
Chapter 207 Who is this buddy?

When the Wushuang Sword Immortal said those contemptuous and sarcastic words, almost everyone present was aroused to anger.

Because the players and members of each team present were as clear as a mirror, knowing that the captain of the Tian'a team made no sense in his gestures and words.

The reason why they dare to be angry but dare not speak out is also very simple. They are afraid of Tian'a's strength and reputation, and they don't want to easily turn against him.

To put it bluntly, among all the teams present, no one has the confidence to survive a few rounds in front of Tian'a, the most recognized team in Xiacheng.

Even if I help someone out today and win a quarrel——

But the next time they meet on the field, they will be crushed and crushed by the opponent with a grudge, and they may even be tortured and humiliated. This is not worth it.

In short, everyone has their own fears.

Don't want to get into trouble.

That's why after the arrogant words of the Wushuang Sword Immortal, the whole place was silent and no one could refute.


This silence was suddenly broken.

A young man walked leisurely out of the crowd and stood directly in front of the captain of the Tian'a team. He looked at ease and even said in a casual and scornful tone:

"In front of you."

"So what?"

As soon as the words came out.

Immediately, many members of the team in the crowd took a breath of cold air, and looked at the young man who was standing in for him differently:

This guy...

He is a cruel person!

What everyone knew but no one dared to say, not only did this person say it, but he also said it in front of the victim. He didn't intend to leave any steps for others, and he didn't leave any escape route for himself.

"Who is this-"

“Which team’s brothers are so tough?”

There were whispers in the crowd,

Everyone is observing and guessing the origin and identity of this young man, but no one has come up with a result. His appearance is somewhat unfamiliar, and he does not seem to be a contestant in their competition venue...

Why did it appear suddenly?

Moreover, just confronting the Tian'a team head-on?

While the players from each team present were speculating on the young man's identity, the conversation on this side of the field still did not end.

In other words, Mu Qiu didn't intend to end it here.

Her eyes fell on the face of the ADC captain of the Tian'a team in front of her. Seeing the opponent's obviously uncontrollable anger, Mu Qiu raised the corners of her mouth slightly, but did not give the opponent a chance to speak. She continued:

"If I remember correctly, someone seemed to have said before the game how many minutes it would take to penetrate the bottom lane?"


One sentence.

Immediately, the eyelids of the Peerless Sword Immortal twitched.

It was also reminded that most of the team members present came to their senses:


There is such a thing.

The face of the Peerless Sword Immortal became increasingly ugly and gloomy, almost dripping with water, while the smile on Mu Qiu's face remained the same, but the sarcasm in his subsequent words became more and more merciless:

"I was single-killed in the early matchup."

"The combination of Obama and Japanese women was hung up and beaten by Vayne Morgana."

"Kill through the opponent?"


"How many times have you called your teammates for help, but it's all in vain, and you still have to be beaten like a shrinking turtle, and you can't express your temper at all. It feels bad, right?"

"In the mid-term team battle, in which wave can I see you, Lucian, doing any damage?"

"Being caught in a flash by Vayne, she suddenly cuts her face off. A few traces of remaining blood can frighten Lucian to the point of deforming his body. If you are full of blood, you will be reversed by a trace of blood."

"Kill through the opponent?"


"The whole audience can't see half of your Holy Lance Ranger's operation show."

"Huddled in the back row, you can use your ultimate move to empty out half of your bullets. How much total damage does Lucian do with this weapon? If you remove the support on both sides, is he ranked last?"

"A Holy Lance Ranger who was useless from beginning to end, and finally relied on the advantage of the lineup and his teammates to set the pace."

"Then I rushed to the spring, held my teammates' thighs and took one or two heads."

"Even if you take off?"

"The ace ADC of the strongest team in the Xiacheng Division?"

"The King of Korean Server?"

"That's it?"


Every time he asked, the tone was neither urgent nor slow, but paired with the sarcastic tone and the sarcastic and playful curve of the mouth, it was like an invisible slap in the face, mercilessly slapped on the Wushuang Sword Immortal. on the face.

One is heavier than the other.

Until the end, it can almost make people completely red and swollen.

At least, after such a long interrogation, the face of Wushuang Sword Immortal had almost turned red to the color of pig liver, as if it might explode at any time.

All the players and members of the various teams present were frightened and stunned.

The look he looked at Mu Qiu was as if he was seeing a monster——

This dude...

Not just more vigorous than they expected.

This mouth is so poisonous!

Even the few members of the Peak Team were a little dazed after hearing this. They temporarily forgot about the heavy frustration of losing the game. They couldn't help but raise their heads and look at Mu Qiu blankly, and subconsciously thought -

Who is this big brother...?

It felt like they didn't know each other.

But why did he take the initiative to stand up and fight for them?


If I feel right, it seems that the anger accumulated in this eldest brother is even stronger than the ones who were really ridiculed?

Zhou Mo also raised his head at this moment.

He also stared blankly at Mu Qiu's figure not far away.

But compared to several teammates around him, he undoubtedly recognized his former friends and partners at first sight.

His lips moved slightly:


Mu Qiu also turned around and looked at this moment.

His eyes met his old partner and friend.

Then he smiled again, and this time his smile was full of heartiness and sincerity:


"Long time no see."

after an hour.

Several members of the Peak Team, together with Zhou Mo, sat at a table at a late-night snack stall.

The atmosphere at the table was somewhat quiet.

Several little guys, including Zhang Xin, didn't say anything. They all stared at Mu Qiu sitting opposite them without blinking, looking up and down with full curiosity.

Mu Qiu didn't care at all about such attention. She turned to look at Zhou Mo next to her and smiled:

"Hey, I have to introduce you first, right?"

Zhou Mo seemed to have just woken up from a dream:

"Oh, yes-"

Then he quickly introduced Zhang Xin and Yang Ke to Mu Qiu, and explained:

"They are all children I have met in the past six months. I thought about signing up to participate in the competition, so I formed such a team."

Mu Qiu nodded clearly, looked at Zhang Xin and the others, and praised with a smile:

"Not a bad fight."

The little guys didn't take such praise seriously. They all looked at Zhou Mo eagerly, waiting for the next step.

Zhou Mo looked at Mu Qiu:

"This is Mu Qiu."

"It's my former..."

When it came to the last half of the sentence, Zhou Mo hesitated for a moment:


Zhang Xin and the other little guys didn't notice anything strange, but Mu Qiu paused slightly, and then quickly showed a smile again on his face:


"very good friend!"

Remember to buy masks, open windows at home for ventilation, and take good care of yourself.

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