
Chapter 150 Luck

Leave the competition venue.

Come to the roadside and stop the car.

After getting in the car and giving the driver the address of the destination, the taxi slowly started to drive forward. Mu Qiu, who was sitting in the back seat, stretched out her hand to rub the center of her brow.

Won in a single game.

With three wins secured on his side, advancement to the next round is basically guaranteed.

In fact, he doesn't seem to be in such a hurry, because based on the information he found earlier, his former partner's team still has at least one or two games to play. Even if he waits until night, he should still be able to do so. .

But, he couldn't wait any longer.

When he saw the fleeting scene in the official OB live broadcast room and saw the old friend he hadn't seen for almost a year or two, he actually couldn't sit still.

At that time, I wanted to rush directly to the opponent's competition venue as soon as possible.

Fortunately, he controlled himself and finally remembered that his team still had a few games to play.


He just made the decision to play in person in the third game in the afternoon.

And... get it as soon as possible.

Sun Zheng's guess was actually not wrong. Even Thresh, who was assisting in the game just now, did not show his true 100% strength.

Because during the process of playing this game, his mind was actually thinking about what to say when he met his former partner again, and why the other party actually participated in this trial.

My mind is filled with all kinds of thoughts.

He was playing a little absent-mindedly.

But even so, even if it was absent-minded, the level of performance was much more serious than in the previous preliminary round.

It is precisely because of this that the spectators in the competition venue just witnessed a terrifying Soul Lock Warden.

A support that takes offense to the extreme.

In fact, it was indeed only the game just now,

He has truly shown a bit of his playing style that once dominated the world of professional competitions.

It's so fierce that it makes you breathless.

Attack like fire.

Every step he takes seems to be an attack.

As long as there is even a slight flaw in his opponent, it will instantly become a fatal opportunity in his eyes, and when the snowball of advantage is rolled up at an extremely fast speed, it will become even more unreasonable——

No matter if you have any flaws, no matter if you have been beaten to the point of panic, you only dare to huddle under the tower to defend, no matter if you desperately call other teammates to come over.

k support.

My offensive rhythm remains the same, or even more aggressive.

The perfect combination of operation and consciousness, coupled with the ultimate offensive attributes, is the signature feature of "Qiu", the most aggressive support player in the national server and even the world.

Phoe, who was also a veteran of S1 that year and the No. 1 Dharma King in Europe,

ix is ​​one of the few who has worked with Mu Qiu and Autum successively

There are professional players who have played against each other.

And once with Autum

In private chat, Phoe

ix once said this to the current god of support in the world:

"You have indeed been the strongest support in the world these two years."

"I think even SSK's Cube is worse than you."

"Because his style is very similar to yours, and in this field of style, there shouldn't be anyone better than you in the world."


"During the S1 season, I met another support. His playing style was completely different from yours. Perhaps even among all the top professional supports in the world, there is no other support like him. "

"I can't decide which of these two support styles is better, and I also can't decide who is better between you and him."

"But if one day, you two can actually fight against each other..."

"I think it will be a peak showdown between the two strongest supports in the world."

"Someone who can win in that duel."

"Only you are qualified to be called the true auxiliary god."

In fact, Mu Qiu had never cared about the so-called "God of Assistance" title.

Maybe you have heard about the North American Division Seaso before.

Autum, the team’s Yonko-level support

When he was famous, he also had several flashes of thoughts in his mind, thinking about what it would be like if he fought against the other party.

But this does not mean that he is eager to compete with the other party for the title of auxiliary god.

In his opinion, this kind of thing is too nonsense.

He himself is an assistant, so he knows more clearly that the title of God of Support is not actually the highest reward for a good assistant.

Because support is not an individual that can be taken out alone.

Unlike the top laner, mid laner, and jungler.

The value of an assist has never been about being dazzling on your own, but rather about the tacit cooperation with your ADC partner, and whether you, as an assist, can help your ADC partners to perform at their best.


He does not believe that there is a so-called auxiliary god.

What he recognized was the concept of the strongest bottom lane combination.

It is precisely because of this that he can praise and admire Autum, the second among the four emperors.

Although he has personal abilities, he never feels envious - the other party can be called the god of support. In fact, it just shows that the other party lacks a truly tacit ADC partner, so he can only rely on his own support to force ca.




But he does.

At least, he once had.

And now he is on his way to find his former companion.

The taxi arrives at the destination.

Mu Qiu checked out and got out of the car, and hurriedly walked into another competition venue in the Xiacheng Division in front of her.

Entering the venue hall, it was also a lively and noisy scene. Many teams were continuing to compete. From time to time, low commotions and cheers could be heard from the surrounding spectators.

Mu Qiu walked through the crowd.

Keep looking around and searching.

But he never saw the familiar figure of his partner.

Finally, he chose to ask a member of a certain team in the venue. When he heard the name of "Peak Team", the members of that team were a little confused at first:

"The pinnacle team?"

"Who is it?"

Then the other teammates beside him remembered first and reminded:

"It seems to be the team made up of all junior high school kids, right?"

Then the first team member suddenly slapped his forehead:

"Oh yes!"

"The top team, you know, they just finished two games in the afternoon, and the remaining games should be in the evening. They may go to dinner first."

Then the team member showed a look of regret and sympathy on his face:

"The level is indeed pretty good, especially for a kid of this age. It's amazing."


"It's really bad luck. "

Mu Qiu was startled when she heard:


At the same time, it was in a small restaurant not far from the competition venue.

Sitting in front of the dining table were Zhou Mo, Zhang Xin, Lin Ziyang and several other members of the Peak Team.

The food has been served, piping hot with a mouth-watering aroma.

But the atmosphere on the table seemed extremely depressing and heavy.

Update is here. I'm almost done with my overtime work. I ended up being so happy that I went home and overslept. . .

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