
Chapter 186 Fighting

ADC single-handedly cuts into the back row of the opponent's formation, which is an almost suicidal behavior.

And if you want to risk your life and survive, then every step of the operation must be extremely precise and there is no room for error.

The response from the Purple Fang Tian'a team has been very quick.

The top laner Jace directly gave up the frontal battlefield, turned around and [Flash] rushed back, and used the Q skill "Leap of the Sky" to raise his war hammer and aim at Vayne, hitting her head hard.

The mid laner Enchantress, who was still alive, was also inspired by her courage at the last moment. She threw out the phantom chain copied from her ultimate move and shot it at the target Night Hunter.

If this wave of control and damage were to be defeated enough, even if Vayne could replace LeBlanc before she died, she would be destined to fall quickly to Jace's war hammer.

Then the gains from cutting the back row will definitely not be worth the price paid.

This wave of team battles will also be completely concluded.


Vayne ducked.

Double-teamed front and back, the opponent's top laner and mid laner were surrounded and killed by two heroes.

The Night Hunter under the control of Zhou Mo calmly opened up at the moment of life and death. When the "Ultimate Moment" was turned on, the Q skill "Evasion Raid" was launched. He moved and rolled to avoid the landing point of Jace's Q skill, and at the same time, he also blocked Enchantress's Q skill. Fatal Chain Control dodges.

Roll to your feet and raise the crossbow.

A flat A will directly kill the mid-card trickster Enchantress!

When the system's female voice announced the kill, it completely ignored the first head that was obtained and the loud exclamations from the audience. The night hunter controlled by Zhou Mo quickly turned its spearhead and aimed at the purple square's upper body. Single Jess!

Flat A.


Another A!

Sharp arrows pierced the air and shot into the body of the future guardian, quickly stacking silver-white halos on the ground at the latter's feet.

Perfect positioning, pulling and distance control.

It's so smooth that it's almost as if there is no stiffness and back-swinging A.


Three rings detonated.

A piece of real damage exploded on the health bar above Jace's head!

At this moment, the face of the Wushuang Sword Immortal on Team Tian'a's side had completely changed, and his voice almost became extremely sharp:

"Kill Vayne!"

"Turn back! Kill Vayne!"

But at this moment, although the two members of the purple side, the jungler Prince and the support Japanese girl, wanted to turn around and come back to support their teammates, they were powerless.

Because just when they were gritting their teeth and preparing to let go of the blue jungle excavator with residual health in front of them, they turned around and rushed towards Vayne...

Accompanied by a burst of bright golden light.

The blue jungler's excavator actually did not retreat at all even with remaining health, and took the initiative to flash forward and rush forward. A W skill "Breaking Out" knocked the opponent's two heroes Yefu into the air and controlled them!

On the side of the top team on the field, Yang Ke almost gritted his teeth and said a few words from his mouth:

"Want to leave?"

"Don't even think about dying!"

The crowd roared again like a wave of shock.

The players and members of each team were once again stunned.

This excavator!

Fight to the death to keep people!

The captain of the Stinger Team, Venomous Bee, seemed to suddenly realize:

"This is...the thinking of the top team!?"


Vayne's single-cut detour did not seem to be a reckless choice made by one person on the spur of the moment. Now it seems that it is more like a communication and negotiation done by the entire team in advance.

When the opposing purple army put most of its firepower on the frontal battlefield, the Night Hunter chased and cut into the opponent's back row alone.

And when the opponent wanted to return to defense, they were held back by the heroes in the front row on the blue side.

In this way, Vayne's operating pressure in the opponent's back row is greatly reduced.


It’s really worth it!

His teammates bought Vayne a precious second or two.

Even so, in the small battle circle in the purple, square and blue buff jungle area, Vayne's situation still doesn't seem to be good.

Because even if he takes the lead to kill the opponent's mid laner LeBlanc, Vayne still has to face the encirclement and suppression of purple top laner Jayce and ADC Obama.


The ADC Holy Lance Ranger of the Peerless Sword Immortal had already turned around quickly and came to kill them.

The E skill "Cold Pursuit" directly moves forward and rushes forward!

Raise the gun!

Ping A's two consecutive bullets immediately hit Vayne!

At the same time, Jace lifted the warhammer and instantly switched to cannon form and rushed towards Vayne again.

2 against 1.

There is no doubt that there is no advantage in numbers.

But even in this situation, the expression on Zhou Mo's face remained calm and unchanged.

Just use the mouse and keyboard in your hands...

It's getting faster!

Snapped! ——

The crisp and rapid sound of keystrokes sounded almost like a shower, and Vayne's figure started to move again at this moment.


Lift the crossbow to level A.

Another arrow penetrated the target Jace's body.

The Q skill "Evasion Assault" rolls and moves again to enter the stealth state, quietly widening the distance from the opponent ADC Obama, and reaching the diagonal side of the target Jace.

Another A!

The moment Vayne's figure reappeared, the top laner and AD heroes on the purple side quickly focused their fire again.

The same moment——

Vayne [Healing] is activated.

The milk restores a mouthful of blood and at the same time increases the movement speed and retreats.

Quickly getting out of the shooting range of his opponent ADC Obama, the Holy Lance Ranger was forced to cancel the forward swing due to the distance determined by the system, and missed one A shot.

The next second, Vayne raised her crossbow as fast as lightning and fired an arrow at Jace again.


Three rings detonated!

It wasn't until this moment that Team Tian'a's top laner Jayce suddenly realized that his health bar had dropped to the dangerous level, and he immediately wanted to turn around and run away.

But the acceleration door of the E skill was barely open, just when Jace was about to speed up and escape.

Vayne opened with a broken mouth.

Draw blood.

Slow down the target.

Follow up quickly again!

Flat A!

Another A!

Before he could wait for the third passive hit of the Holy Silver Crossbow, the health bar on Jace's head had already been cleared to zero at this moment.

The first-person camera image suddenly turned into a black and white TV.

The kill announcement from the system’s female voice also sounded:


So far.

On this narrow battlefield in front of the blue buff jungle area, only the ADC heroes of both sides remained.

The Night Hunter who got the second head didn't stop for a moment and rushed towards the target Holy Lance Ranger again!

At this moment, the peerless swordsman's scalp was almost numb to the extreme, and his mind even went blank for a moment. His hands were almost subconsciously operating quickly, as if he wanted to throw all the firepower at his opponent Vayne.

The walk between the ADCs of both sides is against A.

The distance is getting closer.

Almost cheeky!

The health bars on Vayne and Lucian's heads are falling rapidly!

Just at the last moment——

Obama raised his gun as fast as lightning, and the "Penetrating Holy Light" from his Q skill shot towards Vayne almost directly to his face.

The Wushuang Sword Immortal was suddenly overjoyed:

Got it! !


The same moment.

Night Hunter suddenly rolled sideways with a cool-down Q skill.

It was so thrilling to dodge the opponent's face-to-face Q as close as a hair's breadth.


Get up.

Lift the crossbow.

Flat A.

The crossbow arrow soaked in holy silver tore through the air, drew an icy trajectory, and suddenly penetrated the Holy Lance Ranger's chest.

Three rings detonated.

With a bang, Lucian collapsed.


iple-Kill (three kills)! ! ——”

Here's the update. On the second day of the new year, I'm still on a business trip, trying to see if I can finish the second chapter.

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