
Chapter 260 Will not fall

Before the real battle list comes out, there is actually not much difference between the teams participating in the national competition and which region they are assigned to.

But for everyone in the Xiacheng decisive team, especially Mu Qiu, the nature is completely different.

The decisive team in Magic City is in Area C.

And they were assigned to Area A.

This means that in the next two rounds of the Imperial City, it is impossible for the two decisive teams with the same name to meet.

Likewise, it means——

If he wanted to compete head-on with someone on the field and achieve his goal, Mu Qiu would need to lead his decisive team to at least fight his way through these two rounds of the Imperial Capital schedule.


This is actually not an easy task.

Mu Qiu's eyes dropped slightly.

He knew the strength of his team very well. In fact, he only relied on his own strength to lead the entire team out of the Xiacheng Division and into the national competition.

A person's power is always limited, and the opponents he will encounter in the national competition will only be stronger than the previous teams in the Xiacheng Division.

Even if it's him——

It is impossible to be 100% sure that he will be able to lead his team to defeat the next two rounds of opponents he encounters.


Must win.

If he wants to meet someone's winning team on the field.

Then any difficulties and obstacles encountered before that encounter must be overcome.

As the saying goes, no one can stand in the way.

Mu Qiu took a deep breath, turned around, and saw several teammates from her team looking at her teammates cautiously with worried expressions. A calm and casual smile appeared on her face again:


"After drawing lots,

Just keep training. "

Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng, Zhou Yang, Zhu Ming and Wu Tian looked at each other, then nodded vigorously:


"Go to training!"

On the other side, Lin Feng and others from the final team in the Magic City Division also went to the Internet cafe and trained from the morning until two or three o'clock in the afternoon. It wasn't until their stomachs growled with hunger that they remembered that they hadn't had lunch yet.

Too lazy to go out, he simply used his mobile phone to order a takeout. While waiting for the takeout, Chen Ting, who was browsing the Internet on his mobile phone, whispered:

"Hey, the battle list seems to be out!"

Li Shiyi looked over curiously:

"You can also receive the message?"

Logically speaking, Lin Feng, as the captain, should have received the official notification text message.

Chen Ting picked up the screen of his mobile phone and shook it at several teammates in the team:


"It has been posted on the official website for everyone to read."

Lin Feng belatedly picked up his phone and realized that he had received a text message notification from the official just ten minutes ago, reminding him that he could check the battle list on the official website.

Their opponent in the first round of the top 128 of the national competition was a team called "Mantis".

"Oh, I'm impressed!"

This time, it was Lin Feng himself who reacted first:

"Ranked eighty or ninety."

It's rare for someone to have a good memory. It's not for other reasons. It's just that when I read the information yesterday, the ID names of the members of this Mantis team were very eye-catching. The top, middle and bottom Nosuke were called "Red Mantis" and "Green Mantis" respectively. , "yellow mantis", "black mantis" and "white mantis", anyway, they are the big family of mantises...

Zeng Rui nodded and concluded:

"So, it's basically no challenge."

Several other members of the team also nodded in agreement, with expressions of lack of interest on their faces.

If possible, of course they still hope to encounter stronger opponents. Doing too much of this kind of thing will always make people lose their spirits.

Although it is supposed to be easier to encounter strong enemies in the national competition, the strength level of the teams ranked in the first round is only 890th among the 128 teams...

That is to say, it is close to the end of the crane.

"Win two games and then go watch other teams' games."

Someone who is the captain concluded that the first few rounds of the national competition will adopt a BO3 format, and will not return to BO5 until the top 16.

In this way, our team's match schedule for tomorrow has been determined, but since the official website has published the match list, we can take a closer look at the groupings of other teams.

Lin Feng took his mobile phone and clicked on the official website.

Soon, he found what he wanted to see.

The Xiacheng decisive team with the same name was assigned to Zone A.


Someone paused and his eyes dropped slightly.

Several other members of the team also saw the grouping of the Xiacheng decisive team on the battle list, and looking at someone's expression at this moment, they could guess what he was thinking.

"In this case, we won't be able to meet each other in these two rounds in the imperial capital, right?"

Chen Ting touched his chin and spoke.

Zeng Rui on the side hesitated for a moment and then answered:

"Maybe, the chances of encountering it will become much smaller in the future."

The words were very tactful, but the other people next to him understood what Zeng Rui wanted to express.


When they were still in Magic City, they all watched the game video of the decisive team in Xiacheng. Although they all marveled and praised Yu Muqiu's personal strength as if he was still at the peak of the year, but after all, looking at it as a whole, The overall combat strength of the decisive team was not too strong.

There are too many shortcomings.

Being able to advance to the national competition was almost entirely driven by Mu Qiu's own efforts.

When it comes to the national competition, the opponents they encounter in each subsequent round are destined to become stronger and stronger. With the overall strength of Xiacheng, the decisive team, it is destined to become more and more difficult to fight.

Perhaps, they will encounter a truly powerful enemy. Even with Mu Qiu at the helm, they will not be able to lead the team to victory with their personal strength.

If the two decisive teams with the same name fail to meet in the first two rounds of the Imperial Capital—

Then, before the encounter, perhaps the Xiacheng team that wins will fall early.

It sounds cruel but very realistic.

Lin Feng was silent for a moment, and after a moment he shook his head:

"Will not."

"The decisive team will definitely meet us."

"Before meeting us, that guy Aqiu will not allow him to fall by himself."

The tone was calm and natural, as if he was explaining something that was a matter of course, and after finishing speaking, someone seemed to feel relaxed:

"So, forget about the rest."

"Keep training!"

"When you meet them when the time comes, you have to use all your skills!"

The time came the next day.

At 8:30 in the morning, the first round of the LSPL national competition selection for the top 128 will officially begin in half an hour.

Imperial Capital, Dongcheng District, "Flying Eagle" E-Sports Arena.

In the competition venue that can accommodate 2,500 people, players from many teams have already arrived.

The first thing to start this morning will be the game for the teams in Area A. The other teams from Areas B to H are not forced to come. They can also choose to use this time in the morning to go to the Internet cafe to continue training and prepare for the game.

Lin Feng and others did not make this choice.

At 8:45 in the morning, five members of the Magic City Finals team came to the e-sports stadium.

Get ready to watch.

Here's an update, spring is coming, my nose is starting to get a little inflamed, I keep sneezing, and I feel like people around me are looking at me weird. .

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