
Chapter 154 Lesson 1

This match between the Peak Team and the Stinger Team unexpectedly lasted for a full thirty-four minutes before it came to an end.

Before, no one thought that this game would be so intense and so close.

One team was not even ranked among the top 100 in the Xiacheng Division.

The other one is the top 13th team on the list.

It should have been a one-sided crushing.


The fact hit everyone hard in the face.

Mu Qiu, who stood in the crowd and watched the game carefully from beginning to end, gave such a high evaluation in her heart——

This round was definitely a defeat.

But the pinnacle team lost with dignity and no regrets.

Completely... created a stunning style that no one expected.

Half of the credit for this goes to Zhou Mo as the coach. It is true that the blue side's peak team came up with the most perfect tactical system in this round.

Starting from the lineup, the bottom lane only gave the ADC the explorer Ezreal, paired with the support Nami, just to resist the pressure.

The top laner selected Jayce, the future guardian, to ensure strong pressure on the line in the early stage. The jungler and mid laner were Excavator and Ekko respectively. They are also heroes that are strong enough in the current version and have the early game ability. Flexible roaming support capabilities.

Then, the tactics that were studied and formulated at the restaurant table, combined with this lineup system, were also strictly implemented by several members of the Peak Team during the game.

Stock the bottom lane in the early stage.

The jungler's focus is always on the top and mid lane.

In the middle, Ekko quickly clears troops and pushes the lane, and then cooperates with the jungle excavator to start a linked roam.

In the fifth minute of the game, there was a wave of three-person double-teaming on the top lane, and they succeeded in getting the head of the opposing top laner Kenan, and it was the "Fi" of the entire game.

st-Blood” first blood.

It can be said,

When seeing this scene, all the teams watching around could not help but be shocked and moved——

Early rhythm...

It turned out that these brats from the top team on the blue side took the initiative!

If this rhythm can be continued and the agreed-upon tactical system can be continued to be implemented, then the top team may really have hope of winning this game.


The plot didn't progress as expected.

It is exactly what Zhou Mo was worried about before. No matter how perfect the tactics are, they cannot withstand the opponent's strength.


The trap was revealed.

The bottom lane is supposed to be a wretched and pressure-resistant development rhythm. Lin Ziyang's ADC Explorer is indeed very cautious. Being able to use the Q skill to last hits is definitely better than casually walking up to give the opponent a chance.

But the opponent's core ace ADC captain "Venom Bee" of the Stinger team was completely stronger than expected.

ADC Varus, the first-hand ADC, achieved perfect online suppression in the early game. Not only did he gradually widen the gap with his opponent EZ in terms of the number of last hits, but the constant consumption of poke with skills and peace A also kept Ezreal down at all times. and Nami’s health status.


About six minutes later, I caught a wave of opportunities.

When Nami, Zhang Yuan's assistant on the blue side, stepped forward and wanted to consume Varus.

Varus did not retreat but advanced.

A perfect move.

Constantly level A and Nami.

The rain of evil spirit arrows from the E skill slowed down and controlled the Tidecaller Sharame, and moved to avoid Nami's Q skill blisters. When Zhang Yuan realized that his health bar was not good, he immediately dodged and ran away, and Varus flashed to chase him. Kill follow up.

Level A followed by a penetrating arrow from the Q skill, instantly detonating all the passive layers stacked on Nami.

A small burst was used to kill Nami's head in a single kill.

It was precisely because of Zhang Yuan's mistake in assisting Nami that a serious problem occurred in the bottom lane rhythm of the Peak team. Lin Ziyang's ADC Explorer was forced to choose to hide under the defense tower alone.

However, the troop line was pushed into the tower, and because Lin Ziyang was reluctant to enter the tower, this large wave of troops was seized by the opponent's purple side auxiliary Niutou——

Flash the "Earth Shatter" followed by the Q skill, and launch a wave of force.

Combined with Varus' set of skill combos.

Let the Arrow of Punishment get the second kill.

About seven minutes into the game, the Stingers' core ace ADC Verus already had a record of 2/0/0.

Even though the top team relied on tactics to gain a first blood advantage in the early stage, the overall rhythm of the situation has deviated little by little from their original plans and expectations.

Subsequently, not only the bottom lane, but also the tactical advancement rhythm of the upper, middle and jungle side also encountered huge obstacles.

On the top laner's side, Jayce had already obtained first blood and should have started to gain a laning advantage. However, at about eight minutes, he was too impatient and wanted to jump over the tower to kill the opponent's top laner Kennan, who was still alive and was caught by the opponent. Seize the opportunity to counterattack and complete the counterattack under the tower.

It is equivalent to the advantage established on the road being sent back in one wave.

not only that.

Zhang Xin's mid laner and Yang Ke's jungler also began to encounter resistance little by little.

Because the opponent's mid laner and jungler are also not idle.

Although it is not a direct single kill, it also affects and interferes with the top team's mid-field linkage plan, making it difficult to achieve further results.

At the same time, the gap in the bottom lane is being torn open and expanded bit by bit by the opponent——

The game started at the beginning of the ninth minute.

Another wave of Varus' ultimate moves took the lead. "Chain of Corruption" directly hit and controlled the explorer Ezreal under the tower, who could not react in time. Niutou followed up with WQ's second skill in seconds to keep up the control.

Then Varus completed the strong kill under the tower.

The remaining blue side auxiliary Nami could not escape the fate of being killed.

Another wave of double kills was achieved, and in less than ten minutes after the start, Varus got a record of 4/0/0. This situation was almost a small collapse for the top team on the blue side. rhythm.

However, compared to the temporary head count and economic gap, for the top team on the blue side, the more fatal point of this situation in the first ten minutes is——

This means that the tactics they originally planned have basically been abandoned.

This is what Zhou Mo is most worried about.

It actually happened.


If the situation continues like this, and the tactical arrangement is completely broken by the opponent, it stands to reason that it should be difficult for the top team on the blue side to resist, and this game should also be like the majority of the spectators at the scene. As expected, they were easily captured by the Stinger Team within twenty minutes at most.

It will never reach thirty-four minutes.

In fact, the Stinger team, which took the initiative in the first ten minutes of the game, was once trapped in a stalemate.

At the end of the game, several members of the Stinger team were still sitting in front of the computer, with unsightly expressions on their faces.

They didn't expect such a result.

Because according to their own expectations, in addition to being caught off guard by the opponent at the beginning and losing a blood, the game soon returned to their own control rhythm, and they should be able to defeat the opponent without any effort.

But everything that happened next...

But it exceeded expectations.

Sitting in the ADC seat, "Venom Bee", the captain of the Stinger team, frowned. It seemed like a long time before he took a deep breath, his expression finally relaxed, and he looked at the other teammates beside him:

"This -"

"A few of these kids taught us a lesson."

There was a hint of sadness in his tone.

An update is coming. There will be another chapter tonight, probably around eight o'clock. Go ahead and start writing.

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