
Chapter 141 Round 2

It's another weekend.

It is still the familiar second competition venue in the Magic City Division.

Lin Feng, the five members of the decisive team, stood in the hall of the venue. Looking around, they still saw a crowded and noisy scene.

Although compared to the first round of preliminary rounds, the number of teams in their second branch venue has been reduced by nearly half, but the remaining 20 or 30 teams still have 140 or 50 people.

And it seems that many of the teams and players who were eliminated in the first round came to the competition again today.

Today, their mentality is more relaxed, without the pressure of competition. They are purely here to watch the game and watch the fun. Maybe they can learn something from it, improve their own level, and accumulate and prepare for the next competition.

Lin Feng touched his nose and looked at his teammates:

"Let's fight well today."

"Test the results of these five days of training."

Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui, Chen Ting and Li Shiyi nodded one after another, all showing a bit of eagerness to try.

The past five days...

They don't waste or waste anything.

He even had to work harder than before. Under the training of Senior No. 1, he spent five days like a nightmare.

But the rewards are equally huge.

There is no doubt about the improvement in personal abilities:

Although Master Bullet has returned to North America, Tang Bingyao's progress in improving her ADC level has not stopped. Following the master's teaching methods and daily targeted exercises are helping the girl find her own feeling bit by bit and explore more and more her own the way.

Zeng Rui's hand speed slowly but steadily improved.

Li Shiyi's condition is getting better day by day.

Chen Ting has made rapid progress under the training of seniors No. 1, No. 3, No. 5, and Tian Tian. Now let him return to the national server E-1 Ionia solo queue, even in the top king game, almost all There are few opponents who can suppress him in the laning aspect, and in terms of comprehensive awareness, he is constantly moving closer to the professional top laner.


And Lin Feng.

In the past five days, apart from collaborative training with the team, someone spent most of the remaining time asking Sister Xiaowu for advice, and even re-activated the "synchronic coordination" training method used in the previous three LPL training camps. , under No. 5’s careful guidance and teaching without reservation, I finally found and became familiar with another type of CA that contributed to the team.

y idea——

There is no need for direct and brutal single-line killing through hard ca


But a softer roundabout way.

Convert your own personal strength advantages into help for the team more efficiently.

On this point, the other four members of the decisive team have an extremely intuitive experience during the actual training in recent days:

Originally, if they faced God, Hayami or KG's main lineup in a training match, their chances of winning would be very low, and they would rarely win. However, under the guidance of No. 5, Lin Feng made some changes in his playing style and ideas. After adjustment...

When facing the first team lineup of Hayami and KG, although they still lost more and won less, it was clear that in the early and mid-term confrontation, they were increasingly able to stabilize their footing and even seize the initiative.

Even against the main lineup of God-Hand of God, their performance was far better than before.

"It's a bit interesting."

This is the comment No. 1 gave after watching the new training and actual combat of the decisive team:

"This kind of cooperation now can really bring out the full combat power of the five members of your team."

Before, it was more about fighting independently.

Nowadays, they have begun to become truly twisted into a rope.


Show the strength and style that a team should have.

Fujian Province, Xiacheng.

The same team named Decisive Victory came to the venue where they competed today.

There was also a noisy scene of crowds of people in front of us.

Xia Ziyou took a deep breath, with a serious look on her face:


"It's time to fight hard!"

Sun Zheng next to him nodded slowly and said in a solemn tone:

"The difficulty will be much higher than the first preliminary round."

Zhou Yang licked his lips, but there was no nervousness on his face, but more of excitement and desire:

"What are you afraid of?"

"Our past few days...are not a waste of time!"

Zhu Ming and Wu Tian on the side also nodded vigorously and glanced at the competing teams in front of them, just like hungry wolves looking at a pile of prey with green light:

"Practice is so hard, it's time for us to test the results!"

"If I don't get a complete victory today, I will be sorry for the hellish training these days!"

Wu Tian turned to look at Mu Qiu:

"Brother Mu, just watch this morning."

"Let's give you two beautiful shows first, and we won't hold you back!"

This is also the plan and arrangement they made before today——

The second round of games is also a five-game BO1 single-game win-lose system. The team that wants to advance to the next round needs to win at least three games, but before, they had Mu Qiu come on first to help the team get one or two wins to guarantee the bottom line. , and then rotate it down to let a few of them try it out on their own.

But today, it's the other way around.

Mu Qiu will not play for the time being, and Zhu Ming will be the substitute. Mu Qiu will only watch from the sidelines, just as an insurance policy, giving priority to the performance of the five members of the team.

Although it is just such a small adjustment, it is actually a formal test for Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng, Wu Tian, ​​Zhou Yang, and Zhu Ming.

Without Mu Qiu, can they show enough strength to advance to the next round?

Zhou Yang patted Zhu Ming on the shoulder:

"It's up to you today."

Zhu Ming gritted his teeth: "Don't worry, my support is not as good as Brother Mu, but I will definitely not embarrass our team!"

There was vicious determination in his tone.

Seeing that the mental states of the people in front of her were completely new compared to last week, Mu Qiu raised the corner of her mouth slightly:


"Then I'll watch it first."

at the same time.

It's still Xiacheng, in another competition venue not far away.

"We'll be here soon!"

"There are two games in the morning, try to win them all!"

"come on! Come on!"

Zhang Xin, Lin Ziyang and several team members are eager to try.

Although they are probably the youngest teenagers in the entire competition venue, it seems that in terms of mentality, they are really better than most of the other competitors.

It is this mentality of not being afraid of losing, not looking forward and backward, and focusing on winning, that may become their greatest advantage.

In contrast, Zhou Mo, who was accompanying the coach today, seemed a little absent-minded.

"Brother Mo, Brother Mo?"

Seeing that Zhou Mo seemed to be worried, Zhang Xin called out twice curiously:

"Are you okay?"

Zhou Mo came back to his senses and smiled apologetically:

"Well, it's okay."

"I just got distracted."

However, even though he said so.

But his eyes still couldn't help but glance around the venue——

(Should not be here.)

(So... is it at another venue?)

The update is here, and I will try to resume two updates tomorrow. Go away and continue working overtime.

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