
Chapter 189 Load

The fire dragon team battle is over.

At this point, the game is transitioning from the laning phase to the mid-term phase.

And through the complete victory of the last wave of Fire Dragon team battles, the current top team on the blue side is already ahead of the opponent's Tian'a team in terms of head count and economy. It can be said that they have finally gained the upper hand.

However, the advantage currently accumulated by the top teams is not enough to quickly turn into a victory.

Snowballs don’t grow big easily.

"We still have to wait for the opportunity."

Players and members from various teams watching the game discussed and gave their opinions.


Although the team had just defeated a wave of opponents and obtained the Fire Dragon, after the team battle ended, it was actually difficult for the top team of the Blue Army to launch the next wave of attacks quickly.

Mainly because it's difficult to push the tower.

If we can take advantage of the situation and work together to push down one or two of the opponent's defense towers, it will indeed compress the opponent's development space and vision, further establishing an advantage.

But the problem is that the blue team's lineup does not have a strong ability to push towers.

Vayne's development is good and her combat power is strong, but she has short hands after all.

If you push forward without getting the Baron buff or without destroying the opponent, Vayne's shorthand shortcomings will be exposed during the process of pushing the tower——

Especially when the opponent is watching eagerly, if you, Vayne, stand too far forward in order to hit the tower, you may be instantly killed by a wave of force from your opponent at any time.

Moreover, Vayne's dual summons are currently on cooldown, so it would be unwise to rashly activate War End at this time.

"Wait for the next dragon."

The players and team members watching the game also reached a consensus during the discussion.

The next one is the earth dragon.

It is also a key resource that both sides must compete for.

By that time, Vayne's double summons have also been cooled down. At that time, another group fight with the opponent should be the key to breaking the game.

Probably the blue and purple teams on the field also had the same idea.

Therefore, during the period after the Fire Dragon team battle ended, the situation on the scene became somewhat calmer again.

The players from various teams watching the game were idle, but they couldn't help but start to reminisce about the actions of the blue side ADC Vayne in the previous wave of fire dragon team battles.

Even though I just witnessed it with my own eyes, looking back on it now, I still feel sincerely sighing:

"Tsk...that's really awesome."

"In that situation, he actually dared to dodge over the wall and go around the back. No one else has such courage."

"Don't talk nonsense, haven't you seen the specific details of Vayne's back wave? It's really full of operations, okay?"

"Yes, it was a god-level fight, especially the 1V2 fight with Jess and Obama after defeating the Enchantress. I was so dumbfounded..."


The layman was probably just watching the excitement. After being dazzled, he only saw a few heroes from both sides fighting each other fiercely, and then Vayne had a double kill and a triple kill.

But only a true expert can see what kind of amazing and even horrifying ability to handle details that Vayne showed during the detour.

As the captain of the Stinger Team, Venomous Bee can be regarded as an expert among experts.

Therefore, what he observed was more profound and thorough than most people present.

"It doesn't count the previous part of killing the enchantress, nor does it count the dodge skills."

"Wayne stuck the opponent Jess and Obama to attack forward at least four times."

After taking a deep breath, Venomous Bee said this to several other teammates around him, and then looked at the confused looks on the faces of several teammates, and he couldn't help but sigh:

"This is such a god--"

"Even the top professional level...it's almost impossible to master the micro-manipulation of absolute details."

Use the ult to activate the stealth effect of the Q skill "Evasion Assault", causing the opponent to lose the target when the normal attack moves forward.

By controlling the range of Jess and Obama, the distance was increased so that the opponent's flat A was judged to be canceled by the system when swinging forward.

Half a point.

Can't see any way.

But if it happens several times in a row, it will save a considerable amount of blood for itself and avoid a certain amount of damage that may be fatal.

What's more important is that all of this happens and is completed in just two or three seconds.

In such a narrow terrain.

In such an almost frightening and desperate atmosphere.

Being able to achieve such perfect micro-control, Bendou really deserves to be called "god".

Not far from the crowd, Mu Qiu heard the comments and sighs of the poisonous bees here.

There was a slight hint of appreciation on his face, which was recognition of the Stinger captain's vision.

But then he shook his head again and silently corrected himself:

five times.

Vayne not only blocked Jace and Obama's basic attack forwards four times.

But five times.

In the moves of the top professional ADC players, people often find out "Why does this AD's flat A always seem to be a little faster and have a few more A's than others?"

What I'm talking about is actually that the opponent was stuck and moved forward with A, missing A a few times.

And this is exactly the micromanagement ability that only the top-level professional ADC players can possess.

His partner and friend back then relied on this kind of operation to firmly occupy the throne of the strongest ADC in the world's professional e-sports circle where there are many strong players.

But then again——

Such micro-management really tests the player's personal ability.

Likewise, it is also a huge drain on physical strength and energy.

At this moment, Mu Qiu seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly frowned slightly, looking at the back of her old partner on the court:

This old friend of mine was naturally able to do it calmly.

But now...

If you take into account the other party's current "situation".

So can such a load be withstood?

In the field of vision, the back of his former partner and friend seemed as calm and steady as a mountain.

But Mu Qiu suddenly felt a little worried and uneasy in her heart.

In the next few minutes, the situation calmed down.

The top team on the blue side can't find a chance to continue snowballing for the time being, and can only wait for the refresh time of the next earth dragon.

As for the Tian'a team on the purple side, they are now forced to slow down their rhythm.


The voice of the Peerless Swordsman sounded on the team's voice channel.

At this moment, the core ADC captain of Tian'a team's face was almost gloomy to the extreme. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out each word through his teeth:

"hold on."

"Wait until we grow up a bit."

"Even if the opponent reaches the later stage... there will only be one Vayne to survive."

"I don't believe it-"

"That guy can perform that kind of operation in every subsequent wave!"

The update is here, I’m ready to go to the high-speed rail station and go home, hahahahaha, finally!

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