
Chapter 209 Let me help you figure it out

After all, they are still young people.

At the beginning, the last few kids were still depressed about losing the game and not qualifying for the next round of selection, but then they quickly became active again.

At the dining table, while eating skewers with relish, they talked enthusiastically about the two games they played against Tian'a and the Stingers.

When it comes to excitement, everyone can't help but beam with excitement.


In fact, there is really no need to worry too much about the outcome of victory or defeat. For several junior high school boys, the experience of participating in the LSPL trials is already an extremely precious harvest.

Originally, even if they advanced to the next round, they would soon be greeted by strict scrutiny from the tournament officials——

At the age of fourteen or fifteen, and as a minor, there is no doubt that it is impossible to go further on the LSPL trial stage.

It is extremely rare to reach this stage.

not to mention……

To be able to achieve such results against strong teams such as Stingers and Tian'a one after another is enough for a few little guys to be proud of. It is already quite remarkable when they go back to school and mention it to other students. Brag and talk.

After all, not everyone can defeat the stinger and force Tian'a into a desperate situation.

Especially the life and death match against Team Tian'a.

In the first 20 minutes or so, it once took the initiative in the rhythm of the scene, and even grabbed the first dragon, threatening the opponent's high ground, so that the opponent had to rack their brains and exert all their strength to finally achieve a comeback from a disadvantage——

To this extent, even among the other top-ranked established semi-professional teams in the Xiacheng Division, very few can achieve this.

And their top team did it.

Even if it is still a regrettable defeat in the end, there is no doubt that after this battle, the name of Peak Team is destined to be talked about in the Xiacheng e-sports circle for a long time, leaving a stunning mark of its own.

Because Zhang Xin, Yang Ke, Lin Ziyang and others were not old enough to drink beer, the drinks ordered at the table were only sodas such as Sprite and Coke.

But even if it was a soda drink, a few little guys still drank it into a noisy and lively mood, like drinking together.

Empty soda cans were quickly placed on the corner of the table.

Mu Qiu stood up with a smile, preparing to go to the boss to order a few more cans.

After arriving at the stall and briefly greeting the boss, Mu Qiu did not rush back to sit down. Instead, she came to the side of the road, took out a pack of cigarettes from her trouser pocket, took one out, held one in her mouth, and nodded. superior.

Take a deep breath.

He looked up at the night sky and slowly blew out a smoke ring.

His eyes looked a bit blurry and unreal in the swirling smoke.

There were footsteps behind me.

At some point, Zhou Mo also came over. Seeing Mu Qiu smoking, he softly persuaded:

"Smoke less."

Mu Qiu waved her hand indifferently:

"I don't usually smoke either."

"Only one once in a while."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Zhang Xin and others who were still chatting and laughing while eating barbecue not far away. He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said to Zhou Mo:

"These little guys are really nice people."

Zhou Mo also followed Mu Qiu's gaze and looked at the figures of several children with a slight smile on his face:


"They're all good kids."

Mu Qiu laughed:

“It’s not just a good personality.”

"You still have the courage to fight, you still have the courage to fight against opponents that you can't beat, and you still have the energy to not admit defeat or give up—"

"It's a bit like our past."

Zhou Mo smiled and nodded, as if recalling the past, but then he seemed to think of something, and his expression became slightly gloomy:


There was inevitably a hint of guilt in his tone.

Mu Qiu looked at her former partner in front of her:

"If you had told me earlier, I would have come to give you a companion."

"It won't make you work so hard."

The words were spoken in an understatement, but with a calm confidence that seemed to be taken for granted.


Perhaps it is too much for Zhou Mo to take a few junior high school kids to face off against the top teams in Xiacheng like Tian'a with his own strength, but if the top team's bottom lane combination plus his Mu Autumn--

The situation will change completely.

One Zhou Mo's ADC was enough to almost force the entire Tian'a team into an embarrassing situation.

If you add Mu Qiu's assistance.

A combination of both.

It's not simply one plus one equals two.

The power and effect that can be exerted will increase exponentially.

In that case...

Not to mention a mere Tian'a team.

Even if it were any of the top veteran teams in the world's professional e-sports circles, they would have to be frightened and guarded against such a pair of bot laners, and they would not dare to relax even a little bit.

But Zhou Mo smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"I never planned to tell you."

"At the beginning, I didn't even want to play."

"It's just...a temporary idea."

Mu Qiu shrugged as if she didn't care:

"All right."

"But I have to thank you for this 'improvised idea', otherwise I wouldn't be so lucky to be able to see the dignified 'Mo Yan' on the field again -"

The word "silent words" in the words seems to have some kind of magical power.

It made Zhou Mo's body shake slightly.

After a long while, his voice was heard in a low voice:

"It's all in the past."


If it were true that "Silent" had the same style back then, then in today's last game against Tian'a, the bottom lane should have been a rhythm that was destined to kill through the matchup from the beginning.

He won't give that unparalleled swordsman any chance or room to breathe.

Under the control, Night Hunter Vayne can truly achieve perfect and calm 1v5.

There won't be any mistakes.

Not to mention that you will not fall into an embarrassing situation where you are unable to do what you want just because your opponent is focusing fire on you.

There won't be that flash of hitting the wall that would never happen.

Even more impossible——

There is a situation where the opponent is stuck in the base and abuses the fountain.


This all happened.

The reality is placed in front of us coldly and ruthlessly, like a silent declaration.

Therefore, the "silent words" of the past belong only to the past; and now all that is left is an ordinary convenience store owner, Zhou Mo.

Mu Qiu also fell silent after hearing this, and then slowly spoke after a while:

"Are you ok?"

After understanding what his old friend asked, Zhou Mo stretched out his right hand that had been hidden in his sleeve, waved it in front of Mu Qiu, and smiled bitterly:

"I don't obey orders anymore. "

It's just such a plain answer, but it reveals a heavy and self-deprecating meaning.

ADC's right hand should be as stable and dexterous as a pianist's.

But at this moment, the right hand that Mu Qiu saw was twitching slightly as if unnaturally spasming, trembling slightly at a level that could be detected by the naked eye.

Mu Qiu took a deep breath, closed her eyes briefly, and quickly opened them again, but there was still a hint of cruelty and cruelty in her eyes, and her tone also turned cold and cold at this moment:

"I will help you settle this account sooner or later."

Here's an update. Happy New Year's Eve, friends. The Lunar New Year is coming soon. I hope everyone is getting better and better.

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