
Chapter 143 Sakura

Know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Before fighting a strong enemy, no matter how much preparation you do, it is never too much.

Although Lin Feng and others from the decisive team had already found the preliminaries videos of Jiutian, Meilan and TO from the Internet before today, and watched them over and over again many times, but if there were more games of the three teams, It’s a sight to see and not one to miss easily.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that they still have games to play and the schedule is not completely determined, they might even go directly to other competition venues to watch the actual matches of these three teams.


There is still some time now, so it would be nice to see the OB battle between these three teams in the online live broadcast room.

Lin Feng took his mobile phone and opened the live broadcast platform of Douyu TV and started looking for the event OB live broadcast room. Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui, Chen Ting and Li Shiyi also gathered around.

After a casual look at the platform software interface, I found that there are really a lot of OB live broadcast rooms related to the LSPL Trials. There are three competition areas in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, as well as sub-divisions in other provinces and cities, all with the title of "LSPL Trials" The prefix is ​​very popular.

Sure enough, what Su Xue said before was not an exaggeration. This year's trial has really attracted great attention among the players of the national server.

The OB live broadcast room in the Magic City sub-division is at the top of the list of popularity. Even in the morning, it now has more than 300,000 views.

Click to open the live broadcast room.

What caught the eyes of Lin Feng and others was the real-time OB view of an ongoing battle.

Chen Ting came over and took a look at the names of the teams competing on both sides, feeling a little disappointed:

"There is no Jiutian Meilan and the others..."

Zeng Rui shook his head:

"There are too many games going on at the same time, so I probably didn't get to play."

Li Shiyi answered: "Maybe it's not their game time yet."

Indeed, after all, these three teams are recognized as the strongest teams in the Magic City subdivision. Even if the game time conflicts with other teams overlap, the official OB live broadcast room will undoubtedly give the OB opportunity to the former first, and it will be more Can attract attention.

The voice of the commentator in the live broadcast room came from the mobile phone. Tang Bingyao pricked up her ears and listened carefully, and was a little curious: "Isn't Sister Xue the commentator?"

Lin Feng scratched his hair:

"Oh, it seems that there are two OB live broadcast rooms here in the Magic City subdivision."

"She's probably in another one."

This reminded Lin Feng. He exited the live broadcast room and searched again. Sure enough, he quickly found another live broadcast room titled "Selection Demon City Division OB Commentary 2".

When I clicked in again, the voice of the commentator I heard again was extremely familiar:

"Okay, now we see that this game has entered the mid-term stage. The Sakura team on the blue side has clearly established an advantage. This lineup will really enter the stage of strength in the mid-term stage-"

"Basically, it can be said that Sakura Team has at least a 70% chance of winning, and half of the credit goes to their jungle spider..."

Tang Bingyao's eyes brightened slightly:

"It's Sister Xue!"

Lin Feng, Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi also recognized that the owner of the OB commentary voice in the live broadcast room was Su Xue.

Zeng Rui listened carefully for a few more words and praised:

"Sister Xue's explanations are becoming more and more professional now——"

Indeed, for the five members of the decisive team present at the moment, at least Lin Feng, Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao were involved in Su Xue's live broadcast from the very beginning. They knew Su Xue's state level at that time and later became LSPL. Official commentary, and even now doing OB for LSPL trials.

More and more handy.

Become more proficient.

Although there may still be a gap between the top official commentators in the country, among the female commentators, they are already fluent in speech, clear in thinking, and understand the rhythm of the game situation quite thoroughly.

Someone answered without a blushing face:

"I should take the credit."

This is not really bragging.

After all, in addition to a lot of game commentary practice, the professionalism of commentators also requires one's own game proficiency level.

Otherwise, you can't ask a Silver-level player to commentate on a top professional game. Then the audience will probably not be able to say anything useful other than "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." s things.

Su Xue's game rank was only platinum at the beginning, but now it has reached the level of electric diamond. Her vision and understanding of the game are even higher. Lin Feng is indeed responsible for most of the credit.

Of course, the other people nearby ignored someone's bragging behavior and focused more on the ongoing game OB.

Li Shiyi took a closer look at the ongoing competition:

"The blue side has a huge advantage."

Chen Ting also looked at the OB viewing screen and nodded in agreement:

"Well, the commentator's analysis is correct. Basically, don't mess around. I feel like the blue side has already won this hand."

The game had only lasted 17 or 18 minutes, and the blue team had already gained an economic advantage of about 4,000.

Although it doesn’t sound like much, if you look at the hero chosen by the blue side in this game, it is a lineup that is weak in the early stage and should rely on team battles in the mid-to-late stage.

The lineup that should be working hard in the middle and late stages has this kind of advantage in the early stage, which is really a big advantage.

Is it because the opponent is too weak?

Zeng Rui glanced at the name of the purple team and was slightly startled:

"Tank bug?"

"This team seems to be in the top fifty on the combat power list——"

There is no weak team among the top 50 teams in the Magic City Division.

Therefore, there is only one more reasonable explanation left for the current situation -

"Is the blue side stronger?"

Chen Ting became somewhat interested. He looked at the comparison of the performance data of the two sides and suddenly opened his eyes wide:

"Hey, I can do it as a jungler."

"The Spider's 5/0/3 record, this early rhythm has brought it to flight, right?"

So far, the head count of the blue and purple sides on the field is 10 to 4, and eight of the ten heads obtained by the blue side are directly related to the jungle spiders.

Then Chen Ting's judgment is basically correct.

In this game, the blue side army was able to play such an advantageous rhythm in the early stage, and the Spider Queen as the jungler should be the biggest contributor.

Li Shiyi also had a serious and solemn look on his face:

"Can play with spiders well..."

“Operation and awareness, both are indispensable.”

"This is an opponent you need to be careful about."

Several teammates around him were talking like this.

But Lin Feng did not participate.

Ever since he heard Sister Xue mention the name of the blue team in the live broadcast room, he felt vaguely familiar.

Sakura Sentai...

Then, his eyes fell on the blue jungler Spider on the field.

The ID name on the spider's head is a string of English characters.



Suddenly, it was like a flash of lightning flashed through my mind.

Lin Feng suddenly widened his eyes:

This is! ?

The update is here, two updates are done, I should try to do two normal updates tomorrow.

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