
Chapter 182 The fallen support

Four fifths, three fifths...

Soon, the health bar on the head of the purgatory dragon in the fjord had dropped below half the pipe.

At this moment, the players and members of the various teams watching the game also had a thought in their minds -

If you don’t leave, it will really be difficult to leave.

He is talking about the heroes on the blue side of the field at this moment.

You know, the reason why your opponent's Tian'a team didn't attack you at the moment is purely because they are planning to take the Fire Dragon first. At this time, several of your people are in low health. If you don't evacuate in time, you will wait for the opposite purple team to take down the fire dragon. The fire dragon will then turn around and hunt you...

When you retreat and others advance, there are still heroes like Japanese maidens, beauties and princes who are chasing and attacking, and there are various ways to start a group to retain people. In that situation, if you are retained again, you will really regret it. It's too late.

The blood volume of the health bar on the top of the fire dragon's head is still slipping.

However, until this moment, the heroes on the blue side still seemed to have no intention of evacuating and giving up.

They are even approaching Xiaolong Gorge cautiously.

It seemed like he was trying to grab the dragon.

For a moment, several members of the Sting Team looked anxiously:

"what does it mean?"

"Are you still going to fight?"

"My formation is so good and my condition is full. It's useless for you to join!"

"Isn't this a gift!?"

Even from the perspective of the purple team, many players watching the game suddenly saw that in the Xiaolong Gorge, the Tian'a team's auxiliary Japanese girl had blocked the view of a terrain in advance. Blind corner, hiding behind the wall——

The view within the fjord was also due to the real eye inserted by the Tian'a team in advance, so the blue team's peak team was unable to see the whole picture.

He was not able to spot the figure of his opponent's auxiliary Japanese girl immediately.

Several blue heroes are still trying to get closer.

For a moment, the hearts of almost everyone in the crowd were in their throats!


Right now.

When the jungle excavator on the blue side stepped forward, a real eye partition wall was finally inserted into the Xiaolong Gorge of the river.

This moment that re-lit the view in the fjord——

The figure of the opponent Zi Fang's auxiliary Japanese girl hiding behind the wall suddenly came into view.

The same moment.

On the top team's side of the field, Yang Ke's voice rang out in the team's voice channel:


But this warning was too late.

Because at the same moment when the excavator inserted the real eye into the wall, the auxiliary Japanese girl on the Purple Fang Tian'a team finally waited for the perfect time to take action after lying in wait for a long time.

The golden field in the hand of the Dawn Goddess in the fjord suddenly raised it and pointed to the sky!

The ultimate move, "Solar Flare"!

In an instant, a bright and dazzling golden light spot suddenly bloomed under the feet of Morgana, the auxiliary at the front of the blue square formation, and the jungler Excavator!

The crowd watching the game immediately became excited.


Sure enough, Team Tian'a had no intention of taking the Fire Dragon first from the beginning.

Their goal...

From the beginning to the end, it was all about the five people from the top team!

The Japanese female card's field of view is widened through the partition wall.

Take the lead and start the team fight with one wave!

The "Sun Flare" of the ultimate move perfectly controlled Morgana and Excavator in the front row of the blue side. The light spot detonated and exploded in the center, stunning and controlling the two heroes in the middle and jungle of the blue side on the spot. live!


In the voice channel of the purple team, assistant Daijin shouted in ecstasy!

The next moment, the murderous voice of the Peerless Sword Immortal suddenly came:


They have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

I have even been depressed and angry for a long time.

This lineup was chosen for the purpose of fighting and killing, but it failed to achieve real results several times in the early stage.

But this time.


This time, all five members of their lineup were assembled, and the opponent's status had been exhausted and disabled in advance.

In addition, the auxiliary Japanese girl at this moment has made a perfect first move.

So next...

It is destined to be the moment of massacre and harvest for their Tian'a team!

The next second after the Japanese girl's ultimate move was released, the "Zenith Blade" of her E skill swung her sword forward like lightning, and threw a beam of sunlight that directly hit the target blue jungle excavator, and quickly moved forward. !

Face-to-face, the "Dawn Shield" of the Q skill was knocked down hard!

Continue to connect control!

At the same time, the jungle prince on the purple side immediately gave up the fire dragon decisively, turned around and EQ shot twice, "Debon flag" followed by "dragon impact" in seconds, and followed a steel spear towards the opponent blue Fang's formation burst out!

Further lift the two heroes in the front row of the blue side into the air!

Control again!

The ultimate move "Heaven and Earth Shatter" suddenly fell!

Then trap Morgana and the excavator in it!

Top laner Jace fired a QE second-line plasma cannon like lightning, and this time it hit the two blue-side top and jungle heroes, Excavator and Gnar, but the damage was still considerable. In an instant, a whole section of the blood bar above the heads of the Void Escape Beast and Lost Fang was cut off!

It was just such an electric moment.

Almost all members of the purple Fang Tian'a team turned and rushed towards the front row of the blue square formation.

The tactical idea is simple and direct.

So rude and unreasonable!

The unparalleled swordsman’s roar sounded again in the team’s voice channel:

"Just kill the front row!"


No need to think about anything else.

With a burst of firepower from my purple side lineup, even if you are in the front row in front of me, you are as fragile as paper. It only takes a few seconds to crush you to pieces.

So, after your front row is wiped out by me in an instant, where can your ADC Vayne or mid laner Syndra be left in the back row?

In just one or two seconds, the first round of fierce offensive organized by the Tian'a team was enough to move all the spectators on the field!

It’s really a perfect match!

Skill control connection.

There is also the unified goal of setting fire.

In an instant, the opponent's blue army had no time to react, and the support and junglers were almost at the end of their health!

next moment.

In the chaotic battle circle, a ghostly figure swept in like lightning.

The purple side mid laner, Enchantress, uses her W skill to move forward and quickly enter the battlefield.

The Q skill's "Malicious Seal" combined with the E skill "Phantom Chain" instantly threw it at the blue side assistant Morgana who was trapped by the prince's ultimate move!

All hits!

While the phantom chain binds Morgana, it detonates passive damage that triggers the malicious mark.

Before even waiting for the control effect of the second stage of the chain, the blood volume of the health bar above Morgana's head was directly exploded and returned to zero!

Before dying, Zhang Yuan only had time to hand over a [Weakness] to put on the enchantress, and the next second he watched the black and white TV.



ed (you have been killed). "

The kill announcement from the system's female voice came.

Cold and heartless.

It seems that it is already foreshadowing the final outcome of this wave of team battles.

On a business trip again. . . I can only update one chapter today. I'll see if I can update another chapter tomorrow morning.

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