
Chapter 170 E Flash

As the top seed in the Xiacheng sub-division's power rankings, the strength of the Tian'a team is not only reflected in the personal abilities of several players.

What’s more important is this team’s rich competition experience, as well as their overall coordination and tactical execution.

And this advantage is also reflected in the unparalleled swordsman who is the captain.

Although he seems arrogant and flamboyant, Wushuang Jianxian, as the core ace and captain of the Tian'a team, is actually by no means an ADC player who only has operations.

His level of thoughtfulness can only be understood by those team opponents who have played against the Tian'a team before.

Just like the game going on right now——

After suffering a slight loss in the early stage of the bottom lane, he quickly adjusted his state and no longer underestimated his opponent Vayne.

Similarly, while playing steadily, he saw the opponent Vayne's intention to delay growth, directly decided to disrupt the opponent's plan, and quickly formulated a strategy to encircle the bottom lane.

And when making this plan, he still did not underestimate his opponent.

I didn’t just want to let the jungle prince come to ga alone.


Because he knew very well that the combination of Vayne and Morgana on the opposite side of the blue square bottom lane, in a 2V3 situation under the tower, was indeed capable of fighting, and their siege plan may not be sure of success.

Because of this——

When the jungle prince has moved around and is in position.

The Wushuang Swordsman was still giving orders on his team's voice channel, telling his jungler and support teammates not to rush over the tower and force their way open.

Still just pressing the opponent's position bit by bit.

Wait for the opportunity.


This opportunity finally came as expected.

At the early 6 minutes of the game, the head count of the blue and purple sides was 0 to 1, and there was no obvious gap.

But I just said,

Some differences are not only reflected on the surface.

For example, the top team on the blue side lost the rhythm initiative in the upper, middle and jungle, which is destined to have subsequent negative effects in the following game time.



In the middle of Summoner's Rift, while Zhang Xin's mid laner Syndra was still restrained under the tower by the troops, the mid laner of the opponent's purple Fang Tian'a team, the mid laner Juju Enchantress, had disappeared on the small map.

And because of the lack of vision in the entire second half of the map, Zhou Mo and Zhang Yuan on the blue side of the lower road were unable to capture the whereabouts of the enchantress on the opposite side for the first time.

In addition, the opponent's jungle prince has already retreated at this moment.

Obama and the Japanese women marched in with their troops in front of the tower at the same time.

Vayne, who was under the tower, was forced to make a choice, move up, and try to maintain a positioning angle that would not be easily forced by the opponent Nosuke.


That's why.

But it seemed that the Night Hunter had stepped directly into the trap carefully designed by his opponent in advance.

In the blue team's internal voice channel, Zhang Xin's urgent voice from the middle finally sounded:

"Be careful! Enchantress!!"

But this warning seemed to be too late.

Because almost at the moment before Zhang Xin shouted, the purple side mid laner Enchantress, who was already in place in advance, seized the opportunity of her opponent Vayne to move up. The shadows in the wild area come out of the wall in the mist.

Sweep in front of the target Vayne.

The Q skill's "Malicious Seal" is played with the hand.

A bright and cold mark formed above Vayne's head.

The same moment.

The E skill "Phantom Chain" shoots out like a poisonous snake, and rushes towards the target prey like lightning!

This is the plan of the Purple Fang Tian'a team for this wave.

It's not just a simple way around the jungle to jump over the tower.

It's not a two-for-three guarantee.

It’s 2 for 4!

The prince and the Japanese girl were not in a hurry to take action and kept putting pressure on the two blue heroes under the tower. On the one hand, they were trying to force out the opponent's skills. On the other hand, the more real purpose was to trick Vayne into moving upward. ——

The mid laner's Trickster is waiting on the other side of the jungle wall.

Seize such a perfect opportunity.

Straight through the wall!

Coming out of nowhere!

In an instant, and until this moment, the faces of the various spectators standing in the perspective of the blue side's peak team suddenly changed.

Not to mention that the other four members of the top team, including Zhang Xin, Yang Ke, and Zhang Yuan, all turned pale!

They all saw the scene where the enchantress showed her face to Vayne.

My mood suddenly sank directly to the bottom of the cold valley!

If it were just a jungle prince, then maybe Vayne would still have enough room for maneuver, but if she was so abruptly cut by the Enchantress in this wave, a set of QE hit twice in a row, and LeBlanc's phantom chain would be entangled and tied up. ——

Then even if the gods come to control it, there is no way to survive.

Zhang Yuan, who was assisting Morgana, had no time to react, otherwise he might have been able to put an E skill magic immunity shield on his teammate Vayne.

But this wave...

It's really hard to react.

The enchantress comes too quickly!


The combo of operations is like a flash of light and flint, and is thrown directly to the face!

More than 99% of the players are destined to be so confused that they cannot react at this moment.

Including Venomous Bee, the captain of Stinger Team, who was standing on the sidelines watching the match.

The moment he saw Enchantress' W skill coming through the wall and her QE hitting Vayne twice, there was only one thought left in Venomous Bee's mind -

Vayne is finished.

As an ADC expert in the national server's king tier, Venomous Bee subconsciously assumed Vayne's role at this moment, and thought of two possible ways to deal with it.

But both are doomed.

One is the rolling displacement of Vayne's ultimate Q skill "Evasion Raid", but because the distance is too close, even Vayne's Q is still almost impossible to escape the "Phantom Chain" judgment range of Enchantress' E skill.

The second type is Vayne's ultimate cross-dodge.

But even if she had to flash to avoid the chain control of Enchantress's E skill, no matter whether Vayne flashed forward or backward, she would be destined to hit the opponent's jungler prince or auxiliary Japanese girl on the purple side directly, and there would still be no chance of escape.


It's already cold.

As long as this wave of Vayne falls, the bottom lane situation that was maintained so hard in the early stage is destined to collapse.


There is no room for maneuver.

When the Q skill of the purple side's mid-level demon queen landed on the Night Hunter, causing a small amount of damage, the hatred firepower of the blue side's defense tower was also attracted.

But it seems that this is no big deal, because it only takes a second or two for Enchantress to cooperate with her teammates to kill Vayne's head.

Almost everyone already believed that Vayne had no chance of escaping.

However, it was at this moment.

Vayne moved.

The moment Enchantress Q skill landed on Vayne.

The night hunter raised the short crossbow in his hand like lightning, and a heavy crossbow arrow soaked in holy silver quickly hit the crossbow string.

Accompanied by a low buzz.

The "Devil's Judgment" of the E skill is fired at the enchantress in front of her.

LeBlanc's E skill "Phantom Chain" was thrown almost simultaneously.

Almost at the moment before he was about to be wrapped in chains and tied to death——

A fleck of fine golden light.

Suddenly it exploded!

The figure of the night hunter suddenly disappeared from the spot, narrowly missing the phantom chain that was spitting out like a poisonous letter.

The next second.

Vayne's figure appeared behind Enchantress!

And the heavy crossbow arrow that was fired seemed to have reversed its trajectory at this moment.


The target was suddenly hit from behind by the Enchantress LeBlanc!

Fight back hard!


There was absolutely no time to react. The figure of LeBlanc, the trickster, was blown away like a rag, staggered and knocked down against the outer tower of the blue side's bottom lane defense tower!

Control your dizziness!

In an instant, the crowd watching the battle suddenly shook!


E flash! ! !

The update is here. The next chapter will be before 12 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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