
Chapter 233 It’s all tears

This feeling is still similar to the situation when other professional teams encounter God-Hand of God or SSK.

Even if you put a lot of effort into targeting Dawn Morning Star or Han Shihao, you still can't stop other wing positions in their team from seizing the opportunity to develop immediately.

And the worse experience is——

When you are shocked to realize that your top and bottom lanes, including the jungle, have been easily taken over by the opponent and snowballed, you look back and are even more devastated to find that the middle lane that you have spent so much effort to help has actually happened again.

Helped two, three or more times.

Here comes the jungler, support, and even top laner and ADC.

It is obvious that the development rhythm of the opponent's mid laner has been well restricted in the early stage.

But in a blink of an eye...

Your own mid laner was still single-killed by the opponent.

I won't make any sense to you at all.

Just a solo kill.

It makes you almost go crazy and want to doubt your life and whether there is something wrong with this game.

The same situation occurs in this game at this moment. There is no need to worry about too many details of the process. You only need to see the blue side's mid laner Syndra will the purple side mid laner Enchantress. Everyone can basically be sure of this scene of a solo kill -

In this round, the purple side is gone.

Even though Jingu Sakura, who is a purple jungle spider, is still trying hard to make amends, she seizes the opportunity to win the first little dragon, then turns around and wanders in the top lane.

k. Cooperate with his top laner Rambo to kill Chen Ting’s top laner Jace who pressed the line too hard...

But it's still a drop in the bucket.

The overall situation is irreparable.

The six paths and flying birds in the audience could see it clearly and couldn't help but shake their heads:

"The overall strength gap is too big."

"Basically, they are suppressed when facing each other. Even if a jungler spider is good, he will still be too busy."


If there is only one firefighter in the team, he can save one side but not all. In the end, he will be exhausted and can only see the raging fire burning everything and there is nothing he can do.

There was a look of regret on Asuka's face:

"But it's a pity——"

"This kind of game, I really can't see any more tricks."

There is a very obvious strength gap between the two teams on the field, and they are overwhelmingly ahead in all aspects. In this case, the victory will be easy and without suspense. Naturally, it will be difficult for the stronger team to show more strength. So many details.

Only a hard enough whetstone can truly test the sharpness of the blade.

Mohe nodded slightly, with a calm expression:

"No chance this round."

"Let's see in the next round, who among us can meet them first."

The first game of BO3 came to an end at 29 minutes of game time.

Without leaving any suspense, the decisive team on the blue side won the first victory.

In fact, it is not that the opponent Sakura Team is weak. After all, being able to stand out from the previous rounds of selection and reach the top sixteen is enough to prove the strength of this team led by Sakura Jingu.

The reason for losing so easily is because the winning team is indeed stronger now.


It has become so powerful that most people cannot easily evaluate it and will never dare to underestimate it.

Among the surrounding spectators, players from various teams could not help but chat in low voices:

"It was completely suppressed..."

"The spider rhythm was actually quite good in the early stage, but I didn't expect——"

"Is there something wrong with the tactical thinking? If the spiders don't focus so much on catching the middle lane and take more care of the top and bottom lanes in the early stage, they might have a better chance, right?"

If one method doesn't work, try another method.

This kind of adjustment and replacement of tactical ideas is also very common in the professional arena.

At this moment, on the Sakura Team side of the field, several other team members were also making similar communications and suggestions to their captain, but they were rejected by Sakura Jingu, shaking her head:


"The middle...can't just leave it alone."

Because she knows the strength of someone on the opposite winning team better than the teammates around her.

Focus on targeting... but they can barely suppress the opponent's pace.

Then if you just let it go -

Jingu Sakura felt that she could completely imagine what a terrible situation it would be.

Although using that kind of targeting idea in the first game has failed, if you change to other ideas, the result will only be an even worse defeat.

So what to do now?

Jingu Sakura's eyes crossed the computer monitor screen in front of her and landed on the profile of someone diagonally opposite. Even though she knew that there might be no other hope for this round of competition, her mood was extremely calm——

in other words.

When she met the decisive team, she had no intention of winning.


I just want to have a serious battle.

In the second game of BO3, the Sakura team, which switched to the blue side, once again selected and confirmed the Spider Queen in the jungle position.

In this round, Lin Feng chose Jace's mid laner on the purple side.

Enter the Summoner's Rift map.

The game begins.

To the surprise of the players from all the watching teams, the Sakura team, which switched to the blue side this time, did not choose to change the tactical thinking of the previous game, but continued to focus on the middle.


Compared with the previous round, the targeted firepower this time was even more fierce.

However, the purple side's decisive team did not know whether they did not expect it or they really didn't care, so they continued to choose the strategy of letting their mid laner Jayce go.

It doesn’t matter how many troops your opponent sends to the middle.

Nosuke and I are still taking care of our own development.

All the pressure is left to the future guardian in the mid lane to shoulder it alone.

"Isn't it too heartless?"

Many other team members in the crowd had their eyelids twitching. After previously speculating on someone's "scumbag level", they now began to suspect the internal conflicts among the members of the winning team...

How much hatred?

My mid laner is so unlucky that several teammates don't even come to help.

If I had been another mid laner, my mentality would have collapsed a long time ago, right?

But soon, the facts shocked everyone again.

Because they saw that even under the increasingly fierce and frequent attacks of Sakura team on the blue side, Jayce, the mid laner on the purple side, was still as stable and calm as a rock standing in the roaring waves, even if he was coordinated by the opponent's top and jungle. If you forcefully jump over the tower and catch him once in the middle, you will still be able to recover your losses by replacing at least one kill before dying.

And as long as the opponent's jungler doesn't come.

Jess is always in a rhythm of taking the initiative to control the situation, constantly suppressing the mid lane opponent until he is almost breathless.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Where is the mental breakdown?

It’s basically to break the opponent’s mentality, okay?

The captain and several members of the Tigers team looked as if they were familiar with it, and even expressed contempt for the reactions of other teams around them:

Have you never seen the world?

The strength of this decisive team is much more powerful than you think!


How did we know?

Don't mention it, don't mention it, it's just tears...

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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