
Chapter 152 Thoughts thrown to the back of the mind

After a hasty dinner, Zhou Mo, Zhang Xin and several members of the Peak Team were not in a hurry to pay the bill and leave.

One thing is that there's still a little time until their two games of the evening start.

On the other hand, they also need to discuss and formulate some relevant tactics for the next game.

At this time, Zhou Mo, as the team coach, naturally needs to come out to analyze the situation and make suggestions for several team members:

"The two teams, Stingers and Tian'a, are actually relatively close in terms of tactical systems and playing styles."

"Not only Tian'a, but the core main force of the Stinger team is also their bottom lane."

"Their ADC player is the king of the national server and the strongest point of their team. In previous games, the bottom lane basically used the bot lane to exert a suppressive advantage on the lane in the early stage, and then spread the advantage to the wings, snowballing."

"But maybe it's also good news for us."

“Because compared to the top and middle lane, the bottom lane is actually the hardest to achieve stability.

A line of y. "

"In the current version, ADC heroes are not that dominant. Even if they develop well in the early stage, once they are targeted in the mid-term team battle stage, they will still be taken away instantly and die suddenly."

"So if someone is strong in the bottom lane, it is actually a good thing for us - if their core is strong in the upper, middle and jungle, the threat will really be greater."


Having said this, Zhou Mo looked at Zhang Xin, Lin Ziyang and several other members of the top team who were listening carefully in front of him:

"The tactical choice we can make is to take the initiative to let go of the bottom lane."

"In other words, resist the pressure in the lower lane, and then try to help the upper middle lane gain an advantage as much as possible."

"The Stinger team's mid laner and jungler are not weak, but their top lane is actually weak. I checked the data of their team's previous games in the top lane, and it's basically a case of soy sauce."

"This is where we can try."

Zhang Xin couldn't help but his eyes lit up after hearing this:

"So, let Ziyang resist the pressure and be wretched in the bottom lane.

Try to survive as much as possible. "

"We just watch them take the road and target them like crazy!"

"The bottom lane is well developed, and our top laner is well developed. It is definitely more cost-effective for us!"

With the same investment in team resources, a well-developed top laner and a well-developed ADC, the former's ca

The y ability naturally completely explodes the latter.

Several other members of the Peak Team also nodded subconsciously, showing expressions of approval.

They also understand this truth.

Zhang Xin became excited:

"Okay! Let's do it then!"

"Yang Ke, when you are in the jungle, just focus on the top lane. If I have a chance in the middle lane, I will also go to the top lane. I will implement this tactic to the end. No matter how powerful the Stinger's ADC is, if the rest of us are well developed, we may not be afraid!"

Infected by the captain's words, the other members of the Peak Team finally cheered up again.

Because it sounds like it actually makes some sense.

Moreover, in their previous games, they had encountered teams that were stronger than them, and they were able to rely on such tactics to defeat the weak and the strong. If they could successfully cope with and avoid the opponent's strongest point, they would not be without a fight. Power.

"come on!"

"Anyway, let's give it a try."

"Indeed... maybe there is a chance!"

After paying the bill, Zhou Mo, Zhang Xin and others returned to the competition venue.

Several small players must first go to the on-site staff to sign in again and confirm the specific time and grouping of the next two games.

As a coach, Zhou Mo stayed where he was.

Looking at the backs of several team members and him waving and turning away, the smile on Zhou Mo's face finally gradually disappeared.

Instead, there was unspeakable worry and heaviness.

Although he tried hard to help with suggestions in the restaurant and seemed confident and confident, in fact he knew that it was just to calm the mood of these young team members.

And actually...

The situation is by no means as easy and simple as imagined.

As mentioned before, as a coach, he can certainly help these young players of the top team as much as possible on the tactical level and try to make up for some of their weaknesses in combat strength.

But this kind of "complementation" has limits.

Indeed, they have also defeated the strong in the previous games.

But at the end of the day...

Just because the opponent is not strong enough.

If the strength gap between the two teams is too great, then even if the coach of the weaker team is personally responsible for the head coach of the SSK team, it is impossible to make up for the gap.

In the restaurant just now, he did make a corresponding tactical plan based on the situation of the Stingers.

However, that is only the most ideal situation.

He didn't say anything about the rest, and Zhang Xin and others probably didn't think much about it.

But in fact--

There are several huge problems in this plan.

First, the plan is to abandon the bottom lane and let Lin Ziyang's ADC be responsible for resisting pressure and buying time for his teammates.

However, what if you can't bear the pressure?

What should you do if you are directly killed by the opponent?

Also, although it is said to be aimed at the top lane, the opponent's top laner is certainly weak, but it is still at the level of a drill to a master. The shortcoming is only relative to the strength of several other members of the Stinger team.

Can it really be successfully targeted?

Furthermore, the opposing jungler and mid laner are by no means weak, and are even stronger than the opposing Yang Ke and Zhang Xin. In this case, the midfielder of your top team wants to target ga

When k goes on the road, won't the opponent's midfielder take the same action?

One thought after another flashed through his mind, making Zhou Mo's mood become heavier and heavier.

As a coach, he now feels an uncontrollable feeling of powerlessness in his heart.

Make bricks without straw……

The strength of his own team only allows him to make this level of tactical arrangements, but facing an opponent who is obviously more than a step stronger, how effective these arrangements and arrangements can be, judging from a rational point of view , I am really not optimistic at all.

However, maybe——

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, Zhou Mo showed a look of hesitation and struggle on his face.

But in the end he took a deep breath and shook his head.

as if.

It's to push a thought that's running through your mind to the back of your mind.

And at this moment, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be eyes on him from the crowd around him, so he subconsciously looked up, but found nothing.

at the same time.

In the crowd, Mu Qiu withdrew her gaze, lowered her head and quietly took a step back.

A few minutes later, Zhang Xin, Lin Ziyang and other five people from the top team signed in and came back.

I learned from the on-site staff that their fourth game will start in a while.

Finally, several team members couldn't help showing nervous expressions on their faces.

This game...

It's too critical for them.

If you want to avoid the last game and go to the life-and-death battle with the Tian'a team, which is ranked first in the Xiacheng Division, then the fourth game against the Stinger team must not be missed.

"come on."

Zhou Mo could only encourage a few team members in this way.

Zhang Xin nodded fiercely:


"This one...must be taken!"

Here's an update. I haven't stayed up all night recently, and my schedule has become very regular. At this point, I'm so sleepy that I can hardly keep my eyes open.

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