
Chapter 204 The food looks ugly

After all, several young players still lack real competition experience.

When things are going smoothly, it may be okay, but when the situation falls into an irreversible defeat, the mentality will be affected, leading to various undue mistakes in operations and decisions.

Strictly speaking, in this last wave of base defense battles, if the blue army can all stabilize their mentality and defend the two incisor towers and their own ADC Vayne, they may be able to hold off at least one more wave.

But several members of the Peak Team were already distracted at that moment.

Seeing this large line of soldiers pressed in by the buff effect of the big dragon, as well as several heroes from the opponent's purple army, there was only one thought left in my mind, to fight the opponent to the death.

Recklessness never ends well.

Several little guys controlled their respective heroes and rushed forward in such a hurry.

Will the only one who has the ability to ca

y's ADC Vayne was forgotten.

And by the time a few people came to their senses, it was naturally too late.

The cold and ruthless killing announcement from the system's female voice sounded.

When they heard that their ADC teammate had been killed, a few guys from the top team finally suddenly regretted it and discovered that they had once again made an unforgivable mistake in the last wave of team battles.

"Brother Mo!——"

Zhang Xin, who had previously only communicated on the team's voice channel and whose eyes were always focused on his computer screen, finally turned his head suddenly at this moment and looked eagerly at Zhou Mo who was aside.

But what he saw was that Zhou Mo in front of the ADC seat had lowered his head.

The first-person game screen becomes a black and white TV.

Zhou Mo lowered his head so that no one could see the expression on his face.

He could only hold the mouse with his right hand and tightly hold it tightly. His knuckles were white with no blood left due to the exertion, and seemed to be trembling uncontrollably.

There was silence on the blue team's voice channel.

A long while.

Zhou Mo's voice was heard in a low voice:



The sound is actually very soft.

However, the complex and heavy meaning contained in the three words was not something that the boys around him could really understand.

Vayne was killed.

The troops were gathered in front of the two incisor towers.

At this point, the outcome of this game has been decided, and there is no longer any suspense.

However, in the face of this victory belonging to the Purple Army, the final scene looked a bit ugly.

Two incisor towers collapsed and turned into ruins amidst the sound of a female voice in the system.

The purple side army, which had pushed away the only defense left in front of the opponent's base crystal, was not in a hurry to take away the opponent. Instead, it turned around and slowly dealt with the other heroes of the blue side army one by one.


The announcement of the system's female voice sounded again.

Finally, all five heroes of the Blue Army were killed in battle and were sent back to the spring to wait for resurrection. The bare base crystals no longer had any means of defense and became nothing more than fish on the chopping board.

However, until this moment, the five members of the Tian'a team still seemed to have no intention of ending the game quickly.

The heroes of the purple side seemed to have a tacit understanding, allowing their minions to smash the opponent's base crystal ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-ponging, then they bypassed the crystal and gathered in front of the spring of the blue side.

Stand still.

As if waiting for something.

The atmosphere became a little strange at this moment.

The players and team members from various families in the crowd watching the game suddenly became acutely aware of something, and the expressions on their faces couldn't help but change.

Such an action...

It looks so familiar.

Whether it's a passer-by game or a game, this kind of scene is familiar to people, and it makes it easy for people to guess what kind of plans the Tian'a team will make next.

Players from many teams at the scene suddenly showed a bit of anger on their faces:


Even if the Tian'a team on the purple side wins this one, it doesn't matter.

It is true that the blue side's peak team did not play well in the second half. There were many mistakes. Tian'a seized the opportunity to make a comeback again, so the winner or loser should be recognized individually.

But now...

The posture of the heroes of the Purple Army on the field was clearly unreasonable and unforgiving.

It’s not just about winning this victory.

Moreover, before demolishing the opponent's base crystal, he must do a torture.

"It's so special...it completely fits the eating habits of Tian'a and other bird people."

Several members of the Stinger team couldn't help but feel angry. They had seen Tian'a's style of play before and even learned from it:

"It's really ugly."

"Don't you even want to lose face?"

But no matter how much the crowd made riots and arguments, it still couldn't change the plans that the Purple Army had already made on the field.

Several purple heroes were waiting patiently at the edge of the spring.

The health bar of the base crystal slowly drops.


The blue side ADC Vayne, who was the first to die in the team battle in front of the Incisor Tower, was also the first to be resurrected.

The figure of the night hunter appeared alone in his spring.

On the purple side of the field, a cruel look flashed across the face of the Peerless Swordsman in front of the ADC seat:


The words fell.

The other four members of the Tian'a team obeyed their captain's instructions without hesitation, and the heroes under their respective control rushed directly towards the target Vayne in the spring water again!

The Japanese girl took the lead in attracting Quan Shui's hatred firepower.

The prince broke into the spring, and the next second the EQ 2nd Company rushed towards Vayne.

Jace's energy cannon blasted into the Night Hunter's chest.

The enchantress W moves into the spring water, and QE throws two consecutive shots at the target prey.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the damage from various skills once again overwhelmed the Night Hunter in the spring. At this moment, Vayne seemed to have no control over her anymore, and was as fragile as a candle in the wind, crumbling and ready to be slaughtered.

Finally, the unparalleled Swordsman's ADC Obama moved forward to keep up.

Raise the gun.

Q skill "Penetrating Holy Light" is launched.

Penetrating Vayne's body.

It also took away the last small amount of blood from the health bar on Vayne's head.





ed (an enemy hero is killed). "

The kill announcement from the system's female voice sounded again.

It didn't even take more than two seconds after she was resurrected in the spring water. The game screen from Vayne's first-person perspective instantly turned into a bleak black and white tone again.

There was a low commotion in the crowd watching the game again, mixed with some grievances and anger.

At this time, the blood bar of the blue square base crystal finally bottomed out and returned to zero under the concentrated fire of the purple square soldiers.

With distorted light.

The crystal exploded with a bang.

competition is over.

Here’s an update, I’m finally going back to my hometown tomorrow. . It feels like the Chinese New Year is about to come all of a sudden.

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