
Chapter 139 Looking for the future

In the following five days, the teams that advanced to the second round of trials from all major domestic divisions once again devoted themselves to intensive training and preparations.

While the players and members of these participating teams are busy preparing for the next round of competition, the major e-sports news media are also not idle.

First, a statistical list of the promoted teams in each division was quickly made with extremely high efficiency.

Then, based on the data of the five matches played by the promoted teams in the first round of preliminary rounds, cross-comparison and analysis were carried out through a certain algorithm, so as to upgrade and revise the original first division power list and make a second ranking.

The reliability and fairness of this new ranking list are much higher than the first edition.

Again, more specific and detailed.

The original first version of the list only used the basic information filled out by each team when registering online as a reference, but now the second version of the updated iteration takes into account all data from each team's five games. within the scope of assessment.

Of course, just looking at those complicated data and hexagonal analysis diagrams will probably make the majority of ordinary players and netizens feel extremely overwhelmed.

Only true professionals will calm down and study it carefully and make some more accurate assessments and judgments.

After all, e-sports media relies on traffic.

It doesn’t necessarily need to be very professional.

But first of all, they must catch people's attention and find enough gimmicks.

Therefore, corresponding to this version of the professional list, major e-sports media followed up by launching another list——

List of the most potential (most valuable) rising stars!

It's easy to understand at first glance. This is to find and select "star" players among thousands of registered teams across the country.

For example, the overall strength of a certain team in the Guangzhou Division may be average, but the ADC players in the team are extremely powerful. They used various ADC heroes in turns in the five preliminary games, showing an amazing hero pool, and at the same time, their record KDA was the best in the game. It is said that the playing style is similar to the current ace ADC of the God team, Huangxue Yege...

This person can be nicknamed "Little Night Song" by the noisy e-sports media in minutes.

It doesn't stop there.

Another example is a team ranked in the top 20 in the Beijing Division.

One of the junglers in the five games had miraculous counter-crouching skills and caught the opponent's jungler fifteen times. His consciousness was so strong that it was shocking and moving. It seemed that he could vaguely see a bit of the SSK team's seventh-level jungler Mafa. shadow...

Therefore, the nickname "Little Mafa" was instantly given to this freshman classmate.

Another example is that the ace mid laner of some teams used the great inventor Heimerdinger continuously in the five games of the preliminary round, making it impossible for opponents who lacked the experience of facing off against the mid laner to deal with it, even for 20 minutes. The big dragon was secretly killed by the big head——

The text editors of various media outlets specially noted in this player's personal information that this big-headed specialist player currently holds the highest winning rate among single inventors in the national server and is recognized as the number one inventor in the national server.

It is also the information about players and players that these e-sports media have racked their brains to collect and sort out, which has attracted the attention of the majority of netizens in the national server.

The Internet is talking about these potential new stars who have been selected.

Everyone is curious and speculating whether among these newcomers, there will really be the next Morning Star and the next Huangxue Night Song in the future, and become the leader of the new generation in the professional e-sports circle of their national server.

And it’s not just the e-sports media that are busy.

In the past five days, the workload of the major domestic electrical associations branches has increased sharply.

Because in addition to the arrangements for the subsequent second round of competitions, based on the results of the first round of preliminary rounds and the first wave of data that have been collected, the staff of the Electricity Association in various places also have to classify and archive them, and Teams and players make assessments and determinations.

This requires even more professionalism than online e-sports media.

Because the purpose is different.

The e-sports media selects the so-called popular new stars just to attract traffic and earn enough attention.

The tasks of the local electrical associations have been formulated in advance from the beginning of this LSPL selection. They need to screen and find those teams and players with real potential from thousands of teams across the country to serve as national professional players. The next batch of new generations in the e-sports circle replenish reserves.

With such a purpose in mind, the workload of the staff of the Electrical and Electronics Industry Association is naturally greater than that of the media.

Don't just look for popular celebrities who are outstanding enough and eye-catching at the moment.

Even for some teams that have been eliminated, they still have to work hard to identify and discover whether there are players with potential.

"Don't think of this as a trivial matter that can be dealt with casually."

"What we are doing now..."

"We are looking for the future of the Chinese e-sports circle."

This is an instruction from the top brass of the Electric Power Association.

It also sets an extremely serious tone for this job.

Therefore, not only the staff of the local electrical association branches take this seriously, but even official event commentators like Su Xue have to participate in it and share some of the work.

According to what Su Xue said when chatting with someone on the phone:

"We OB commentators should actually be the most familiar with these participating teams."

"I have the most intuitive understanding of the performance, status, and performance of these teams and players."

"So our opinions have very important reference value for the evaluation work of the Electric Power Association."

"That's why——"

"I'm so sorry I have to keep working overtime!!"

At the end of the phone call, Su Da explained the lamentation.

During the same five days, Lin Feng spent less time going to school and focused more on training with several teammates in the team.

In fact, this time the media updated the division strength list, and their decisive team was also on the list.

After all, it was a victory in 5 games, showing a stronger level than the original strength on paper.

However, when various e-sports media conducted internal analysis and evaluation, they did not pay much attention to this decisive team——

Because there are not many strong teams in the second branch of the Magic City, and only one Tigers team was in the top ten of the original list, the decisive team won all five games and was considered by the commentators of various media. The result is the lack of strong competitors.

The three teams that really attracted attention were Jiutian, Meilan and TO.

In the new round of selection lists, these three teams continue to sit firmly in the top three.

The respective team members were all rated on the list of rising stars with great potential and value without any suspense.

But very few people know that in the office of the president of the Magic City Electronics Association branch, compared to the three teams that the outside world is generally optimistic about, the intelligence information of the decisive team is placed most prominently on the president's desk. first-hand position.

Lin Feng naturally didn't know this information.

Even if I know, I won’t care.

After communicating with several teammates in the team, he clarified his next task, and he chose to ask Senior No. 1 for help.

"Want to do more-"

After listening to Lin Feng's request, No. 1 nodded slightly, expressing his approval of someone's thoughts and consciousness, but then he changed the topic lightly:

"You probably won't get much useful help from me in this regard."


"I can go talk to your sister Xiao Wu."

"It should be more rewarding."

The update is sent, there is still only one update. After the two days of busy work, it will return to the normal two updates.

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