
Chapter 159 Let me do it

Fifteen minutes until threading.

The terms "penetrating" and "exploding" have always been relatively vague concepts, and there is no specific conclusion.

For example, in a professional arena, maybe as long as one or two solo kills are achieved in the bottom lane, it can basically declare that the opponent's online rhythm has collapsed. However, in the pub game, the error tolerance rate is higher, and it may be repeated. Killing you three or five times, you can restore the collapse rhythm as long as you find an opportunity to fight back.

In a broad definition, the majority of players agree that if you want to achieve threading, you must at least have a way to directly demolish the opponent's outer and second towers or even clear the level to reach the high ground.

In order to do this kind of thing, the strength of the side that is crossing the line is very high, which basically means that the opponent has been completely defeated, and the strength is several blocks ahead of the other side.


At this moment, such words coming from the mouth of the Peerless Sword Immortal really carry an extremely strong sense of contempt and provocation.

Nothing to hide.


Because of this, the players and members of other competing teams around them couldn't help but make a slight commotion, and looked at Wushuang Swordsman and the other members of Team Tian'a with even more dissatisfaction.

However, despite being dissatisfied, there are still many team members with a somewhat "expected it" look on their faces.

Team Tian'a's behavior... they have heard about it for a long time.


And the style is even more flamboyant.

Even opponents who are not weak in strength are rarely taken seriously by the Tian'a team, let alone encountering teams that are far inferior to their own strength, which will only encourage the contempt and arrogance of the Tian'a team.

It has a great reputation but a poor reputation. This is the unanimous consensus among the Xiacheng e-sports circle about the Tian'a team.

"It's really crazy..."

"I've never seen someone so immodest. Are you really not afraid of capsizing in the gutter?"

There were whispers in the crowd, but there were also veteran players who were familiar with Team Tian'a and shook their heads:

"That's where my strength lies.

Confident. "

"I've been so arrogant for so many years. We really can't find many teams in Xiacheng that can compare with his Tian'a."

“You’re not forgiving when you talk, but you’re even less forgiving when it comes to competition.”

If in today’s last game, the opponents that Tian’a team encounters are teams that are also ranked in the top ten and top five in the Xiacheng Division’s strength list, then maybe the players of the surrounding watching teams can still have some expectations. I hope to have the opportunity to see the Tian'a team lose Jingzhou carelessly and pay the price for underestimating the enemy.

But their opponent... is the pinnacle team.

This five-member team is composed entirely of junior high school students.

Even though he has a certain level of strength, compared to Tian'a, the difference is still incomprehensible.

Therefore, no matter how flamboyant and wanton the unparalleled sword immortal is at this moment, and no matter how unpleasant his words are, there are really not many people who would doubt the authenticity of these words.

Said fifteen minutes to thread...

Maybe, it really can be done.

Zhang Xin's face turned red when he heard this, and he gritted his teeth:

"Who killed and threaded whom, we still don't know!"

The Wushuang Sword Immortal raised his eyebrows slightly, with a teasing smile on his lips:

"Okay, let's try it."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the arena with several members of his Tian'a team, without any hesitation.

Both sides exchanged harsh words.

In comparison, one side made a peaceful announcement, while the other side responded with a counterattack unwilling to be outdone.

But everyone present knew clearly that the latter's counterattack remarks could only barely maintain his momentum before the game.

The poisonous bee shook his head.

As the core AD of the Stinger team, and having played against the Pinnacle team and the Tian'a team, he naturally has the most say.

Naturally, the gap between the two teams becomes clearer.

In the last game, even his ADC Verus was able to suppress the advantage in the laning phase and quickly snowballed. So with Wushuang Swordsman's personal ability that is even stronger than his own, he will only do it in the laning phase. to more.

If the top team really continues to use the same tactical thinking as in the last battle with their Stinger, freeing up the bottom lane to let it resist the pressure, then... it is really very likely that it will be directly killed by the Unparalleled Sword Immortal. .

The game is about to start.

Zhang Xin turned his head and looked at his other teammates:

"You heard what I said."

"This one..."

"No matter what, you can't be embarrassed!"

Several team members also gritted their teeth and nodded vigorously:

"Don't be embarrassed!"

Yang Ke, the team's ADC player, has some concerns: "However, should this player help the bottom lane more? He may be stronger than the Venomous Bee just now. Ziyang's side... the pressure will be too much."

This is indeed true.

In fact, there was something wrong with their tactics when they played Stinger last time. Although the rhythm of the top, middle and jungle was up, the bottom lane was almost unable to withstand the pressure from the opponent, which also made Venomous Bees weak. The ADC Varus developed and posed a huge threat to their side.

As for the unparalleled swordsman of the Tian'a team, his personal ability is definitely better than that of the Venomous Bee. If he continues to implement the bot lane tactics later, the pressure they can put on their bot lane will only be greater.

If you are not careful...if you are really beaten up, there will be no hope at all.

But if they shift the focus of the jungle to the bottom lane, the upper middle lane will be affected to a certain extent.

So even Zhang Xin began to hesitate:


At this time, Lin Ziyang, the team's ADC, suddenly said:

"No need to help."

"Let's fight according to our original tactics."

Several friends looked at Lin Ziyang, and saw that the latter's face was slightly nervous and pale, but he seemed to be determined to fight:

"I...I will try my best!"

"Never let that guy take too many chances!"

There was determination in the tone of his voice.

But in fact, several friends can also hear that Lin Ziyang is not sure enough and confident about this.

So several people looked at Zhang Xin subconsciously.

Zhang Xin still hesitated, and finally gritted his teeth. Just when he was about to make a decision, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Let me do it."

The sound was a little abrupt.

Zhang Xin, Lin Ziyang and others couldn't help but subconsciously follow the sound, and what they saw was Zhou Mo's calm and calm face.

Lin Ziyang was a little confused: "Brother Mo, what did you say?"

Zhang Xin heard clearly, but also failed to understand the meaning of Zhou Mo's words:

"Brother Mo...are you coming?"

Seeing the confused and confused expressions on the faces of the team members in front of him, Zhou Mo smiled slightly:

"Yeah, I'll do it."


He looked at Lin Ziyang:

"Ziyang, take a rest for a while."

"In this last round, let me play AD."

A calm and unhurried tone.

It seemed like he was just making ordinary arrangements before the game as a coach.

The content of utterances that can be spoken...

But the five members of the pinnacle team were stunned for a moment.

Update sent, go away and continue working, there is no heating in the south, winter is really sad. .

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