
Chapter 253 Backup

After Lin Feng left, only Lin Songshi and No. 1 and No. 5 were left in the hotel suite living room.

Number 1 looked at his old friend, raised his eyebrows slightly and said in surprise:

"Not bad."

"I thought you two uncles and nephews were going to have another quarrel today."

There was a hint of regret in his tone.

Number 5 next to him also laughed:

"Brother Lin today is indeed more like a younger brother-in-law. He doesn't show off too much as the president of the Electrical Power Association."

The atmosphere between the two uncles and nephews today is indeed more surprisingly harmonious than any other time in the past.

After finishing the serious chat here, Lin Songshi sat in front of someone and spoke in a gentle tone. The first topic was about someone's life and academic situation in the university in the past six months.

It was the first time that someone was so concerned about personal life issues. The person who was sitting on the sofa was stunned for a long time before he could react. He responded with a few words, saying that everything was generally fine...

Finally, I didn’t forget to add:

"It's just a game, it's a game. Anyway, the school didn't miss too many students!"

"This time when I come to compete in the national competition, the school has already asked the counselor for leave in advance!"

It was as if he was specifically on guard against his brother-in-law using it as a lesson.

Lin Songshi's reaction after hearing this was once again unexpected. He just nodded and spoke calmly:

"As long as you can handle it yourself."

"You're nineteen years old, so you shouldn't have to worry about others."

For the first time, he softened his tone and did not pursue it.

Then, the conversation changed, and the words he spoke made the person sitting on the sofa opposite was even more stunned:


"There will be conflicts in time between academic studies and competitions."

"You know in your mind how to make a choice,

Once you've done it well, don't continue to do it without any distractions. "

“You can’t have both ends, but at least you can’t do both ends well.”

“Since you have participated in this national competition, let’s play hard.”

"Make a name for yourself."

"There are Junlin and Hydralisk in the imperial capital, Gui Ye in Guangzhou, and you also have Jiutian and TO in the devil's capital. They are not easy opponents."

"I believe that with the help of No. 1 and Xiao Wu, it won't be a problem for you to get the promotion spot of LSPL, but don't be careless. You have to go all out to show your best state and level—— "

“More than just a quota.”

"It's about getting the spot beautifully."

"Don't just think about hitting the top three. Since you are really capable, let's win the national championship together!"

This is probably the first time in history that during a conversation between two uncles and nephews, the brother-in-law, as the president of the China Electricity Association Headquarters, made such a sincere explanation.

There are no previous lessons and reprimands, even though the tone is still admonishing, there is more encouragement and support that was not there before.

So until the conversation ended, someone was still a little dizzy when he stood up to leave, as if in a dream. When he walked to the door, he almost bumped into it accidentally...

Thinking of someone's dazed look when he left not long ago, Number Five couldn't help laughing again:

"Xiao Feng probably didn't expect it either."

"Maybe I think my brother-in-law suddenly changed his gender—"

After hearing the teasing banter between No. 1 and No. 5, Lin Songshi, who was sitting on the sofa, had a calm expression on his face:

"It's nothing."

"Yu Si, this boy has grown up. Now that he has made his decision, as a brother-in-law, I naturally have no reason to object or question it."

"And Yu Gong——"

The president of the China Electricity Association Headquarters slowly stood up from the sofa, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, and looked out the window with his hands behind his hands:

"If he really wants to become the first person in Chinese e-sports in the new generation."

"So as the president of the China Electricity Association Headquarters..."

"I should be his strongest support."

In the hotel room, several people from the decisive team gathered around, and while asking questions, they learned about the previous meeting between uncle and nephew from someone.

"So, it went very well——"

Zeng Rui concluded with a bit of amazement.

Tang Bingyao breathed a sigh of relief for Lin Feng and patted her chest: "Great!"

Chen Ting smacked his lips:

"It sounds like... I feel like Fengzi, your uncle is very kind to you. He's not as exaggerated as what they just said."

Lin Feng himself was scratching his head:

"That seems to be what happened——"

"It's strange, he wasn't like this before... Oh, by the way, I forgot to take care of Brother Fang!"

Someone slapped his forehead and remembered Fang Hao's instructions to him two days ago, but he couldn't rely on him. He was so dizzy in the hotel suite today, how could he remember these things...

Of course, we finally got through this "difficulty" without any danger anyway.

Someone is beaming again:

"Hey, let's stop talking. Let's get down to business!"

"What were you doing just now? Have you studied the intelligence materials?"

"Count me in, let's continue watching together!"

at the same time.

In an Internet cafe somewhere in the imperial capital, several members of the decisive team from the Xiacheng Division had already sat down in the box and wasted no time in starting pre-match training.

Playing black and white rows one after another.

Constant battle.



Fight again.

The whole afternoon was spent in this kind of training. The intensity was very high, but no one complained about being tired.

And similarly, even though they were winning consecutive battles and victories in the black group training, Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng, Zhou Yang, Zhu Ming, and Wu Tian still didn't show any excitement on their faces.

Everyone is still nervous and nervous, and they don't dare to be complacent or relax in the slightest.

After all, starting black ranking and national competition are two different things.

The strength of almost any of the opponents they will encounter next can pose a huge threat to them.

If you are unlucky, you may even be eliminated in the top 128 of the first round.

They are not another "winner" team.

Among the top 128 teams in this national competition, if Mu Qiu is not included, their overall strength may be the last group ranked at the bottom.

So, you have to walk on thin ice all the time.

From this point on, you have to do your best.

Mu Qiu, who was sitting on the side, looked at several teammates in the box who looked like they were facing an enemy, and narrowed his eyes slightly:

Regarding this national competition, he actually did not have high hopes or expectations.

There were a total of one hundred and twenty-eight teams, and he knew very well that with the strength of his own team, it would be difficult to fight his way through them.


Mu Qiu's figure straightened slightly, and a heart-stopping coldness suddenly flashed across her eyes.

Before meeting that guy's "decisive" team...

Anyone, any team.

No one can block the way!

Here's an update. I'm on a business trip. Alas, I felt frightened and suspicious when I was at the train station. I hope to go home soon. .

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