
Chapter 145 Suffering

This morning may be the beginning of a new round of fierce competition for the hundreds of teams participating in the second round of the LSPL selection.

For the LPL players of God, Hayami and KG, it is just the daily training time that they have long been accustomed to.

Still at the training base of God Club.

The recent period is still the rest period before the arrival of the new season, and the tacit understanding of cooperation between the three teams has become more and more profound. Basically, it is rare for each team to train separately. The team members get up early in the morning and wash up, and then go directly to the God base. gather.

At the beginning, maybe the players from KG and Hayami came over after having breakfast at their own club base.


I simply treat God Club as my own cafeteria.

We ate together, and after dinner we went upstairs to train together.

It's almost indistinguishable.

Of course, this is also a good thing. They are friends off the field, but they are still rivals on the field. Moreover, they have each other's supervision. Competing and catching up with each other in training can also stimulate motivation and fighting spirit.

Therefore, the senior management, managers and coaches of the three team clubs saw it and were happy to see the results.

This morning seemed no different than every morning in the past.

In the training room on the second floor, players from the three LPL companies continued to train and compete as usual under the supervision of No. 1 and No. 5.

I have long been accustomed to this mode, and no one will complain about being tired. After each actual battle, the team members will get together to communicate and review their gains and losses during the breaks, and then it will be their turn to play again in the next game. Correct the previous mistakes immediately.

Of course, there are also times when you can take a break from your busy schedule.

People like Huang Xue Ye Ge and Shi Hang would sneak up and sneak into a remote corner of the wall when the coaches, team leaders, or No. 1 and No. 5 were not paying attention. They would take out their cell phones to watch something and beep at the same time. Muttering and whispering...

You can guess that they are probably paying attention to the LSPL trials in the Magic City subdivision.

To be more precise, he was curious and concerned about the results of the decisive team led by someone today.

This scene was naturally seen by No. 1 and No. 5 early on.

But the two of them let these guys go and had no intention of pursuing them, and just chatted among themselves:

"Today, Xiaofeng and the others can test the results of this week's training."

Number 5 said to Number 1 with a smile.

Number 1 raised his eyebrows:

"That kid has been trained by you for four or five days. If he still can't produce anything, he really deserves to be beaten."

No. 5 looked at his fiancé angrily:

"You can't trust your own apprentice?"

"You still can't trust my teaching skills, huh?"

The beautiful fiancée was angry, so No. 1 naturally hurriedly praised her wisely: "How could it be possible? There must be nothing wrong with what you brought out——"

The two chatted and laughed for a while, then the topic changed:

"However, the hard work these days has indeed been in vain. Now, at least the overall strength of the team can be unified."

"Well, at this stage, we have almost done everything we need to do, and we have finally laid a foundation."

"It should be no problem against Jiutian, Meilan and the others."

"Tsk, to be honest, although I tried to scare the boy a few times, I really don't pay much attention to these three families."

"If Liudao, Feiniao and Mohe listen to such words, they will definitely have to drink you several times."

"Hahaha, so I can only tell you. I really don't look down on these old friends. With the strength and foundation of the third family and the leadership level of these guys, the future is promising, but when it comes to At the moment... it can only be said that they are still a little late in entering the stage. At least this year, it is not their turn to be on the highest stage.”

"So you still have great confidence in Xiao Feng and the others. You should say this to Xiao Feng and the others more."

"No, you have to give them some pressure and a sense of crisis. After all... the current level is just barely enough at the current stage."

After hearing this, No. 5 nodded slightly to express his approval:


"Actually, it's asking Xiaofeng to adapt more to the team and take care of other people."

"If you really want to meet a stronger opponent, what Xiaofeng has to do is not to adapt to his teammates, but to maximize his own level——"

Number 1 said "hmm":

"But the other little guys in the team can't keep up for the time being."

"Only when they can really keep up with that kid's full-fire rhythm..."

"Only now is this decisive team qualified to say that it lives up to the name of the team back then."

At this point, when the past is mentioned, the topic will inevitably turn to certain things.

No. 5 looked at his fiancé:

"Where is Xiacheng?"

Number 1 smiled:

"The team led by that guy Aqiu is pretty good, and it's only the second round."

No. 5 also had a smile on his face after hearing this: "Yeah, that's how it should be. With him here, elimination and selection at this level in the early stage will certainly not be a problem."

"There is also unexpected news."

Hearing this, No. 5 was slightly startled and looked at No. 1 with a questioning look.

The latter paused for a moment, then slowly spoke under the gaze of his fiancee:

“There is a team called ‘Peak Team’ over there in the Xiacheng sub-division.”

Number Five is confused.

Number 1 continued to finish:

"The team members are not very important, just a few kids who are probably in junior high or high school."

"However, their coach...is Amer."

Then there was silence.

After telling the news, No. 1 did not continue to speak. He just raised his head and looked at No. 5 in front of him with a smile.

Because this was probably the first time in more than ten years that he saw such an expression of shock and disbelief on his fiancée's face.

Magic City, the second venue of the LSPL trials.

A few minutes ago, Lin Feng's five-man decisive team ended their second game this morning.

The opponent is the Tigers.

It took a total of 28 minutes to win.

From beginning to end, the number of kills in the entire game was 11 to 4, with a total of only fifteen kills.

It didn’t seem intense at all.

And if you are a live audience of this game, you will know even more clearly that in fact, even in the first fifteen minutes of the game, the two sides played tepidly, with only four kills in fifteen minutes.

The rest were all born in the last two waves of team battles.

But in fact, it can be said that the outcome of this game was almost destined from the beginning.

The blue side's decisive team was perfectly run.

Relying purely on the execution of tactics and the cooperation of the team, in a bloodless way and without forcing a kill on the line, the opponent's various resources are plundered and nibbled away bit by bit like a dull knife. The advantage is The snowball grew in a slow but unstoppable way.

Until the snowball becomes big enough.

Then rely on the sudden outbreak of the last two waves of team battles.

Take down the opponent in one fell swoop.

When the game ended, several members of the Tigers team were not at all depressed about defeat. Instead, they were even moved to the point of crying——


it's over.

Where is the game going on here?

It is simply the most terrifying nightmare-like suffering!

An update has been sent. I haven't finished my work yet and I'm exhausted. . . I can only hope that I can get it done by staying up late tonight.

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