
Chapter 172 Capsize?

The combination of Vayne and Morgana does have strong counterattack capabilities under the tower.

But this also has a prerequisite.

If the opponent only comes with a three-man jungler to jump over the tower and force the attack, Vayne and Morgana can respond under the tower with their operation and cooperation.

But if not only the jungler comes, there is also a mid laner.

So in the case of four packs of two, even if Vayne and Morgana's bottom lane combination has the ability to counterattack under the tower, it is very likely to be directly taken away by the opponent's brainless fire attack.

Not to mention, this wave of purple team Tian'a specially planned a routine.

Hidden is a killer move that presses the bottom of the box.

For example, the Enchantress comes through the wall and suddenly attacks QE in the face. Such killing moves fall on almost 99% of ADC players, and there is no way to escape.

Even if he had been a professional ADC player just now and was in the role of Blue Fang Wei En, he would definitely die.


But the accident happened.

And it only happened in the second round of the LSPL trials.

It happened to a "coach" who was a temporary replacement on a previously unknown team.

The scene at that moment will probably be remembered by all the spectators present for a long time——

The enchantress walks through the wall and gives QE to her face.

At the critical moment of life and death, Vayne backhanded E and connected with [Flash] in seconds.

While dodging LeBlanc's fatal phantom chain, E-dodge backhanded the Enchantress and nailed her to the bottom of the tower.

The Q skill rolls and moves to avoid the second company of the prince's EQ.

The magic immunity shield counteracts the Japanese girl's shield stun.


Combined with defense tower damage.

Kill the opponent's mid laner, the Magic Witch, first!

A miraculous wave of operations, Tianxiu,

The quality of the picture in this scene may have reached the level of the TOP10 highlights of the top LPL professional games. It is no exaggeration to say that being able to die under such a level of operation, the death of Enchantress is not unfair at all.


Although this is the truth.

But after this unjustly surrendered head, the situation of the Purple Fang Tian'a team in the bottom lane finally completely reversed in an instant.

Four against two, one was killed by counterattack.

It was already a bloody misfortune.

Then the remaining three people wanted to continue to round up the two targets under the tower, which naturally seemed powerless.

Not to mention that the control skills of the prince and the Japanese girl have already been used, but they have not had any effect. At this time, the three people in the bottom lane of the Tian'a team have already decided to quit.


At this point, whether they can leave or not is no longer theirs to decide.

In other words, for the top team on the blue side, I was targeted by you for nothing in the bottom lane. I finally managed to survive it. I have to take advantage of you to come back.

The head of a witch is not enough.

Vayne and Morgana alone may not be able to carry out the subsequent pursuit.

But at this time, when the excavator arrives, the situation will naturally be different.

In fact, strictly speaking, as a blue-side jungle excavator, Yang Ke's sense of smell in this wave was not good, and the speed of support was not timely, but just caught up with the finishing time.

But that's enough.

The excavator arrives.

Directly flash and connect to the W skill "Breaking Out" to hit the prince.

Coupled with the damage of Vayne and Morgana, as well as the energy light bullets from the defense tower, the opponent's jungle prince Jarvan's head was easily taken away.


The whole process was as smooth as flowing water.

There is no suspense of controversy.

The system's female voice's kill announcement was heard ruthlessly again, and the two opponents in the bottom lane on the purple side could only retreat in embarrassment.

Vayne scored a double kill.

This wave of melee in the bottom lane has come to an end.

The dust has settled.

The crowd roared with surprise again, but this time, it was filled with more exclamations and praises, and the look towards the ADC of the top team was as if he were looking at a god.

This wave...

Turn the tide!

Desperate circumstances create miracles!

It would not be an exaggeration to apply all the words of praise to Vayne's operation.

The captain of the Sting Team, Venomous Bee, gasped for a long time and finally recovered. He suppressed the excitement and shock in his heart and murmured:


"Oh my god, Dafa is about to capsize."


At this moment, the Purple Fang Tian'a team was almost completely silent.

No one expected that a wave of siege in the bottom lane that was determined to win would eventually end like this.

He was directly beaten back by a wave from the opposite side.

It took a long time before I heard the somewhat confused voice of the top laner on the team's voice channel:

"Down the road...what's going on?"

what happened?

This question is destined to remain unanswered.

On the ADC seat, the face of the Peerless Swordsman was pale, and Obama slowly retreated while operating his ADC, but his eyes were always fixed on Vayne not far away from the opposite side. In his eyes... he actually brought a few coins with him for the first time. Extremely unbelievable shock.

(That guy...)

(How can it be!?)

"Brother Mo

ice! ! "

Zhang Xin's excited voice came from the blue team's internal voice channel.

Including several other members of the pinnacle team, they couldn't help but beam with joy:


"Hey, hey, double kill! Am I not dreaming?"

"It's so awesome! Damn! Brother Mo's awesome skills!!"


The entire team's voice channel was full of noisy shouts of surprise.

Of course it is worth surprising.

The bottom lane was blocked by four and two, but in the end he got a double kill.

Complete victory.

More importantly, this wave directly made up for all the rhythm and advantages that their blue side army had lost in the early stage. Now it is an overall stable situation, and even leads in terms of head count.

Especially the bottom lane——

The opponent's bottom lane combination was originally the core and strongest point of the Tian'a team.

But now...

But it was Vayne on their side who took the lead in getting two heads, and her growth was already a whole step ahead of her opponent, Obama!

As an assistant, Zhang Yuan still feels as if she is in a dream, which is unreal:

"Is this... an advantage?"

On the contrary, it seemed that only the greatest contributor to this wave of battles seemed the calmest and calmest.

Even when faced with the exclamations of praise from several teammates around him, Zhou Mo just smiled gently:

"Don't be careless."

"The other side was too reckless this time."

"Next, we have to fight slowly——"

Don’t be afraid in the face of danger.

Advantages are not arrogant.

It seems that everything is just a matter of course, everything is always calm and calm.

Updates are here, finally two updates. . . I'm so sleepy. See you tomorrow, friends.

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