
Chapter 134 Making up for the situation

Lin Feng went home again that night.

He took out the key and opened the door and entered the house. The lights in the living room were still on, and a certain Su Dajie, who looked exhausted and dying, was once again lying on the sofa.

Lin Feng was surprised:

"Is it so hard today?"

Su Xue lay half-dead on the sofa, staring blankly at the ceiling as if thinking about life:

"too bitter……"

"The popularity of the live broadcast room today is almost twice as high as yesterday."

"The superiors made a temporary decision and doubled the number of OB live broadcast games - which means opening an additional live broadcast room and arranging other commentators to take charge."

In other words, her own commentary OB work has not been eased in the slightest.

Still the same as yesterday...

"Fourteen games!!"

“One more game than yesterday!!”

Su Xue was so aggrieved that she wanted to cry. Damn, it was true that she worked hard and worked hard, and it was true that she strived to make progress, but doing this every day made her iron-clad body unable to bear it.

Lin Feng also looked at Su Xue sympathetically:

"What should I do..."

Su Xue lay on the sofa and hummed feebly: "My waist hurts, my back hurts, and my neck is sore——"

"Press it for you?"


Finally, someone was kind-hearted and sat on the sofa to give Su Dajie, who had been working hard all day, a shoulder and back massage. It was so comfortable that Su Xue kept humming:

"A little to the left, and a little above."

"Yes, yes, right here, press it for me again, harder!"

"Phew - feel good!"

After the massage, the satisfied Su Xue continued to lie down on the sofa, finally having some leisure time to care about someone's game today:

"Have you finished playing today? How was it?"

Lin Feng rubbed his sore arm: "It's okay.

All won. "

Su Xue's eyes lit up: "That means winning all five battles, okay!"

Lin Feng didn't take it seriously: "The opponents are too weak, so it's normal to win."

"Well, that's true. Hey, in the next few rounds, we will soon reach the top 32. After that, you will meet the top ten and five teams on the list. You have to study more and be prepared - I am here again today. OB narrated a game of the Meilan team, and their strength was not much different from the Jiutian I watched yesterday.”

Lin Feng nodded:

"Well, when I get back to the room later, I'll look for a video replay online and take a look."

Su Xue quickly sat up from the sofa:

"Don't be busy."

"If you have nothing to do, go live with me for a while. I still have a lot of time left to catch up on - I'm the only one who can live broadcast. I'm afraid I'll fall asleep while watching it later..."

Lin Feng naturally nodded and agreed to Su Xue's request.

I have been busy playing trials these past two days and going to the God Club base for training. Now that the first round of trials is over, I have to report to the old fans in the live broadcast room.

In fact, even before the preliminary round started, the fans and water friends in Su Xue's live broadcast room were already gearing up and ready. They had been talking about organizing a support group to come to the scene to cheer for Lin Feng's team in the preliminary round.

According to their original words, "Let the competition venue become Fengfeng's home court from the beginning of the preliminary round."

But Lin Feng also considered that the schedule for the preliminary round was relatively fragmented and did not want the fans and water friends in the live broadcast room to work too hard. In addition, it was only the preliminary round, and there was really no need to make such a big fanfare, so he gave it to everyone. Dissuaded.

In return, he also promised everyone in the live broadcast room to come back and report the situation as soon as the game is over, so that fans can rest assured.

The relationship between them... has indeed become as close as a family.

I accompanied Su Xue on the live broadcast for about two or three hours, of which only a small half was spent playing rankings. The other half was spent chatting with fellow water friends and reporting on the trials.

After learning that Lin Feng's team had won five games in the first round, the fans in the live broadcast room were naturally excited and excited:

"As expected of Fengfeng!"

"Victory in five battles, awesome!"

"If we keep the momentum like this, we will soon be in the top thirty-two, right?"

"Fengfeng, just wait. When we reach the 32nd level, our demon support group will come over to cheer you on!"

"The momentum at home must be built up!"

"That's it, what about Jiutian Charming Blue TO? Let those old clubs see the power of our live broadcast fan club!"

When the live broadcast ended, Su Xue yawned and went to the bathroom to wash up and go to bed. Lin Feng also returned to his room.

Returning to the bedroom, instead of lying down directly on the bed, Lin Feng came to the table and opened the laptop he kept at home. After thinking about it, he moved the mouse to click on the browser and started searching online for the results of the two days of the Magic City Sub-region Trials. Preliminary OB video.

I quickly found a lot of replay videos.

Select a few of them and click on them individually.

Watch them one by one.

Speeding up the playback at twice the speed and three times the speed, pulling the progress bar a few times in the middle, it took almost half an hour. After watching three or four battle videos, Lin Feng casually closed the browser, leaned back on the chair, and relaxed Take a breath.

Indeed, it is a bit difficult...

It is said that hearing is false and seeing is believing. Although many people have mentioned it and heard very high praises, it was not until he watched several video playbacks with his own eyes that Lin Feng truly felt that no matter what he had done before, The evaluations of Senior No. 1, Sister Xue, or Jingu and others were not mixed with any water.

Jiutian, Meilan, TO.

If nothing else, now he can at least make one judgment——

That is, with the current strength and state of their decisive team, the odds of winning against these three teams are indeed not high.

This is not to say that the core midlaner of his own team is not strong enough, but that if he wants to defeat such an opponent, it is never enough to just rely on a strong core player to exert his strength at a single point.

Just like if the SSK team had only one strong player, Han Shihao, it would never be possible to defeat God in this year's finals.

"It's difficult to handle——"

Lin Feng reached out and rubbed the temples on his forehead.

In the middle line alone, he can be sure that the mid laners of those three teams are no match for him.

But the remaining four positions of Ueno and Nosuke are hard to say.

The improvement speed of several partners is no longer slow, but various challenges are coming faster.

Among them, he, the captain, must also bear responsibility.

I should have spent more time training with the team and developed the team's tacit understanding and other things faster.


It is necessary to remedy the situation before it is too late.

In the next week or two, I may still have to ask for leave from the school. Just going to God Base to train every afternoon or evening is still too little time.

Since their goal is to play professionally or even higher, they should have a deeper awareness.

The hard work of eating right now is not enough.

Lin Feng touched his nose and thought about it, and at this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

The update is here, two updates are done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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