
Chapter 137 The unexpected surprise of the teenagers

That night, some teams were prepared for danger. After being reminded to remember their original intentions, they did not bother to reward themselves with a late-night snack. After paying the bill in a hurry, they returned to the Internet cafe to start a new round of intense training.

There are also people who are still happily eating midnight snacks and celebrating excitedly.

Zhang Xin and a few friends took advantage of the weekend and made up a reason with their parents to sneak out from the town and run to Xiacheng to participate in the preliminary round of the selection competition. After playing, they took another ride on Sunday evening. The short bus ride to Xiamen City returns to the town.

Back in town, it was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

When we were in Xiacheng, we didn't bother to have dinner. The friends in the team suggested having a late-night dinner together, which was naturally unanimously approved by everyone in the team.

At the late-night snack stall, there were several large plates of barbecue skewers, plus a bunch of soda drinks. The cost was already quite high for a junior high school student, but today, Zhang Xin was quite proud to show that he was treating the guests, which was regarded as a treat for everyone.

After all, they have achieved quite satisfactory results in this preliminary round.


At the age of fourteen or fifteen, I still don’t know how to drink alcohol, so just a few soda bottles clinking together, but the joyful atmosphere has not diminished at all.

Several friends, including Zhang Xin, all had beaming faces:


ice! "

"Hahaha, the preliminary round went well!"

"Everyone played very well, did it exceed expectations?"


Before the official start of this trial, when it was still in the online registration stage, their team's strength ranking could not even enter the top 100 in the Xiacheng Division. But after the preliminary round, the five games in the first round In the battle, their results were far better than their paper rankings.

"3 wins and 2 losses!"

Speaking of his team's achievements, Zhang Xin's eyes couldn't help but sparkle with excitement:

“It’s really awesome!”

In this preliminary round, their luck was actually not good.

Because they have not encountered any weak team that is far inferior to their own, several opponents they encountered in the five games were even ranked in the top 100 on the combat power list.

Every game was extremely difficult and tight.

The outcome is decided after all efforts.

The most critical thing is the fifth game. They had a record of 2 wins and 2 losses in the first four games. The victory or defeat in the last game will be directly related to whether they can advance steadily, but luck still does not favor them. Their opponents It is a team ranked 55th on the Xiacheng Division list.

For them, this is actually an opponent that is much stronger than them.

Normally, their odds of winning are low.

And if they lose, the final record of 2 wins and 3 losses will make them very likely to be eliminated in the first round of the preliminary round.

Under such tension and pressure, even many mature semi-professional or even professional team players may be affected mentally, leading to abnormal performance in the final game of the last game, and ultimately regretful defeat and regret.

But it happened that——

But it was these junior high school boys who were only fourteen or fifteen years old who withstood the huge psychological pressure at such the most stressful moment.

Although some of the little boys at that time were also nervous and uneasy, Zhang Xin, as the captain, stood up and said these words to these little friends in a calm and sophisticated manner that he had never seen before. :

"The last one."

“We played well in the first four games.”

"This last game is related to whether we can qualify. Of course, including me, we will be under a lot of pressure."

"But, there is nothing we can do about it."

"Since you choose to participate in this trial, you will definitely encounter such difficulties."

"We have worked hard for a whole month and put in so much to get to this point, so the last step should be completed properly."

"We cannot live up to our own hard work."

"Even if the opponent is very strong——"

"The worst thing is, it's just a fight!"

"The rankings on the combat power list are not necessarily reliable. It's not like we haven't killed the top 100 powerful opponents in the previous four games, so in this round... who says we can't win?"

What followed was a moment of silence from the other friends in the team.

And a moment later, there was a roaring response in unison:

"Fuck him!"

It is such a simple and extremely pure two words.

In the last crucial decisive game, these teenagers gritted their teeth and performed to the extreme.

Perhaps even their opponents, the team ranked 55th in the division list, did not expect that when they were confident at the beginning that they were sure of victory, they actually had an accident and lost to these few An ordinary boy who is no more than high school age at most.

A few junior high school boys fought tooth and nail.

Seriously, it gave them a victory of weak against strong.

It also helped them steadily pave the way to advance to the next round of competition.

At the night snack stall, several little guys were happily high-fiving and chatting excitedly about their performance in those games, discussing the gains and losses, and patting their chests thankfully for the dangers they had avoided.

Zhou Mo, who was sitting aside, smiled and watched this scene with some admiration and emotion in his heart.

In the past two days of games in Xiacheng, he actually accompanied them throughout the game as a coach. He also saw the hard work and dedication of these young people, as well as their persistence and fighting on the field.

In the final game of life and death, even if he did not play, he could still feel the tremendous pressure on several players.

At that time, he had not thought about whether the mentality of several teenagers would be affected by such pressure.

There are also worries.

But in the end——

These young children brought him an unexpected surprise.

Each of them may be far more immature than those real professional players at a personal level.

But that kind of big heart, fearless of difficulties, and courageous belief and will are enough to move anyone.

At that moment, he felt as if he could see the reflections of himself and his friends in these young men.

"Brother Mo, Brother Mo!"

Several calls from Zhang Xin finally brought Zhou Mo back to his senses:


Then he saw several young men in front of him looking at him, and Zhang Xin raised his wine glass:

“It’s time to toast you with the second cup!”

"Really, half of the credit for being able to advance with 3 wins and 2 losses this time must go to you!"

Several other friends also nodded vigorously to express their strong agreement:


"Brother Jingmo! Great hero!"

Zhou Mo laughed when he heard this: "I'm just fulfilling my obligation as a coach..."

Zhang Xin immediately became unhappy after hearing this:

"What is the obligation? You are so humble!"

"Anyway, if it weren't for you this time, it would be even less possible for us to win the last life-and-death game!"

An update is coming. The next chapter will be a little later, so I have to work overtime first. . .

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