepared to use almost all ban positions. Targeting the bottom lane.

The ADC hero who is strong in the current version and strong in the lane was almost completely banned by the Iron Armor Xiaobao team.

It also naturally caused commotion among the members of various teams in the audience.

The Overlord had a dissatisfied look on his face:

"Hey, hey, isn't that unfair?"

"If you know how good your opponent is, just ban him. If you don't have any ambition at all, why can't you just have a head-on confrontation!"

This is all about standing and talking without pain in the back. As a spectator, of course, we hope that the competition will be as exciting as possible. The last pair of Mu Qiu's ADC skateboard shoes obviously made Bawang not satisfied.

Only Lin Feng, who was sitting next to him, remained calm:


"The ban will never end."

Of all the people present, only he and Li Shiyi knew best how deep the hero pool of his former partner was.

as expected.

Soon, the ADC hero of the second round of the Blue Fangxia City decisive team was confirmed to be locked:

Honorable Executioner Draven.

The reverse version of the most powerful violent AD.

With this selection of heroes, not only the Overlord looked surprised and excited, patting the armrests and cheering repeatedly, but even Tang Bingyao's eyes lit up.

And then.

It was twenty-six minutes of fierce fighting.

In other words, it was twenty-six minutes of sweeping carnage.

At 26 minutes and 43 seconds of the game time, the purple square base crystal exploded.

2 to 0.

The Xiacheng decisive team won two games in a row and advanced to the top 64.

The update is here, go away and get ready for bed. Good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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