
Chapter 243 In the room

Even in the past, as the world's number one mid laner among the Four Emperors, F-Han Shihao's personal strength has always been a topic of discussion.

It stands to reason that a professional e-sports player, no matter how early or young he debuts, will inevitably go downhill from his golden peak after a full six or seven years of career, and his condition and level will begin to decline until he needs to retire sadly. .

But for the mid laner captain of the SSK team, it seems that he has never encountered such a problem.

Debuted at the age of seventeen.

So far, six full seasons have been played.

Every year, the world's number one mid laner seems to reach a new level of strength.

Constantly refreshing people's cognition.

Keep climbing towards the top of e-sports.

"He can only be popular for another year at most."

This was a judgment made by a European professional e-sports commentator on Han Shihao during the S3 season.


Year by year.

Three years have passed since this evaluation and judgment was made.

The person being commented on is still firmly ranked first in the world, and still stands at the head of the Four Emperors. No one can shake it, and no one can challenge it.

Even people can't help but have a suspicion——

Has the world's number one mid laner, who is now 22 years old, yet to truly reach his peak moment?

Is it possible that he can go further on top of the peak he has already reached?

Such speculation, especially after the end of this year's finals, when the SSK team defeated God-Hand of God and won the world championship trophy again, was completely believed by people.

The more he admired and admired Han Shihao's strength——

People are becoming more and more curious about his current specific strength level.

Various conjectures,

It is constantly being carried out in various online forums and Tieba platforms.

How strong is Han Shihao?

At one time, although he was the head of the Four Emperors, there were at least three other Four Emperors who could stand alongside him.

But now it seems...

Whether it is the accumulated achievements or the performance of the last group of BO5 in this year's finals that shocked the whole world, people have discovered that the strength of the world's number one mid laner seems to have already The four emperors who were once tied... all have a slight gap in the echelon.

The only one above the four emperors?

What kind of state is that?

Unfortunately, these speculations and conjectures cannot produce effective demonstration results.

Because before, there had never been such a concept of level as "above the four emperors", and there was no object that could be used for reference and comparison.

What people know is that in the finals, Dawnstar has already surpassed the realm of the Yonko, even compared to Phoe

ix or Moo

Such "seniors" are faintly half a body ahead.

Dawn Morning Star, who had achieved such an astonishing breakthrough, was completely suppressed by Han Shihao in the last game and was almost unable to fight back. It even made people think that the latter still had some strength left——

If even the Yonko, who once represented the top combat power in the e-sports circle, are not opponents...

So where is the limit of what Han Shihao can do with all his strength now?

Not just ordinary gamers and netizens.

The coaches, players and analysts of the top teams and clubs in each major competition area are also constantly analyzing and speculating.

However, the materials they can use for analysis and evaluation are limited, and they cannot obtain more specific and latest information, so it is naturally difficult to draw conclusions.

So all they can hope for now is that the new professional league season will start soon.

When the new season of the LCK league starts again, they may be able to get a glimpse of more truth about today's SSK and the world's No. 1 mid laner.


In contrast, some people are even more impatient.

There are also more means.

These people can confirm what they want to know through certain private methods and channels earlier.

Seoul, Korea.

In a five-star hotel.

Walking through the long hotel corridor until the end, there is a room in front of you.

Han Shihao glanced at the ajar door, and Park Chanyeol, who was accompanying him, raised his lips:

"Does it look familiar?"

Han Shihao nodded.

Indeed, it is not unfamiliar.

In the past, when playing in competition venues far away from the club base, members of their SSK team would temporarily stay in various hotels near the stadium to rest, adjust and train. This hotel is one of them.

And this room in front of me.

In his past impressions, it had also been used as a training ground for the team when staying at the hotel.

However, the new season has not yet started, and the daily training of his own club has been conducted at the base recently. It will always seem a bit inexplicable to be suddenly brought to this place.

But before coming here, he had already roughly guessed some of the truth.

It was the invitation made to him by Senior Dozai and Senior M.

If it was just an ordinary conversation, the two seniors would not have come to this kind of place based on their usual approach.

So today’s trip——

Naturally, there is only one possibility left.

The expression on Han Shihao's face remained unchanged, he stretched out his hand to push open the ajar door in front of him, and took the lead to walk in. Park Chanyeol, who was on the side with an expression of watching a good show on his face, followed him into the room.

The light in the room is a little dim.

In the once-familiar training venue, you can still see the seats and e-sports equipment arranged there. Not all the incandescent lights on the ceiling are turned on. Only the one in front of the door is lit, and the light cast is like that on the stage. The spotlight just illuminated Han Shihao as he walked in.

After entering the door, Park Chanyeol turned around and ran to the door, as if hiding himself in the dim shadows.

So under the light in front of the door, only Han Shihao was left.

Stand calmly.

Like the protagonist on stage.

Accept the appreciation and evaluation of the audience.

In the darkness "under the stage", two people could be seen standing slightly closer, it was Li Dozai and M.

Seeing Han Shihao walking into the room, M adjusted the frame of the glasses on the bridge of his nose and smiled at the junior whom he had always admired the most:


Han Shihao nodded.

Li Dozai, who was standing next to M, also looked at his successor, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, but his expression remained rigid and serious:

"Since you're here, let's greet a few seniors."

"Don't lose etiquette."

Listening to such instructions and instructions, Han Shihao looked past the two familiar seniors and landed behind Li Daozai.

It was also a dimly lit area. Only by paying close attention would you discover that there were several other people in this room.

To be exact, there are three others besides Lee Do-jae and M.

Three figures.

Standing or sitting, his posture may be casual and upright, or he may be upright and meticulous.

All said nothing.

While Li Dozai and Han Shihao were talking, or from the moment Han Shihao entered the door, three figures invariably cast their eyes on him.

As if sizing up.

As if scrutinizing.

An update is here, and I can only update it once today. I took a walk downstairs at home in the evening, and suddenly felt sleepy when I came back. .

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