
Chapter 225 Promotion at the same time

Once you have a goal, you will naturally have motivation.

Since they decided to fight quickly to gain time and opportunity to watch other teams' matches, Lin Feng and the others, who were to start the third round and decide the winning team, naturally spared no effort and went all out.

Then the opponent Tianhe Team will undoubtedly suffer.

Originally, as one of the top dozen in the Magic City Division's power rankings, Tianhe Team's overall strength was ranked in the middle and upper reaches even among the top 32 teams. If they were lucky, it would not be difficult to advance to the top 16. .

It's a pity that they encountered a hard idea.

In fact, perhaps he encountered the most terrifying opponent in this Magic City Division.

So there is no suspense about the outcome.

In the first game of BO3, even before several Tianhe team members had time to react, they were directly defeated by their opponents in 26 minutes to seal the victory, crushing them to victory.

The mid laner of the Tianhe team, who ranks as the king of the national server, originally played his best murloc——

Someone's single hand, Jayce, was completely destroyed.

It's purely an operational crush.

This directly tortured the Tianhe team's mid laner to the point of doubting his life.

The person who is even more doubtful about life is the bottom lane combination of the Tianhe team. Originally, there was an auxiliary who was the king of the national server, and an AD was a member of the professional youth training team. When they faced the bottom lane combination of the decisive team, they saw him sitting opposite. Tang Bingyao also had some unexpected surprises——

Isn't this the "goddess with profile" girl that has been widely circulated on the Internet recently?

The ADC member of Tianhe Team is still full of fantasies about how to perform well in this BO3 group and conquer the girl on the opposite side with his strength. Maybe he can add a WeChat friend or ask for contact information later...


It was also completely blown away.

Because she obeyed someone's decision and arrangement and decided to fight quickly, Tang Bingyao, who was the first to come up, saw that her opponent had brought out a policewoman, so she immediately chose her destined Honor Executioner, Draven, without even thinking about it. .

When they saw the girl locking Draven in seconds, even the other members of the decisive team couldn't help but their eyelids twitched slightly:

It's been a while... I haven't seen Tangtang holding Draven.

But it didn't work for a while, and the girl's Draven proficiency didn't drop at all.

Even this time, the operation style has become more skillful and sharper than before.

Cut melons and vegetables all the way across the line.

Paired with Zeng Rui's first-hand support, the goddess of dawn, Leona.

The bottom lane combination of the decisive team suddenly killed the opponent's ADC Policewoman three times in the first ten minutes of the game.

Among them, he crossed the tower twice.

By the time the Tianhe team's junglers finally realized something was wrong and wanted to rush to the bottom lane to support the rescue, it was already too late.

This resulted in that although the middle and bottom lanes were also completely destroyed by their opponents, the Tianhe team's bottom lane was pushed and collapsed faster and more embarrassingly than in the middle lane.

Until the end of the first game, looking at the word "defeated" displayed on the computer screen in front of them, the two bottom players of Tianhe Team still felt as if they were in a dream.

On the side of the decisive team, Chen Ting was a little sad:

"This one...let Tangtang steal the show."

Zeng Rui shook his head:

"People only focus on the fact that Tangtang is a girl."

"Underestimating the enemy and being careless is what will happen."

Indeed, this kind of thing should not happen more frequently in the future. Just looking at the faces and expressions of other players from other watching teams, you can know that watching this game is enough for them to start. Enough lessons have been learned from Team Tianhe’s fate...

The first game was won with overwhelming force.

In the second game, the five players on the decisive team really showed their touch and became more efficient.

25 minutes, a little earlier than the first game, still easily and effortlessly won the victory.

Even though the opponent's Tianhe team has urgently learned the lessons from the first game and tried to be on full alert, there is a clear gap between the two teams in terms of strength after all, and it cannot stop the decisive team from advancing.

So the two games are added together, including ba

Picking a time, it only takes a little over an hour in total.

This group of BO3 duel ended so gently and skillfully.

The players and members of the various teams watching the game were staring straight-eyed. Many of them were seeing the winning team play for the first time, and all of them felt their scalps go numb:

What the hell...

Isn't it a bit too strong?

And this ADC girl is not a beauty at all as a co-writer. In terms of personal operation ability, she is simply ridiculously strong, right?

However, when Lin Feng and others stood up from their seats and turned around, they found that the A2 group not far away had also ended the battle at this time, and several members of the Jiutian Team were also standing up from the competition seats.

The two sides happened to meet each other's eyes.

There was an invisible collision in the air.

Then they quickly took it back.

"It's over over there too..."

Lin Feng had a look of disappointment and regret on his face.

Li Shiyi next to him was slightly solemn: "As expected of Jiutian, your strength is not something you can just brag about."

I thought that their own game efficiency was already very high, but I didn't expect that the Jiutian team would win so quickly.

At the same time, several members of the Jiutian team were also talking in low voices:

"Which team is that?"

"Group A4, right? Isn't it the finals..."

"Decisive victory? That's what our general manager said before -"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let Mei Lan and TO and the others hear you."

I also noticed that the two teams here, Jiutian and the decisive team, won the game at the same time and successfully advanced. Players from the Meilan and TO teams who were watching the game on the sidelines were also talking about it, especially when they looked at the decisive team. Surprised and suspicious:


"The game actually ended at the same time as Jiutian."

"It can be considered a crushing. Logically speaking, Team Tianhe's strength is not weak."

"The top, middle and bottom Nosuke, all five positions, feel very strong."

"This is a team that needs to be careful——"

Compared with their own players, the leaders of the two clubs saw more things and were able to connect them with certain information faster.

Liu Dao's brows were frowning at some point:

"Decisive victory?"

Asuka's eyes fell on the members of the winning team not far away, and he murmured:

"Why does it feel...sounds familiar?"


It was as if he thought of something at the same time.

The heads of the two major clubs suddenly showed a look of surprise on their faces, and turned to look at each other:

"Decisive victory!?"

It seems that an answer has been reached.

Liudao's eyelids twitched slightly: "That guy Lao Mo... must have guessed it in advance, right?"

Feiniao took a breath and felt a little itchy: "Good guy, I got the news in advance, but I didn't know to inform us."

Then the two of them turned their eyes to the decisive team Lin Feng and others not far away at the same time:

"Is this...the team that guy No. 1 was talking about?"

"That's interesting. Let's see who among the three of us will run into them first."

Here's an update. There have been fewer and fewer cases in Zhejiang in the past two days. I hope it can return to normal soon. I really don't want to stay home anymore. .

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