
Chapter 131 A moment of silence in advance

According to Su Xue, most of the thirteen games she narrated today were "spectacular" entertainment or fun games.

But there are one or two games that are indeed of high quality.

Especially the one with the Jiutian Team.

Of course, as the top player in the Magic City subdivision's combat power list, it is expected that the Jiutian team is strong.

The evaluation given by Su Xue was not just based on the ranking factors of the combat power list.

"Mainly because of the game that my OB explained, the opponents they encountered in Jiutian were also strong."

Su Xue and Lin Feng said in serious tones:

"If you just crush the vegetable abuse game, you won't see much."

Lin Feng nodded.

He understands this situation very well. Just like today in the three games where they defeated the team, the opponents they encountered were all too ordinary in strength. As a result, they easily won the victory without showing much real ability. In this way... Naturally, there is nothing famous about it.

"Perhaps their other games in Jiutian were atrocious, but I was lucky. The OB commentator for this game was really of high quality——"

“It’s definitely not an exaggeration to say it’s a professional game.”

Having said this, Su Xue paused and added;

"And Jiutian's opponents are all at least at the professional level of LSPL."

Then Su Xue introduced Lin Feng and told her that in her OB game, the Jiutian team happened to meet a team that was also ranked high on the Magic City division division's power list, ranking 9th on the list. .

Ranked 9th in the Magic City sub-division list, if you go to other divisions, they will be at least the top five or even the top three.

The battle between the two strong teams was fierce enough and a feast for the eyes of the netizens and viewers in the OB live broadcast room at that time.

The ninth-ranked team as the opponent was previously a well-known semi-professional team in the Magic City. This year, it was obviously well-prepared, whether it was the tacit cooperation between the players or the ba

The tactical ideas that start from the selection are extremely rigorous and mature, and the play is relaxed and relaxed, with very few mistakes or flaws that would appear in the passerby game.

But even facing such an opponent, the Jiutian team still won within 33 minutes of game time.

Win above board.

There is no doubt about winning.

The snowball slowly grew from the beginning until it rolled to the end, leaving the opponent with no hope or chance of a comeback.

The scene is not violent or bloody, and there are no overly exciting four-kill or five-kill harvesting or awesome manipulation.

But it's "crushing" in another sense.

"It's all-round leadership and suppression."

Su Xue said to Lin Feng solemnly:

"Umaka and Nosuke, Team Jiutian is very strong in every aspect, so strong that it's almost impossible to find fault with them."

"Line advantage, teamfight advantage, tactical execution and tacit cooperation - it doesn't look like a newly formed team at all. It's so experienced that even people would believe it is an active LPL team. Anyway, I have been commentating in the LSPL division for one season. I don’t think any LSPL team can do this well.”

Su Xue spoke seriously, and Lin Feng listened seriously.

After listening, he nodded:

"Okay, I'll ask them to record the video later and take a look."

This is the benefit of the official OB live broadcast room. In the past, there would not be any special video materials for this kind of preliminary battle in the trial. But now, if Lin Feng is willing, he can go to the official live broadcast online. You can find what you want by just flipping through the video playback in the room.

Jiutian team...

Since Senior No. 1 has specifically given instructions, and in addition to Sister Xue's comments tonight, it is necessary to be a little more careful.

"Oh, by the way, which branch venue are you at?"

After talking for a long time, Su Xue remembered this and looked at Lin Feng:

"I've been commentating on more than a dozen games today. I was originally wondering if your team would be assigned to one...so how was your performance today?"

Lin Feng replied: "It's okay. We played three games and won them all - oh we are in the second venue."

Su Xue showed a clear look:

"Yeah, I think so..."

Su Xue was quite reassured about the strength of Lin Feng and his decisive team. Although she had just given a very high evaluation to that Jiutian team, but having said that, the kid in front of her could even spar with F-Han Shihao back then. The guy.

Just a preliminary round of the LSPL trials is certainly not a problem.

Then Su Xue became interested in the second half of someone's words:

"Second venue?"

"Hey, do you have some kind of Tiger Troop over there?"

Lin Feng was a little strange: "Sister Xue, how did you know?"

"Oh, a commentator colleague of mine mentioned it during the break today. He has done commentary for some offline semi-professional events here in Magic City before. He is familiar with the relatively strong local teams. He mentioned this Tigers team. At the second venue this time - I only know that they are the eighth-ranked team on this list, but my colleague said that although they are strong, the players have quite arrogant tempers. "

This is not the first time Lin Feng has heard such comments today.

So he scratched his head again, a little confused:

"Are you angry..."

"It seems okay."

Sunday, the second day of the LSPL preliminary round.

It was still early nine in the morning, and Lin Feng, the five winning team, arrived at the second competition venue.

There are still crowds of people in the venue today, but the atmosphere seems to be a little more **like than yesterday.

Basically every team has played two or three games yesterday. Teams that had poor results on the first day now have a sense of crisis. If they cannot perform well today, they will try to win the next few games. , this time the LSPL selection competition may be a round trip for them.

Lin Feng and others could easily see nervous and solemn expressions on the faces of many team members in the crowd.

But they themselves are relaxed.

Anyway, with three wins in hand, promotion is guaranteed.

There are only two games left, I just hope that I can meet some tough opponents.

But this morning at the venue, there seemed to be no Tigers players or coaches. This made Lin Feng and others a little regretful. They might have played all five games yesterday, or maybe they just played this afternoon. There is a competition——

No matter what the situation is, it is probably destined to not meet them for the time being.

"Then probably, there won't be too much pressure today."

Zeng Rui made this judgment.

Chen Ting is gearing up:

"It's okay, just abuse food."

"It's time to relax."

After returning to the God Club base yesterday afternoon, he was taught over and over again by several seniors and top opponents like Tian Tian during training. He just happened to be depressed and ready to vent.

For the remaining two opponents they will encounter, they can already observe a moment of silence for the top laners of those two teams in advance.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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